JBoss Tools SVN: r5425 - in trunk/seam/tests/org.jboss.tools.seam.core.test: src/org/jboss/tools/seam/core/test and 1 other directory.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: dazarov
Date: 2007-12-21 12:27:06 -0500 (Fri, 21 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 5425
Modified: trunk/seam/tests/org.jboss.tools.seam.core.test/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
--- trunk/seam/tests/org.jboss.tools.seam.core.test/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 2007-12-21 16:34:56 UTC (rev 5424)
+++ trunk/seam/tests/org.jboss.tools.seam.core.test/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 2007-12-21 17:27:06 UTC (rev 5425)
@@ -20,5 +20,6 @@
- org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks
+ org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks,
+ org.eclipse.jface
Provide-Package: org.jboss.tools.seam.core.test
Modified: trunk/seam/tests/org.jboss.tools.seam.core.test/src/org/jboss/tools/seam/core/test/SeamValidatorsTest.java
--- trunk/seam/tests/org.jboss.tools.seam.core.test/src/org/jboss/tools/seam/core/test/SeamValidatorsTest.java 2007-12-21 16:34:56 UTC (rev 5424)
+++ trunk/seam/tests/org.jboss.tools.seam.core.test/src/org/jboss/tools/seam/core/test/SeamValidatorsTest.java 2007-12-21 17:27:06 UTC (rev 5425)
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
package org.jboss.tools.seam.core.test;
+import java.io.IOException;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
@@ -20,11 +22,15 @@
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.Job;
+import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPersistentPreferenceStore;
+import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.decorators.DecoratorManager;
import org.eclipse.ui.progress.UIJob;
import org.jboss.tools.common.model.XJob;
import org.jboss.tools.common.test.util.TestProjectProvider;
import org.jboss.tools.seam.core.ISeamProject;
+import org.jboss.tools.seam.core.SeamCorePlugin;
+import org.jboss.tools.seam.core.SeamPreferences;
import org.jboss.tools.seam.internal.core.SeamProject;
import org.jboss.tools.test.util.JUnitUtils;
@@ -479,21 +485,64 @@
public void testFactoriesValidator() {
+ // Unknown factory name
+ System.out.println("Test - Unknown factory name");
public void testBijectionsValidator() {
+ // Multiple data binder
+ System.out.println("Test - Multiple data binder");
+ // Unknown @DataModel/@Out name
+ System.out.println("Test - Unknown @DataModel/@Out name");
public void testContextVariablesValidator() {
+ modifyPreferences();
+ IPreferenceStore store = SeamCorePlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
+ System.out.println("UNKNOWN_EL_VARIABLE_NAME value- "+store.getString(SeamPreferences.UNKNOWN_EL_VARIABLE_NAME));
+ // Duplicate variable name
+ System.out.println("Test - Duplicate variable name");
+ // Unknown variable name
+ System.out.println("Test - Unknown variable name");
public void testExpressionLanguageValidator() {
+ modifyPreferences();
+ IPreferenceStore store = SeamCorePlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
+ System.out.println("UNKNOWN_EL_VARIABLE_PROPERTY_NAME value- "+store.getString(SeamPreferences.UNKNOWN_EL_VARIABLE_PROPERTY_NAME));
+ System.out.println("UNKNOWN_VARIABLE_NAME value- "+store.getString(SeamPreferences.UNKNOWN_VARIABLE_NAME));
+ System.out.println("UNPAIRED_GETTER_OR_SETTER value- "+store.getString(SeamPreferences.UNPAIRED_GETTER_OR_SETTER));
+ // Context variable cannot be resolved
+ System.out.println("Test - Context variable cannot be resolved");
+ // Property cannot be resolved
+ System.out.println("Test - Property cannot be resolved");
+ // Unpaired Getter/Setter
+ System.out.println("Test - Unpaired Getter/Setter");
+ private void modifyPreferences(){
+ IPreferenceStore store = SeamCorePlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
+ store.putValue(SeamPreferences.UNKNOWN_EL_VARIABLE_NAME, SeamPreferences.ERROR);
+ store.putValue(SeamPreferences.UNKNOWN_EL_VARIABLE_PROPERTY_NAME, SeamPreferences.ERROR);
+ store.putValue(SeamPreferences.UNKNOWN_VARIABLE_NAME, SeamPreferences.ERROR);
+ store.putValue(SeamPreferences.UNPAIRED_GETTER_OR_SETTER, SeamPreferences.ERROR);
+ if(store instanceof IPersistentPreferenceStore) {
+ try {
+ ((IPersistentPreferenceStore)store).save();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ SeamCorePlugin.getPluginLog().logError(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
private int getMarkersNumber(IFile file){
IMarker[] markers = file.findMarkers(null, true, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);
17 years, 2 months
JBoss Tools SVN: r5423 - in trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images: preferences and 2 other directories.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: sabrashevich
Date: 2007-12-21 09:41:51 -0500 (Fri, 21 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 5423
http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBDS-226 screenshots are updated in web visual tools guide
