Author: navssurtani
Date: 2008-06-29 19:29:19 -0400 (Sun, 29 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 6119
Javadocced stuff
searchable/trunk/src/main/java/org/jboss/cache/search/ 2008-06-29
22:32:02 UTC (rev 6118)
searchable/trunk/src/main/java/org/jboss/cache/search/ 2008-06-29
23:29:19 UTC (rev 6119)
@@ -99,7 +99,6 @@
return index == idList.size() - 1;
- //TODO: Why does this method work but " return idList.get(index) ==
idList.size() -1); " doesn't ?
Modified: searchable/trunk/src/main/java/org/jboss/cache/search/
searchable/trunk/src/main/java/org/jboss/cache/search/ 2008-06-29
22:32:02 UTC (rev 6118)
searchable/trunk/src/main/java/org/jboss/cache/search/ 2008-06-29
23:29:19 UTC (rev 6119)
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
// this is the ACTUAL cache. that does all the work.
private Cache<K, V> cache;
+ //TODO: Will this barf because of searchFactory being null or does it not matter to
private SearchFactoryImpl searchFactory;
//TODO: javadoc!!
@@ -35,222 +38,487 @@
this.searchFactory = searchFactory;
+ /**
+ * Creates a CacheQuery object from a given Lucene Query.
+ *
+ * @param luceneQuery
+ * @return CacheQuery object
+ */
public CacheQuery createQuery(Query luceneQuery)
return new CacheQueryImpl(luceneQuery, searchFactory, cache);
+ /**
+ * Creates a CacheQuery object from a Lucene Query and a class array.
+ *
+ * @param luceneQuery
+ * @param classes
+ * @return CacheQuery object.
+ */
public CacheQuery createQuery(Query luceneQuery, Class... classes)
return new CacheQueryImpl(luceneQuery, searchFactory, cache, classes);
+ /**
+ * Returns an org.jboss.cache.config.Configuration instance.
+ *
+ * @return org.jboss.cache.config.Configuration
+ */
public Configuration getConfiguration()
return cache.getConfiguration();
+ /**
+ * Returns an org.jboss.cache.Node instance.
+ *
+ * @return org.jboss.cache.Node<K,V>
+ */
public Node getRoot()
return cache.getRoot();
+ /**
+ * Adds a listener to the cache.
+ *
+ * @param listener
+ */
+ //TODO: Does this have to be a CacheListener?
public void addCacheListener(Object listener)
- public void addCacheListener(Fqn<?> fqn, Object o)
- {
- cache.addCacheListener(fqn, o);
- }
+ /**
+ * Removes a listener from the cache.
+ *
+ * @param listener
+ */
public void removeCacheListener(Object listener)
- public void removeCacheListener(Fqn<?> fqn, Object o)
- {
- cache.removeCacheListener(fqn, o);
- }
+ /**
+ * Returns a set of listeners that the cache has.
+ *
+ * @return A set of listeners.
+ */
public Set getCacheListeners()
return cache.getCacheListeners();
- public Set<Object> getCacheListeners(Fqn<?> fqn)
- {
- return cache.getCacheListeners(fqn);
- }
+ /**
+ * Puts something into the cache with a given Fqn, key and value.
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ * @param key
+ * @param value
+ * @return
+ */
public V put(String fqn, K key, V value)
return cache.put(fqn, key, value);
+ /**
+ * Puts something into the cache with a given Fqn and Map instance.
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ * @param data
+ */
public void put(String fqn, Map<K, V> data)
cache.put(fqn, data);
+ /**
+ * Removes something from the cache with a given Fqn and key.
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ * @param key
+ * @return
+ */
public V remove(String fqn, K key)
return cache.remove(fqn, key);
+ /**
+ * Convenience method that takes a string representation of an Fqn. Otherwise
identical to removeNode(Fqn)
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ * @return True if the node was removed, false if the node wasn't
+ */
public boolean removeNode(String fqn)
return cache.removeNode(fqn);
+ /**
+ * Gets a node from a String representation of a Fqn
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ * @return
+ */
public Node getNode(String fqn)
return cache.getNode(fqn);
+ /**
+ * Convenience method that allows for direct access to the data in a Node.
