Maciej Swiderski [] replied to the
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Hi guys,
finally I found some time to look into this issue.
First of all I don't see anything wrong with adding methods (such as timeout or
cancel) to activity behavior - to me they are regular life cycle methods of the activity.
Especially that one of the core funtinalities is timers.
Next, ExternalActivityBehaviour is not modified. That's why new interface was created
(TimeoutActivityBehaviour) and this interface is only implemented by TaskActivity.
I have tried the patch from jira (20100227-JBPM-2753) but unfortunately it is incomplete.
There are few things missing - mainly those that Ronald posted inline. I made some
modification to make it to work. So, currently both issues seems to have a solution:
- JBPM-2753 - uses timeout to close task
- JBPM-2807 - uses cancel to close task
Main change compared to Ronlad's changes is to make Timer to make use of new signaling
- marking it as timeout aware. It uses new signal constructor introduced by Ronald.
I will put some comments and the patch into jira later today.
Let me know your comments.
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