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/palette/palette_14.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/palette/palette_17.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/palette/palette_18.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/palette/palette_19.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/palette/palette_20.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/palette/palette_21.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/palette/palette_22.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/palette/pallete_4.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/preferences/preferences_27.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/verif_valid/verif_valid_1.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/verif_valid/verif_valid_10.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/verif_valid/verif_valid_11.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/verif_valid/verif_valid_12.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/verif_valid/verif_valid_13.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/verif_valid/verif_valid_14.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/verif_valid/verif_valid_2.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/verif_valid/verif_valid_3.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/verif_valid/verif_valid_4.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/verif_valid/verif_valid_5.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/verif_valid/verif_valid_6.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/verif_valid/verif_valid_7.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/verif_valid/verif_valid_8.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/verif_valid/verif_valid_9.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jsf/docs/userguide/en/images/web_projects/web_projects_9.png
(Binary files differ)
17 years, 2 months
JBoss Tools SVN: r5422 - trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/modules.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: ochikvina
Date: 2007-12-21 08:05:00 -0500 (Fri, 21 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 5422
http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBDS-233 - updating according to the Svetlana Mukhina remarks
Modified: trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/modules/Introduction.xml
--- trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/modules/Introduction.xml 2007-12-21 13:04:11 UTC (rev 5421)
+++ trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/modules/Introduction.xml 2007-12-21 13:05:00 UTC (rev 5422)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
- <link linkend="the_source_view">Support of XML code view</link>
+ <link linkend="source_mode">Support of XML code view</link>
<entry>Shows the corresponding XML that's generated automatically in the Source view of the process
definition editor when developing the process.</entry>
Modified: trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/modules/the_views.xml
--- trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/modules/the_views.xml 2007-12-21 13:04:11 UTC (rev 5421)
+++ trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/modules/the_views.xml 2007-12-21 13:05:00 UTC (rev 5422)
@@ -6,131 +6,210 @@
<title>The views</title>
<para>Here, it will be explained how to work with views and editors provided by JBDS.</para>
+ <para>The views are used for representation and navigation the resources you are working on at
+ the moment. One of the advantages of all the views is that all modifications made in the
+ currant- active file are immediately displayed in them. Let’s get acquainted more closely
+ with those that the jPDL perspective provides. </para>
<section id="the_outline_view">
<?dbhtml filename="the_outline_view.html"?>
<title>The Outline View</title>
- <para>To have a way to quickly see an outline of the process use the JBDS Outline view. If it is not
- visible select <emphasis>
+ <para>To have a way to quickly see an outline of the process use the JBDS Outline view that
+ is presented as the classical tree. If it is not visible select <emphasis>
<property>Window > Show view > Outline</property>
- </emphasis>. It is presented as the classical tree view. Also you can use <emphasis>
- <property>Overview</property>
- </emphasis> that comes as a scrollable thumbnail.</para>
+ </emphasis>.</para>
- <title>The Outline and Overview Views</title>
+ <title>The Overview View</title>
- <imagedata fileref="images/the_views/the_views1.png"
- scale="75"/>
+ <imagedata fileref="images/the_views/the_views1.png" scale="75"/>
- <section id="the_properties_view">
- <?dbhtml filename="the_properties_view.html"?>
- <title>The Properties View</title>
- <para> Here, we dwell on the JBDS <property>Properties view</property>.</para>
- <para>Notice if it's not visible you can access it by navigating <emphasis>
- <property>Window > Show view > Properties</property>
- </emphasis>. The view shows the relevant properties of the selected item. Some of these