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ * @param key
+ * @return
+ */
public V get(String fqn, K key)
return cache.get(fqn, key);
+ /**
+ * Lifecycle method that initializes configuration state, the root node, etc.
+ *
+ * @throws CacheException
+ */
public void create() throws CacheException
+ /**
+ * Lifecycle method that starts the cache loader, starts cache replication,
+ * starts the region manager, etc., and (if configured) warms the cache using a
+ * state transfer or cache loader preload.
+ *
+ * @throws CacheException
+ */
public void start() throws CacheException
+ /**
+ * Lifecycle method that stops the cache, including replication, clustering, cache
loading, notifications, etc.,
+ * and clears all cache in-memory state.
+ */
public void stop()
+ /**
+ * Lifecycle method that destroys the cache and removes any interceptors/configuration
+ */
public void destroy()
+ /**
+ * Gets where the cache currently is its lifecycle transitions.
+ * @return the CacheStatus. Will not return null.
+ */
public CacheStatus getCacheStatus()
return cache.getCacheStatus();
+ /**
+ * The current invocation context for the current invocation and cache instance.
+ *
+ * @return the current invocation context for the current invocation and cache
+ */
public InvocationContext getInvocationContext()
return cache.getInvocationContext();
+ /**
+ * Sets the passed in InvocationContext as current.
+ *
+ * @param ctx
+ */
public void setInvocationContext(InvocationContext ctx)
+ /**
+ * Returns the local address of this cache in a cluster, or null if running in local
+ *
+ * @return Returns the local address of this cache in a cluster, or null if running
in local mode.
+ */
public Address getLocalAddress()
return cache.getLocalAddress();
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of members in the cluster, or null if running in local mode.
+ *
+ * @return Returns a list of members in the cluster, or null if running in local
+ */
public List getMembers()
return cache.getMembers();
+ /**
+ * Moves a part of the cache to a different subtree. Takes Strings for convenience.
+ *
+ * @param nodeToMove
+ * @param newParent
+ * @throws NodeNotExistsException
+ */
public void move(String nodeToMove, String newParent) throws NodeNotExistsException
cache.move(nodeToMove, newParent);
+ /**
+ * Returns the version of the cache as a string.
+ *
+ * @return Returns the version of the cache as a string.
+ */
public String getVersion()
return cache.getVersion();
+ /**
+ * Returns a set of attribute keys for the Fqn. Takes Strings for convenience.
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ * @return Returns a set of attribute keys for the Fqn.
+ */
public Set<K> getKeys(String fqn)
return cache.getKeys(fqn);
+ /**
+ * Removes the keys and properties from a named node. Takes Strings for convenience.
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ */
public void clearData(String fqn)
+ /**
+ * Removes the keys and properties from a named node.
+ * @param fqn
+ */
public void clearData(Fqn<?> fqn)
+ /**
+ * Returns a set of attribute keys for the Fqn.
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ * @return
+ */
public Set getKeys(Fqn<?> fqn)
return cache.getKeys(fqn);
+ /**
+ * Retrieves a defensively copied data map of the underlying node.
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ * @return a defensively copied data map of the underlying node.
+ */
public Map getData(Fqn<?> fqn)
return cache.getData(fqn);
+ /**
+ * Moves a part of the cache to a different subtree.
+ *
+ * @param nodeToMove
+ * @param newParent
+ * @throws NodeNotExistsException
+ */
public void move(Fqn<?> nodeToMove, Fqn<?> newParent) throws
cache.move(nodeToMove, newParent);
+ /**
+ * Removes a region denoted by the Fqn passed in.
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ * @return True if the region did exist and was removed, false otherwise.
+ */
public boolean removeRegion(Fqn<?> fqn)
return cache.removeRegion(fqn);
+ /**
+ * Retrieves a Region for a given Fqn.
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ * @param createIfAbsent
+ * @return a MarshRegion. Null if none is found.
+ */
public Region getRegion(Fqn<?> fqn, boolean createIfAbsent)
return cache.getRegion(fqn, createIfAbsent);
+ /**
+ * Eviction call that evicts the specified Node from memory.
