Author: mcaspers
Date: 2011-03-16 23:11:54 -0400 (Wed, 16 Mar 2011)
New Revision: 29852
"Fixed spelling errors"
trunk/modeshape/docs/ModeShape_Tools_Reference_Guide/en-US/publish_or_unpublish_a_resource-task.xml 2011-03-17
03:11:01 UTC (rev 29851)
trunk/modeshape/docs/ModeShape_Tools_Reference_Guide/en-US/publish_or_unpublish_a_resource-task.xml 2011-03-17
03:11:54 UTC (rev 29852)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
The publishing wizard (shown in <xref
linkend="ModeShape_publishing_wizard"/>) allows you to choose which ModeShape
Java Content Repositories (JCR) type repository to interact with and displays the selected
files the operation will be performed on. When a project or folder is selected all their
included files are acted upon.
- Publishing to a <guilabel>Publish Area</guilabel> will automatically
sequence your files to extract usful informaiton and make it available to our repsitory
users. Extracted information depends upon the type of file and the configuration of the
ModeShape repository. The location where files will be published is constructed by
appending the server URL, the names of the JCR repository and workspace, the path to the
publish area, and the path of the files and folders within your Eclipse workspace.
+ Publishing to a <guilabel>Publish Area</guilabel> will automatically
sequence your files to extract useful information and make it available to our repository
users. Extracted information depends upon the type of file and the configuration of the
ModeShape repository. The location where files will be published is constructed by
appending the server URL, the names of the JCR repository and workspace, the path to the
publish area, and the path of the files and folders within your Eclipse workspace.
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