- properties may be directly editable in the properties view. An example of a directly
- editable property is the name property of the process definition. As you can see in the
- next figure, the name property of the process definition can be changed to <emphasis>
- <property>jbay</property>
- </emphasis>. You can also write a description for this property.</para>
+ <section id="the_overview">
+ <?dbhtml filename="the_outline_view.html"?>
+ <title>The Overview</title>
+ <para>The main advantage of this view is that it gives visual representation of the whole
+ currant-developing process. Besides, Overview comes as a scrollable thumbnail, which
+ enables a better navigation of the process structure if it's too large.</para>
- <title>The Properties of a Process Definition</title>
+ <title>The Overview</title>
- <imagedata fileref="images/the_views/the_views2.png"/>
+ <imagedata fileref="images/the_views/the_views2.png" scale="75"/>
- <para>Let's change the name of the first transition to <emphasis>
- <property>to_auction</property>
- </emphasis>. We repeat this name change for the second transition and name it <emphasis>
- <property>to_end</property>
- </emphasis>.</para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="the_properties_view">
+ <?dbhtml filename="the_properties_view.html"?>
+ <title>The Properties View</title>
+ <para> Here, we dwell on the JBDS <property>Properties view</property>.</para>
+ <para>Notice if it's not visible you can access it by navigating <emphasis>
+ <property>Window > Show view > Properties</property>
+ </emphasis>.</para>
+ <para>The view shows the relevant properties of the selected item in the tabbed form. Every
+ item has its own set of properties, which can be directly editable in the Properties
+ view or by brining up the context menu.</para>
- <title>Transitions Names</title>
+ <title>The Properties View of selected Transition</title>
<imagedata fileref="images/the_views/the_views3.png"/>
- </section>
- <section id="direct_editing">
- <?dbhtml filename="direct_editing.html"?>
- <title>Direct Editing</title>
- <para>Besides, some properties can be directly edited in the graphical editor. One example of this is
- the <emphasis>
- <property>Name</property>
- </emphasis> property of nodes. You can edit this directly by selecting the node of which
- you want to change the name and then click once inside this node. This enables an editor
- in the node. We change the name of the node to <emphasis>
- <property>auction</property>
+ <para>For example, on the picture above the Properties view displays all the properties for
+ a selected transition. Its name has been changed to <emphasis>
+ <property>to_auction</property>
+ </emphasis>. We've done it directly in active General tab of the view. The same
+ way let's change the name for the second transition to <emphasis>
+ <property>to_end</property>
+ <para>If no one item is selected, the view represents the properties of the whole process
+ definition. </para>
- <title>Directly Editing the Node Name</title>
+ <title>The Properties View of Process Definition</title>
<imagedata fileref="images/the_views/the_views4.png"/>
+ <para>In this case, it contains six tabs. The first one is the General. It allows to specify
+ a process name and add necessary description.</para>
- <section id="the_source_view">
- <?dbhtml filename="the_source_view.html"?>
- <title>The Source View</title>
- <para>Now that we have defined a simple process definition, we can have a look at the xml
- that is being generated under the covers. To see this xml, click on the source tab of
- the process definition editor.</para>
- <figure>
- <title>The Source View</title>
- <mediaobject>
- <imageobject>
- <imagedata fileref="images/the_views/the_views5.png"/>
- </imageobject>
- </mediaobject>
- </figure>
- <para>This source tab is editable, so if you know your way around in jPDL, you can create or
- tweak your process definitions directly in the xml source.</para>
+ <section id="jbpm_gpd_editor">
+ <?dbhtml filename="direct_editing.html"?>
+ <title>The jBPM Graphical Process Designer editor.</title>
+ <para>The jBPM GPD editor includes four modes: Diagram, Deployment, Design and Source, which
+ are available as switchable tabs at the bottom of the editor. Let's dwell on
+ each of them.</para>
+ <section id="the_diagram_mode">
+ <title>The Diagram mode</title>
+ <para> In this mode we define the process in the form of a diagram by means of tools
+ provided on the left-hens side of the jBPM GPD. </para>
+ <figure>
+ <title>The Diagram mode</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata fileref="images/the_views/the_views5.png"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ <para>Besides, some properties can be directly edited in the Diagram mode of the
+ graphical editor. One example of this is the <emphasis>
+ <property>name</property>
+ </emphasis> property of nodes. You can edit this directly by selecting the node of
+ which you want to change the name and then click once inside this node. This enables
