Darryl Miles [
http://community.jboss.org/people/dlmiles] created the discussion
"Re: 64 bit xulrunner - has anyone got one, or detailed steps to build one?"
To view the discussion, visit:
Would the QtWebkit API be suitable for use ?
http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qtwebkit.html Is the QWebElement class and API what
you need and mean ?
Are you looking to manipulate the HTML element markup via DOM ?
Are you looking to manipulate the browser context from JavaScript execution from inside
the page ?
Is it straightforward enough in Eclipse to start a worker/helper process which can share
windows handles to provide a seamless IDE (a bit like how Chrome uses processes per tab
and Firefox now puts Flash in a worker process) ?
I believe the Qt suite is able to run across all the desired platforms, Linux, Windows and
MaxOSX all in 32bit and 64bit forms. Hopefully I'll have some Maven releases out to
allow easier consumption and some Eclipse plugins to follow to build work on top of.
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