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ */
public void evict(Fqn<?> fqn)
+ /**
+ * Eviction call that evicts the specified Node from memory.
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ * @param recursive
+ */
public void evict(Fqn<?> fqn, boolean recursive)
cache.evict(fqn, recursive);
+ /**
+ * Convenience method that allows for direct access to the data in a Node.
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ * @param key
+ * @return
+ */
public V get(Fqn<?> fqn, K key)
return cache.get(fqn, key);
+ /**
+ * A convenience method to retrieve a node directly from the cache.
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ * @return
+ */
public Node getNode(Fqn<?> fqn)
return cache.getNode(fqn);
+ /**
+ * Removes a Node indicated by absolute Fqn.
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ * @return True if the node was removed, false if the node was not found.
+ */
public boolean removeNode(Fqn<?> fqn)
return cache.removeNode(fqn);
+ /**
+ * Moves a part of the cache to a different subtree.
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ * @param key
+ * @return
+ */
public V remove(Fqn<?> fqn, K key)
return cache.remove(fqn, key);
+ /**
+ * Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to a Node.
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ * @param data
+ */
public void put(Fqn<?> fqn, Map<K, V> data)
cache.put(fqn, data);
+ /**
+ * Under special operating behavior, associates the value with the specified key for a
node identified
+ * by the Fqn passed in.
+ * @param fqn
+ * @param key
+ * @param value
+ */
public void putForExternalRead(Fqn<?> fqn, K key, V value)
cache.putForExternalRead(fqn, key, value);
+ /**
+ * Associates the specified value with the specified key for a Node in this cache.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param fqn
+ * @param key
+ * @param value
+ * @return
+ */
public V put(Fqn<?> fqn, K key, V value)
return cache.put(fqn, key, value);
Modified: searchable/trunk/src/test/java/org/jboss/cache/search/
--- searchable/trunk/src/test/java/org/jboss/cache/search/ 2008-06-29
22:32:02 UTC (rev 6118)
+++ searchable/trunk/src/test/java/org/jboss/cache/search/ 2008-06-29
23:29:19 UTC (rev 6119)
@@ -89,10 +89,40 @@
assert found.size() == 1;
assert found.get(0).equals(p1);
- // TODO: Test more complex object graphs. Put a person Object which has an address
which has a City class with a name and description about that city. Then try finding
stuff by searching on the city.
+ Cache cache2 = new DefaultCacheFactory().createCache();
+ SearchableCache sc2 = new SearchableCacheFactory().createSearchableCache(cache2,
- // TODO: test removal of stuff. Remove stuff and see if you can still search for
it. You should not be able to.
- // TODO: Create more black box tests - use a replicated cache, put stuff in one
instance and perform searches on anotehr instance.
+ Person p4 = new Person();
+ p4.setName("Ralph Nader");
+ p4.setBlurb("Runs for president");
+ sc2.put(Fqn.fromString("/u/s/a"), "Ralph", p4);
+ luceneQuery = qp.parse("president");
+ query = sc.createQuery(luceneQuery);
+ found = query.list();
+ assert found.size() == 1;
+ p4.setBlurb("Makes cheese");
+ sc2.put(Fqn.fromString("/u/s/a"), "Ralph", p4);
+ luceneQuery = qp.parse("Makes cheese");
+ query = sc.createQuery(luceneQuery);
+ found = query.list();
+ assert found.size() == 2;
+ sc2.remove("/u/s/a", "Ralph");
+ luceneQuery = qp.parse("Makes cheese");
+ query = sc.createQuery(luceneQuery);
+ found = query.list();
+ assert !found.contains(p4);
// TODO: Test stuff with PojoCache. Put stuff in PojoCache (using cache.attach())
and see if you can find stuff.
Modified: searchable/trunk/src/test/java/org/jboss/cache/search/
--- searchable/trunk/src/test/java/org/jboss/cache/search/ 2008-06-29
22:32:02 UTC (rev 6118)
+++ searchable/trunk/src/test/java/org/jboss/cache/search/ 2008-06-29
23:29:19 UTC (rev 6119)
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
public class TransformerTest
- //TODO: How best to javadoc the exception methods?