+ an editor in the node. We change the name of the node to <emphasis>
+ <property>auction</property>
+ </emphasis>.</para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="source_mode">
+ <?dbhtml filename="the_source_view.html"?>
+ <title>The Source Mode</title>
+ <para>Now, that we have defined a simple process definition, we can have a look at the
+ XML that is being generated under the covers. To see this XML, click on the Source
+ tab of the graphical process designer editor.</para>
+ <figure>
+ <title>The Source Mode</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata fileref="images/the_views/the_views6.png"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ <para>The Source mode enables to easily manipulate our XML. That is manually inserting
+ and editing necessary elements or attributes. In addition, here you can take
+ advantage of content assist.</para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="design_mode">
+ <?dbhtml filename="the_design_view.html"?>
+ <title>The Design Mode</title>
+ <para>One more way to edit your file is to use <property>Design mode</property>. You can
+ see it in the next picture:</para>
+ <figure>
+ <title>The Design Mode</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata fileref="images/the_views/the_views7.png"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ <para>As you can see above, this mode looks like a table in the first column of which
+ the process structure is performed. Here, you can also insert, remove and edit
+ elements or attributes, moreover add comments and instructions. Their values can be
+ directly edited in the second column of the Design mode table.</para>
+ <para>For instance, let’s add a comment on the second transition. For that, you should
+ bring up the context menu for it and choose <emphasis>
+ <property>Add Before > Comment</property>
+ </emphasis>.</para>
+ <figure>
+ <title>Adding a Comment</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata fileref="images/the_views/the_views8.png"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ <para>Then, as its value in the right column we can put the text <emphasis>This
+ transition leads to the end state</emphasis>. </para>
+ <figure>
+ <title>Comment is added</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata fileref="images/the_views/the_views9.png"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ </section>
+ <section id="deployment_mode">
+ <?dbhtml filename="the_deployment_view.html"?>
+ <title>The Deployment Mode</title>
+ <para>Finally, to adjust the deployment settings of the project you should switch on to
+ the tab that opens the Deployment mode. On the picture below the Deployment mode is
+ performed with default settings. Here, you can easily modify them or, if the
+ settings won't match your needs, to reset defaults. </para>
+ <figure>
+ <title>The Deployment Mode</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata fileref="images/the_views/the_views10.png"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ <para>The button <emphasis><property>Test Connections</property></emphasis> is necessary to make sure whether all your settings
+ are valid before deploying the process.</para>
+ </section>
- <section id="the_design_view">
- <?dbhtml filename="the_design_view.html"?>
- <title>The Design View</title>
- <para>One more way to edit your file is to use <property>Design view</property> that's available at the bottom of the file editor.
- You can see it in the next picture:</para>
- <figure>
- <title>The Design View</title>
- <mediaobject>
- <imageobject>
- <imagedata fileref="images/the_views/the_views6.png"/>
- </imageobject>
- </mediaobject>
- </figure>
- </section>
- <section id="the_deployment_view">
- <?dbhtml filename="the_deployment_view.html"?>
- <title>The Deployment View</title>
- <para>To adjust the deployment settings of the project you should switch to the next tab that opens the
- <property>Deployment view</property>.</para>
- <figure>
- <title>The Deployment View</title>
- <mediaobject>
- <imageobject>
- <imagedata fileref="images/the_views/the_views7.png"/>
- </imageobject>
- </mediaobject>
- </figure>
- </section>
- <para>As we have already arranged the project, let's pass on to the next step.</para>
\ No newline at end of file
+ <para></para>
17 years, 2 months
JBoss Tools SVN: r5421 - trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/images/the_views.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: ochikvina
Date: 2007-12-21 08:04:11 -0500 (Fri, 21 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 5421
http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBDS-233 - updating and adding proper screenshots
Added: trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/images/the_views/the_views10.png
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/images/the_views/the_views10.png
Name: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
Added: trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/images/the_views/the_views8.png
