Author: nickboldt
Date: 2010-04-23 15:48:43 -0400 (Fri, 23 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 21649
move build.xml into build/ folder for simpler Hudson bootstrapping
Modified: branches/modular_build/build/build.xml
--- branches/modular_build/build/build.xml 2010-04-23 19:39:40 UTC (rev 21648)
+++ branches/modular_build/build/build.xml 2010-04-23 19:48:43 UTC (rev 21649)
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
-<!-- TODO move this script into releng/ folder so that it can be checked out via
Hudson -->
-<!-- TODO write wrapper script (./build.xml) which fetches if not avail then simply
calls ./releng/build.xml -->
-<!-- Build a given list of ${COMPONENTS} -->
<project default="run" basedir="." name="jbosstools
+ <!-- Build a given list of ${COMPONENTS} -->
- <!-- Configuration Start -->
- <!-- must set name of component to build/test, IN ORDER -->
+ <!-- ****************************** Configuration ******************************
+ <!-- set name of component(s) to build+test, IN ORDER -->
<property name="COMPONENTS"
value="tests, common,
flow, jbpm,
@@ -23,8 +21,9 @@
<!-- default maven version -->
<property name="maven.version" value="3.0-alpha-7" />
- <!-- Configuration Ends -->
+ <!-- ****************************** Usage Instructions ******************************
<!-- To run this script in Eclipse:
Run As > Ant Build
@@ -230,7 +229,7 @@
<target name="get.bootstrap.scripts">
<!-- also get files required to bootstrap the build -->
- <for param="BOOTSTRAP" list="parent-pom.xml, genpom.xml,
build.xml" delimiter=",
+ <for param="BOOTSTRAP" list="parent-pom.xml, genpom.xml"
<get src="${svn.root}/@{BOOTSTRAP}"
dest="${WORKINGDIR}/@{BOOTSTRAP}" usetimestamp="true" />
Modified: branches/modular_build/build.xml
--- branches/modular_build/build.xml 2010-04-23 19:39:40 UTC (rev 21648)
+++ branches/modular_build/build.xml 2010-04-23 19:48:43 UTC (rev 21649)
@@ -1,581 +1,17 @@
-<!-- TODO move this script into releng/ folder so that it can be checked out via
Hudson -->
-<!-- TODO write wrapper script (./build.xml) which fetches if not avail then simply
calls ./releng/build.xml -->
-<!-- Build a given list of ${COMPONENTS} -->
<project default="run" basedir="." name="jbosstools
- <!-- Configuration Start -->
- <!-- must set name of component to build/test, IN ORDER -->
- <property name="COMPONENTS"
- value="tests, common,
- flow, jbpm,
- jmx, archives, as,
- drools, bpel, smooks, freemarker, profiler, portlet,
- xulrunner, jst, vpe, jsf,
- esb, tptp, ws,
- cdi, struts, hibernatetools, seam,
- examples, birt,
- maven"
- />
+ This script is provided here for convenience if building entire tree already on disk.
+ Generally, you would this instead to self-bootstrap the process:
- <!-- svn root, including trunk or branch path -->
- <property name="svn.root"
value=" />
+ svn co
+ cd build
+ ant
- <!-- default maven version -->
- <property name="maven.version" value="3.0-alpha-7" />
- <!-- Configuration Ends -->
- <!-- To run this script in Eclipse:
- Run As > Ant Build
- -->
- <!-- To run this script via commandline (build default modules & run tests):
- cd /home/nboldt/workspace36/jbosstools-modular_build; ant
- or, to build everything but not *run* the tests:
- cd /home/nboldt/workspace36/jbosstools-modular_build; ant
- or, to build specific module(s):
- cd /home/nboldt/workspace36/jbosstools-modular_build; ant
- -->
- <target name="run" depends="init, get.bootstrap.scripts, get.sources,
genpoms, install" />
- <!-- override for local build -->
- <condition property="isInHudson" value="true">
- <or>
- <contains string="${user.dir}" substring="hudson" />
- <contains string="${}" substring="hudson" />
- <contains string="${user.home}" substring="hudson" />
- </or>
- </condition>
- <target name="local" unless="isInHudson">
- <property name="WORKINGDIR" value="${basedir}" />
- <property name="COMMON_TOOLS" value="${}" />
+ See build/build.xml for usage details, commandline flag overrides, etc.
+ See also genpom.xml for how to generate missing pom.xml files.
