[jBPM] - task for multiple users
by koen hermans
koen hermans [http://community.jboss.org/people/koen.hermans] created the discussion
"task for multiple users"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/535346#535346
I have a question about tasks in jBPM. After Reading the user and dev guide, I wasn't able to find a solution for assign a task to multiple users AND all those users must be able to complete the task.
I know it's possible to assign a task to multiple users but than one of them has to claim the task to complete it and than the other users can't complete the task.
But what if a task must be done by multiple users....? Is this possible, can it be done sequencely? Do each user have to wait till another user has complete the task (if so, than it can take a while before every single user has done the task)?
I'm using jBPM 4.3....
Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you by advance...
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14 years, 11 months
Re: [jboss-user] [JBoss Tools] - WEB-INF/lib remains empty after deployment
by henk de boer
henk de boer [http://community.jboss.org/people/henk53] replied to the discussion
"WEB-INF/lib remains empty after deployment"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/535345#535345
As I just had it happening again, these are the steps I did this morning:
* Started up Eclipse fresh (I usually let my computer sleep and don't restart Eclipse)
* Make a change to a .jsp file and .java file
* As part of my automatic ritual, executed Clean... on the Server runtime (the one that publishes from scratch)
* Started up the server in Debug
As it appeared, all my files where there, but WEB-INF/lib was completely empty.
I then did the following:
* Closed the three projects that make up my EAR app (the ear, and the ejb + web modules)
* Re-opened those same three projects again
* Executed Clean... on the Server runtime
Upon inspecting the deployment, all the files in WEB-INF/lib were back again.
The workaround is thus pretty straightforward, but it can be very frustrating if you don't know this exact workaround.
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14 years, 11 months
Re: [jboss-user] [jBPM] - jBPM 4.3 starting a sub-process after a state node will fail
by Maciej Swiderski
Maciej Swiderski [http://community.jboss.org/people/swiderski.maciej] replied to the discussion
"jBPM 4.3 starting a sub-process after a state node will fail"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/535344#535344
I did run your use case and it worked. Only thing is that I created Subprocess since it was not included in the zip file.
1. WfeUtility -deploy SubZzA.jpdl.xml (this should return deployment id to have a reference in case of need for clean up)
2. WfeUtility -deploy SubProcTasks.jpdl.xml (this should return deployment id to have a reference in case of need for clean up)
3. WfeUtility -start SimSubProc - this should return process instance id
------ so now we have process started and it is in check_id node
4. WfeUtility -signal PROC_INST_ID returned by step 3 - this should return process instance id after signal
--------- now we are in sub process state1 - here is my simple sub process with just one state within it
5. WfeUtility -signal SUBPROCESS_INST_ID - had to look it up in db
---- now we left sub process and went to state ok
WfeUtility -signal PROC_INS_ID returned by step 4
----- process is finished
Attached is complete set of files of process definitions
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14 years, 11 months