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/images/the_views/the_views8.png
Name: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
Added: trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/images/the_views/the_views9.png
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/images/the_views/the_views9.png
Name: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
17 years, 2 months
JBoss Tools SVN: r5420 - trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/images/the_views.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: ochikvina
Date: 2007-12-21 08:03:20 -0500 (Fri, 21 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 5420
http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBDS-233 - updating and adding proper screenshots
Modified: trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/images/the_views/the_views1.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/images/the_views/the_views2.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/images/the_views/the_views3.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/images/the_views/the_views4.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/images/the_views/the_views5.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/images/the_views/the_views6.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/jbpm/docs/reference/en/images/the_views/the_views7.png
(Binary files differ)
17 years, 2 months
JBoss Tools SVN: r5419 - trunk/common/plugins/org.jboss.tools.common.model/resources/help.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: scabanovich
Date: 2007-12-21 07:32:30 -0500 (Fri, 21 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 5419
Modified: trunk/common/plugins/org.jboss.tools.common.model/resources/help/keys-model.properties
--- trunk/common/plugins/org.jboss.tools.common.model/resources/help/keys-model.properties 2007-12-21 12:32:03 UTC (rev 5418)
+++ trunk/common/plugins/org.jboss.tools.common.model/resources/help/keys-model.properties 2007-12-21 12:32:30 UTC (rev 5419)
@@ -329,6 +329,10 @@
+SharableGroupHTML_Edit.Title=Palette Group
@@ -380,8 +384,8 @@
+SharablePageTabHTML_Edit.Title=Palette Top-Level Group
17 years, 2 months
JBoss Tools SVN: r5418 - trunk/jst/plugins/org.jboss.tools.jst.web/resources/help.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: scabanovich
Date: 2007-12-21 07:32:03 -0500 (Fri, 21 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 5418
Modified: trunk/jst/plugins/org.jboss.tools.jst.web/resources/help/keys-web.properties
--- trunk/jst/plugins/org.jboss.tools.jst.web/resources/help/keys-web.properties 2007-12-21 11:52:19 UTC (rev 5417)
+++ trunk/jst/plugins/org.jboss.tools.jst.web/resources/help/keys-web.properties 2007-12-21 12:32:03 UTC (rev 5418)
@@ -657,7 +657,8 @@
##### message destination #####
WebAppMessageDestination_Properties.Title=Message Destination
##### message destination reference #####
@@ -667,7 +668,8 @@
WebAppMessageDestinationRef_Properties.Title=Message Destination Reference
-ImportTLDToPaletteWizard_ImportTLD.Title=Create Macro from Tags in TLD file
+ImportTLDToPaletteWizard_ImportTLD_0.Title=Create Macro from Tags in TLD file
+SharablePalette_ImportTLD_0.Title=Create Macro from Tags in TLD file
ImportTLDToPaletteWizard.tld=TLD File
ImportTLDToPaletteWizard.tld.edit=Edit TLD
ImportTLDToPaletteWizard.default_prefix=Default Prefix
17 years, 2 months
JBoss Tools SVN: r5417 - in trunk/documentation/guides/userguide/Legacy-jsf-struts/en/images: struts_validation and 1 other directory.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: sabrashevich
Date: 2007-12-21 06:52:19 -0500 (Fri, 21 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 5417
http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBDS-226 screenshots are updated in legacy guide
Modified: trunk/documentation/guides/userguide/Legacy-jsf-struts/en/images/jsf_application/jsf_application_1.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/documentation/guides/userguide/Legacy-jsf-struts/en/images/jsf_application/jsf_application_2.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/documentation/guides/userguide/Legacy-jsf-struts/en/images/jsf_application/jsf_application_4.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/documentation/guides/userguide/Legacy-jsf-struts/en/images/jsf_application/jsf_application_5.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/documentation/guides/userguide/Legacy-jsf-struts/en/images/jsf_application/jsf_application_8.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/documentation/guides/userguide/Legacy-jsf-struts/en/images/struts_validation/struts_validation.png
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/documentation/guides/userguide/Legacy-jsf-struts/en/images/struts_validation/struts_validation_2.png
(Binary files differ)
17 years, 2 months
JBoss Tools SVN: r5415 - in trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core: src/eclipse/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core and 5 other directories.