+ <target name="run">
+ <ant antfile="build/build.xml" inheritall="true"
inheritrefs="true" />
- <target name="get.ant-contrib"
- <property name="ANTCONTRIB_MIRROR"
value="" />
- <get usetimestamp="true"
- dest="${COMMON_TOOLS}/"
- />
- <touch file="${COMMON_TOOLS}/" />
- <mkdir dir="${}/ant-contrib-1.0b2-bin.zip_" />
- <unzip src="${COMMON_TOOLS}/"
- dest="${}/ant-contrib-1.0b2-bin.zip_"
- overwrite="true"
- />
- <copy
- tofile="${COMMON_TOOLS}/ant-contrib.jar"
- failonerror="true"
- />
- <delete dir="${}/ant-contrib-1.0b2-bin.zip_"
includeemptydirs="true" quiet="true" />
- </target>
- <target name="get.svnant" unless="svnant.jar.exists">
- <property name="SVNANT_MIRROR"
value="" />
- <!-- ant <get> does not work due to redirection; on Windows just download this
file manually -->
- <exec executable="wget" dir="${COMMON_TOOLS}">
- <arg line="${SVNANT_MIRROR}/ --no-clobber" />
- </exec>
- <touch file="${COMMON_TOOLS}/" />
- <mkdir dir="${}/svnant-1.3.0.zip_" />
- <unzip src="${COMMON_TOOLS}/"
dest="${}/svnant-1.3.0.zip_" overwrite="true" />
- <copy todir="${COMMON_TOOLS}" failonerror="true">
- <fileset dir="${}/svnant-1.3.0.zip_/svnant-1.3.0/lib/"
includes="*.jar" />
- </copy>
- <delete dir="${}/svnant-1.3.0.zip_"
includeemptydirs="true" quiet="true" />
- </target>
- <target name="init" depends="local">
- <property name="WORKINGDIR" value="${basedir}" />
- <!-- Use static, shared space outside
workspace, instead of working directly in the workspace -->
- <condition property="WORKINGDIR"
- <available file="/home/hudson/static_build_env/jbds" type="dir"
- </condition>
- <mkdir dir="${WORKINGDIR}" />
- <echo level="info">WORKINGDIR = ${WORKINGDIR}</echo>
- <condition property="COMMON_TOOLS"
- value="/home/hudson/static_build_env/jbds/tools"
- else="${WORKINGDIR}/../tools"
- >
- <available file="/home/hudson/static_build_env/jbds" type="dir"
- </condition>
- <mkdir dir="${COMMON_TOOLS}" />
- <echo level="info">COMMON_TOOLS = ${COMMON_TOOLS}</echo>
- <available file="${COMMON_TOOLS}/ant-contrib.jar" type="file"
property="ant-contrib.jar.exists" />
- <antcall target="get.ant-contrib" />
- <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
- <classpath>
- <pathelement location="${COMMON_TOOLS}/ant-contrib.jar" />
- </classpath>
- </taskdef>
- <available file="${COMMON_TOOLS}/svnant.jar" type="file"
property="svnant.jar.exists" />
- <antcall target="get.svnant" />
- <taskdef resource="org/tigris/subversion/svnant/svnantlib.xml">
- <classpath>
- <pathelement location="${COMMON_TOOLS}/svnant.jar" />
- <pathelement location="${COMMON_TOOLS}/svnkit.jar" />
- <pathelement location="${COMMON_TOOLS}/svnClientAdapter.jar" />
- </classpath>
- </taskdef>
- <property name="MAVEN_MIRROR"
value="" />
- <get usetimestamp="true"
- dest="${COMMON_TOOLS}/apache-maven-${maven.version}-bin.tar.gz"
- src="${MAVEN_MIRROR}/apache-maven-${maven.version}-bin.tar.gz"
- />
- <untar compression="gzip"
- overwrite="false"
- dest="${COMMON_TOOLS}"
- src="${COMMON_TOOLS}/apache-maven-${maven.version}-bin.tar.gz"
- />
- <chmod perm="755"
file="${COMMON_TOOLS}/apache-maven-${maven.version}/bin/mvn" />
- </target>
- <target name="get.sources" description="if sources not already on
disk, fetch them">
- <property name="svn.recurse" value="true" />
- <!-- = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
- COMPONENT: component to fetch or update
- op: up (update) or co (checkout)
- = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -->
- <macrodef name="svn.fetch">
- <attribute name="COMPONENT" />
- <attribute name="op" />
- <sequential>
- <!-- check out or update -->
