[JBoss Tools Users] - Re: Web App Libraries not published?
by max.andersen@jboss.com
First, You moved from one IDE to another - please do expect some subtle differences. We love to help you make sure it works for you and at the same time learn what challenges a MyEclipse "migrator" bumps into - so please bear with us while trying to figure out what you are having problems with!
Secondly, here are some questions/answers
what does "content assist seems to be completely broken" means ? There are about 100 or so different code completions in Eclipse + JBoss Tools. Could you be more specific ?
About where errors are - look in the the Error Log View.
About redeploy and MyEclipse hotswapped one class then that sounds weird. Hotswapping is only done when you have a debug session running and has nothing to do with MyEclipse - just basic eclipse Java debug behavior.
And *if* you use the Server adapters provided by JBoss Tools i.e. in the JBoss Community and JBoss Enterprise categories then we only copy the actual changed files (to i.e. allow for .xhtml and similar files to be available instantly). No redeploy should occur *unless* you are touching the descriptors.
In case you simply don't want any automatic publishing then you can disable that in the global preferences or simply double click the server in the server view and disable it on that Server Editor that pops up.
btw. it might be me - but aren't your problems about class exceptions more about trying to use JBoss AS on a project that is configured to run in Tomcat standalone ?
For the issues about "converting a project" then in JBoss Tools 3.1.x we will be introducing a "don't copy/manage libraries" option too.
Maybe it would be better if you created different threads for different problems ? (hard to discuss project conversion, content assist, difference in deployment between IDE's etc.)
btw. I'm 100% convinced that MyEclipse doesn't do anything magically here that we don't do - your project is just done via MyEclipse's "way" so it works better there out of the box....we just need to find out what that "way" are to fix it.
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15 years, 4 months