by jbosstools-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: rob.stryker(a)jboss.com
Date: 2007-12-20 15:21:47 -0500 (Thu, 20 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 5415
JBIDE-1406 prelim preparation
Modified: trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
--- trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 2007-12-20 19:20:25 UTC (rev 5414)
+++ trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 2007-12-20 20:21:47 UTC (rev 5415)
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
- org.eclipse.jdt.core
+ org.eclipse.jdt.core,
+ org.eclipse.core.variables
Eclipse-LazyStart: true
Bundle-ClassPath: lib/concurrent.jar,
Modified: trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/eclipse/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/ArchivesCorePlugin.java
--- trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/eclipse/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/ArchivesCorePlugin.java 2007-12-20 19:20:25 UTC (rev 5414)
+++ trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/eclipse/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/ArchivesCorePlugin.java 2007-12-20 20:21:47 UTC (rev 5415)
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
public class ArchivesCorePlugin extends Plugin {
// The plug-in ID
- public static final String PLUGIN_ID = "org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core";
+ public static final String PLUGIN_ID = ArchivesCore.PLUGIN_ID;
// The shared instance
private static ArchivesCorePlugin plugin;
Modified: trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/eclipse/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/model/other/internal/WorkspaceVariables.java
--- trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/eclipse/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/model/other/internal/WorkspaceVariables.java 2007-12-20 19:20:25 UTC (rev 5414)
+++ trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/eclipse/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/model/other/internal/WorkspaceVariables.java 2007-12-20 20:21:47 UTC (rev 5415)
@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
+import org.eclipse.core.variables.VariablesPlugin;
import org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core.ArchivesCorePlugin;
import org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core.model.other.IRuntimeVariables;
@@ -37,4 +39,17 @@
return ArchivesCorePlugin.getDefault().isDebugging()
&& "true".equalsIgnoreCase(Platform.getDebugOption(option));
+ public String getProjectName(IPath path) {
+ IProject[] projects = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProjects();
+ for( int i = 0; i < projects.length; i++ )
+ if( projects[i].getLocation().equals(path))
+ return projects[i].getName();
+ return null;
+ }
+ public String performStringSubstitution(String expression,
+ boolean reportUndefinedVariables) throws CoreException {
+ return VariablesPlugin.getDefault().getStringVariableManager().performStringSubstitution(expression, reportUndefinedVariables);
+ }
Modified: trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/main/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/ArchivesCore.java
--- trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/main/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/ArchivesCore.java 2007-12-20 19:20:25 UTC (rev 5414)
+++ trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/main/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/ArchivesCore.java 2007-12-20 20:21:47 UTC (rev 5415)
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
public abstract class ArchivesCore {
+ public static final String PLUGIN_ID = "org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core";
private static ArchivesCore instance;
// Due to classloader restrictions we won't be able to lazy load, but that should be ok as long
// as we keep the construction of ArchivesCore subclasses to a minimum
Modified: trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/main/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/model/other/IRuntimeVariables.java
--- trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/main/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/model/other/IRuntimeVariables.java 2007-12-20 19:20:25 UTC (rev 5414)
+++ trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/main/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/model/other/IRuntimeVariables.java 2007-12-20 20:21:47 UTC (rev 5415)
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import java.net.URL;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
public interface IRuntimeVariables {
@@ -13,8 +14,11 @@
public boolean isDebugging(String option);
public IPath getProjectPath(String projectName);
-// public IPath getWorkspacePath();
+ public String getProjectName(IPath path);
public URL getBindingSchema();
public URL getBindingLog4j();
+ // allow for variable replacement
+ public String performStringSubstitution(String expression, boolean reportUndefinedVariables) throws CoreException;
Modified: trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/main/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/model/other/internal/StandaloneVariables.java
--- trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/main/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/model/other/internal/StandaloneVariables.java 2007-12-20 19:20:25 UTC (rev 5414)
+++ trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/main/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/model/other/internal/StandaloneVariables.java 2007-12-20 20:21:47 UTC (rev 5415)
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
package org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core.model.other.internal;
import java.net.URL;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core.model.other.IRuntimeVariables;
+import org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core.xpl.StringSubstitutionEngineClone;
public class StandaloneVariables implements IRuntimeVariables {
@@ -27,8 +31,27 @@
public boolean isDebugging(String option) {
- // TODO Auto-generated method stub
- return false;
+ return System.getProperty("archives.debug", "true")
+ .equals("true");
+ public String getProjectName(IPath path) {
+ Properties props = System.getProperties();
+ Object key, val;
+ for( Iterator i = props.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ key = i.next();
+ if( key instanceof String && ((String)key).endsWith(".dir")) {
+ val = props.get(key);
+ if( path.toOSString().equals(new Path((String)val).toOSString()))
+ return (String)key;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public String performStringSubstitution(String expression,
+ boolean reportUndefinedVariables) throws CoreException {
+ return new StringSubstitutionEngineClone().performStringSubstitution(expression, reportUndefinedVariables);
+ }
Added: trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/main/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/xpl/StringSubstitutionEngineClone.java
--- trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/main/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/xpl/StringSubstitutionEngineClone.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/core/plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core/src/main/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/archives/core/xpl/StringSubstitutionEngineClone.java 2007-12-20 20:21:47 UTC (rev 5415)
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core.xpl;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Stack;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
+import org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.core.ArchivesCore;
+ * Performs string substitution for context and value variables.