- <if>
- <equals arg1="@{op}" arg2="up" />
- <then>
- <svn javahl="false" svnkit="true">
- <update recurse="${svn.recurse}" dir="@{COMPONENT}" />
- </svn>
- </then>
- <else>
- <echo level="info">Fetch sources from ${svn.root}/@{COMPONENT} into
- <svn javahl="false" svnkit="true">
- <checkout recurse="${svn.recurse}"
- url="${svn.root}/@{COMPONENT}"
- destpath="${WORKINGDIR}/@{COMPONENT}"
- />
- </svn>
- </else>
- </if>
- <!-- Store svn info so we can compare it later and thus not need to update or
checkout every time -->
- <svn javahl="false" svnkit="true">
- <info target="@{COMPONENT}"
propprefix="{COMPONENT}" />
- </svn>
- <echo file="{COMPONENT}.txt">{COMPONENT}.rev =
- <echo file="build.cfg" message="@{COMPONENT},"
append="true" />
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>
- <!-- check for each component dir in ${WORKINGDIR}; if not found, fetch -->
- <echo file="build.cfg" message=" = " />
- <for param="COMPONENT" list="${COMPONENTS}" delimiter=",
- ">
- <sequential>
- <if>
- <not>
- <available file="${WORKINGDIR}/@{COMPONENT}" type="dir"
- </not>
- <then>
- <svn.fetch component="@{COMPONENT}" op="co" />
- </then>
- <else>
- <if>
- <available file="{COMPONENT}.txt" type="file"
- <then>
- <property file="{COMPONENT}.txt" />
- <!-- check svn info; if new version found, svn up -->
- <svn javahl="false" svnkit="true">
- <info target="@{COMPONENT}"
propprefix="{COMPONENT}.check" />
- </svn>
- <if>
- <not>
- <equals arg1="${{COMPONENT}.rev}"
- arg2="${{COMPONENT}.check.rev}"
- />
- </not>
- <then>
- <svn.fetch component="@{COMPONENT}" op="up" />
- </then>
- <else>
- <if>
- <and>
- <isset property="build.if.sources.unchanged" />
- <istrue value="${build.if.sources.unchanged}" />
- </and>
- <then>
- <echo file="build.cfg" message="@{COMPONENT},"
append="true" />
- </then>
- </if>
- </else>
- </if>
- </then>
- <else>
- <svn.fetch component="@{COMPONENT}" op="up" />
- </else>
- </if>
- </else>
- </if>
- </sequential>
- </for>
- </target>
- <target name="get.bootstrap.scripts">
- <!-- also get files required to bootstrap the build -->
- <for param="BOOTSTRAP" list="parent-pom.xml, genpom.xml,
build.xml" delimiter=",
- <sequential>
- <get src="${svn.root}/@{BOOTSTRAP}"
dest="${WORKINGDIR}/@{BOOTSTRAP}" usetimestamp="true" />
- </sequential>
- </for>
- </target>
- <target name="">
- <property file="build.cfg" />
- <var name="COMPONENTS" unset="true" />
- <property name="COMPONENTS" value="${}"
- <echo level="debug">Got COMPONENTS = ${COMPONENTS}</echo>
- </target>
- <target name="genpoms">
- <antcallback target=""
return="COMPONENTS" />
- <for param="COMPONENT" list="${COMPONENTS}" delimiter=",
- ">
- <sequential>
- <!-- If poms already exist, DO NOT OVERWRITE unless
overwrite.existing.pom.xml=true -->
- <ant antfile="genpom.xml" target="run">
- <property name="COMPONENT" value="@{COMPONENT}" />
- </ant>
- </sequential>
- </for>
- </target>
- <target name="install">
- <!-- if not running genpom, make sure you call this to filter out unchanged sources
from build -->
- <!-- <antcallback target=""
return="COMPONENTS"/> -->
- <!-- could set -Dmaven.test.skip to skip tests, etc. -->
- <property name="MAVEN_FLAGS" value="" />
- <for param="COMPONENT" list="${COMPONENTS}" delimiter=",
- ">
- <sequential>
- <echo level="verbose">Exe:
- <echo level="verbose">Pom:
- <exec
- failifexecutionfails="true"
- failonerror="true"
- timeout="10800000"
- >
- <env key="M2_HOME"
value="${COMMON_TOOLS}/apache-maven-${maven.version}" />
- <env key="MAVEN_OPTS" value="-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=128m
-XX:MaxPermSize=256m" />
