I have a server with 2 cpu XEON(3GHz) and 4GB in RAM
I have installed Fedora Core 3 and JBOSS 4.0.2
JBOSS is initialized with next options:
/java -server -Xms1024m -Xmx2560m
-Dprogram.name=run.sh -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=/opt/jboss-4.0.2/lib/endorsed -classpath
/opt/jboss-4.0.2/bin/run.jar:/opt/java//lib/tools.jar org.jboss.Main
When I start Linux with a simple kernel(only sees 1 cpu) the processes I run are ok and
have no problem, but when I start Linux with a kernel smp(sees the 2 cpu), the time these
processes late is too long and never end.
I think it's a problem of syncronization between java and the cpu's.
What can I do to resolve this situation
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