+ */
+public class StringSubstitutionEngineClone {
+ // delimiters
+ private static final String VARIABLE_START = "${"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ private static final char VARIABLE_END = '}';
+ private static final char VARIABLE_ARG = ':';
+ // parsing states
+ private static final int SCAN_FOR_START = 0;
+ private static final int SCAN_FOR_END = 1;
+ /**
+ * Resulting string
+ */
+ private StringBuffer fResult;
+ /**
+ * Whether substitutions were performed
+ */
+ private boolean fSubs;
+ /**
+ * Stack of variables to resolve
+ */
+ private Stack fStack;
+ class VariableReference {
+ // the text inside the variable reference
+ private StringBuffer fText;
+ public VariableReference() {
+ fText = new StringBuffer();
+ }
+ public void append(String text) {
+ fText.append(text);
+ }
+ public String getText() {
+ return fText.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Performs recursive string substitution and returns the resulting string.
+ *
+ * @param expression expression to resolve
+ * @param reportUndefinedVariables whether to report undefined variables as an error
+ * @return the resulting string with all variables recursively
+ * substituted
+ * @exception CoreException if unable to resolve a referenced variable or if a cycle exists
+ * in referenced variables
+ */
+ public String performStringSubstitution(String expression, boolean reportUndefinedVariables ) throws CoreException {
+ substitute(expression, reportUndefinedVariables );
+ List resolvedVariableSets = new ArrayList();
+ while (fSubs) {
+ HashSet resolved = substitute(fResult.toString(), reportUndefinedVariables );
+ for(int i=resolvedVariableSets.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
+ HashSet prevSet = (HashSet)resolvedVariableSets.get(i);
+ if (prevSet.equals(resolved)) {
+ HashSet conflictingSet = new HashSet();
+ for (; i<resolvedVariableSets.size(); i++)
+ conflictingSet.addAll((HashSet)resolvedVariableSets.get(i));
+ StringBuffer problemVariableList = new StringBuffer();
+ for (Iterator it=conflictingSet.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
+ problemVariableList.append(it.next().toString());
+ problemVariableList.append(", "); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ problemVariableList.setLength(problemVariableList.length()-2); //truncate the last ", "
+ Status status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR,
+ ArchivesCore.PLUGIN_ID,
+ "Cycle found in variable replacement",
+ null);
+ throw new CoreException(status);
+ }
+ }
+ resolvedVariableSets.add(resolved);
+ }
+ return fResult.toString();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Performs recursive string validation to ensure that all of the variables
+ * contained in the expression exist
+ * @param expression expression to validate
+ * @param manager registry of variables
+ * @exception CoreException if a referenced variable does not exist or if a cycle exists
+ * in referenced variables
+ */
+ public void validateStringVariables(String expression ) throws CoreException {
+ performStringSubstitution(expression, true );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Makes a substitution pass of the given expression returns a Set of the variables that were resolved in this
+ * pass
+ *
+ * @param expression source expression
+ * @param reportUndefinedVariables whether to report undefined variables as an error
+ * @param resolveVariables whether to resolve the value of any variables
+ * @exception CoreException if unable to resolve a variable
+ */
+ private HashSet substitute(String expression, boolean reportUndefinedVariables) throws CoreException {
+ fResult = new StringBuffer(expression.length());
+ fStack = new Stack();
+ fSubs = false;
+ HashSet resolvedVariables = new HashSet();
+ int pos = 0;
+ int state = SCAN_FOR_START;
+ while (pos < expression.length()) {
+ switch (state) {
+ int start = expression.indexOf(VARIABLE_START, pos);
+ if (start >= 0) {
+ int length = start - pos;
+ // copy non-variable text to the result
+ if (length > 0) {
+ fResult.append(expression.substring(pos, start));
+ }
+ pos = start + 2;
+ state = SCAN_FOR_END;
+ fStack.push(new VariableReference());
+ } else {
+ // done - no more variables
+ fResult.append(expression.substring(pos));
+ pos = expression.length();
+ }
+ break;
+ case SCAN_FOR_END:
+ // be careful of nested variables
+ start = expression.indexOf(VARIABLE_START, pos);
+ int end = expression.indexOf(VARIABLE_END, pos);
+ if (end < 0) {
+ // variables are not completed
+ VariableReference tos = (VariableReference)fStack.peek();
+ tos.append(expression.substring(pos));
+ pos = expression.length();
+ } else {
+ if (start >= 0 && start < end) {
+ // start of a nested variable
+ int length = start - pos;
+ if (length > 0) {
+ VariableReference tos = (VariableReference)fStack.peek();
+ tos.append(expression.substring(pos, start));
+ }
+ pos = start + 2;
+ fStack.push(new VariableReference());
+ } else {
+ // end of variable reference
+ VariableReference tos = (VariableReference)fStack.pop();
+ String substring = expression.substring(pos, end);
+ tos.append(substring);
+ resolvedVariables.add(substring);
+ pos = end + 1;
+ String value= resolve(tos, reportUndefinedVariables);
+ if (value == null) {
+ value = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ if (fStack.isEmpty()) {
+ // append to result
+ fResult.append(value);
+ state = SCAN_FOR_START;
+ } else {
+ // append to previous variable
+ tos = (VariableReference)fStack.peek();
+ tos.append(value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // process incomplete variable references
+ while (!fStack.isEmpty()) {
+ VariableReference tos = (VariableReference)fStack.pop();
+ if (fStack.isEmpty()) {
+ fResult.append(VARIABLE_START);
+ fResult.append(tos.getText());
+ } else {
+ VariableReference var = (VariableReference)fStack.peek();
+ var.append(VARIABLE_START);
+ var.append(tos.getText());
+ }
+ }
+ return resolvedVariables;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Resolve and return the value of the given variable reference,
+ * possibly <code>null</code>.
+ *
+ * @param var
+ * @param reportUndefinedVariables whether to report undefined variables as
+ * an error
+ * @return variable value, possibly <code>null</code>
+ * @exception CoreException if unable to resolve a value
+ */
+ private String resolve(VariableReference var, boolean reportUndefinedVariables) throws CoreException {
+// String text = var.getText();
+// int pos = text.indexOf(VARIABLE_ARG);
+// String name = null;
+// String arg = null;
+// if (pos > 0) {
+// name = text.substring(0, pos);
+// pos++;
+// if (pos < text.length()) {
+// arg = text.substring(pos);
+// }
+// } else {
+// name = text;
+// }
+// IValueVariable valueVariable = manager.getValueVariable(name);
+// if (valueVariable == null) {
+// IDynamicVariable dynamicVariable = manager.getDynamicVariable(name);
+// if (dynamicVariable == null) {
+// // no variables with the given name
+// if (reportUndefinedVariables) {
+// throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, VariablesPlugin.getUniqueIdentifier(), VariablesPlugin.INTERNAL_ERROR, NLS.bind(VariablesMessages.StringSubstitutionEngine_3, new String[]{name}), null));
+// }
+// // leave as is
+// return getOriginalVarText(var);
+// }
+// if (resolveVariables) {
+// fSubs = true;
+// return dynamicVariable.getValue(arg);
+// }
+// //leave as is
+// return getOriginalVarText(var);
+// }
+// if (arg == null) {
+// if (resolveVariables) {
+// fSubs = true;
+// return valueVariable.getValue();
+// }
+// //leave as is
+// return getOriginalVarText(var);
+// }
+// // error - an argument specified for a value variable
+// throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, VariablesPlugin.getUniqueIdentifier(), VariablesPlugin.INTERNAL_ERROR, NLS.bind(VariablesMessages.StringSubstitutionEngine_4, new String[]{valueVariable.getName()}), null));
+ return "";
+ }
+ private String getOriginalVarText(VariableReference var) {
+ StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer(var.getText());
+ res.insert(0, VARIABLE_START);
+ res.append(VARIABLE_END);
+ return res.toString();
+ }
17 years, 2 months