- <!-- more debug output with <env key="MAVEN_OPTS"
value="-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE
-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000"/> -->
- <!-- <arg line="-o -Dmaven.test.skip" /> -->
- <arg line="${MAVEN_FLAGS} -Dmaven.repo.local=${COMMON_TOOLS}/m2-repository
-B -fae clean install" />
- </exec>
- </sequential>
- </for>
- </target>
- <!-- TODO: generate site.xml files for components: gensite.xml script called by
build.xml -->
- <!-- TODO: zip up update site zips for each component; publish to
as part of deploy task -->
- <target name="zip.sites">
- </target>
- <target name="deploy">
- <!-- TODO enable publishing to or -->
- <property name="DESTINATION.jbosstools"
value="" />
- <property name="DESTINATION.jbds"
value="/qa/services/http/binaries/RHDS/repository/" />
- <echo level="debug">Promote build in ${sourceZipsDirActual}
- <for param="aDir" list="${sourceZipsDirActual}"
- <sequential>
- <!-- rsync or copy build dir @{aDir} into ${targetZipsDir}/ -->
- <if>
- <available file="/usr/bin/rsync" type="file" />
- <then>
- <var name="rsyncCmd"
- value="/usr/bin/rsync -a${synchMethodParam} --exclude=eclipse/ @{aDir}
- />
- <echo message="${rsyncCmd}" />
- <exec executable="bash">
- <arg line=" -c "${rsyncCmd}"" />
- </exec>
- <var name="rsyncCmd" unset="true" />
- </then>
- <else>
- <propertyregex override="true"
- property="aBuildDir"
- defaultvalue="@{aDir}"
- input="@{aDir}"
- regexp=".+/([^/]+)"
- replace="\1"
- />
- <echo>Copy ${aBuildDir} into ${targetZipsDir}/</echo>
- <mkdir dir="${targetZipsDir}/${aBuildDir}" />
- <copy todir="${targetZipsDir}/${aBuildDir}"
- includeemptydirs="true"
- preservelastmodified="true"
- failonerror="true"
- >
- <fileset dir="@{aDir}" excludes="eclipse/" />
- </copy>
- </else>
- </if>
- <!-- unpack update zip(s) -->
- <if>
- <and>
- <isset property="targetUpdateDir" />
- <not>
- <equals arg1="${targetUpdateDir}" arg2="" />
- </not>
- </and>
- <then>
- <for param="anUpdateZip">
- <path>
- <fileset dir="@{aDir}" includes="*-Update-*.zip" />
- </path>
- <sequential>
- <unzip dest="${targetUpdateDir}/"
- src="@{anUpdateZip}"
- overwrite="${unzipMethodParam}"
- />
- <for param="subdir">
- <path>
- <dirset dir="${targetUpdateDir}/" />
- </path>
- <sequential>
- <copy file="staticDropFiles/index.php" todir="@{subdir}"
- </sequential>
- </for>
- </sequential>
- </for>
- </then>
- </if>
- </sequential>
- </for>
- <!--
- <get usetimestamp="true"
- dest="${COMMON_TOOLS}/maven-ant-tasks-2.1.0.jar"
- src="${MAVEN_MIRROR}/maven-ant-tasks-2.1.0.jar"
- />
- <taskdef resource="org/apache/maven/artifact/ant/antlib.xml">
- <classpath>
- <pathelement location="${COMMON_TOOLS}/maven-ant-tasks-2.1.0.jar" />
- </classpath>
- </taskdef>
- <install-provider artifactId="wagon-ssh"
- <deploy>
- <remoteRepository url="scp://${DESTINATION}">
- <authentication username="tools"
privateKey="${user.home}/.ssh/id_rsa" />
- </remoteRepository>
- <pom refid="mypom" />
- </deploy>
- -->
- </target>
- <!-- ************************************ TESTS ************************************
- <target name="test.expected.values">
- <property name="ant.enable.asserts" value="true" />
- <!-- expected values for get.sources.* tests -->
- <property name="get.sources.expected.dirs"
value="tests,common,xulrunner," />
- <property name="get.sources.expected.files" value="build.cfg"
- <!-- expected values for tests -->
- <property name=""
value="tests,common,xulrunner," />
- <property name=""
value="tests,xulrunner," />
- <property name="" value=""
- <!-- expected values for tests -->
- <property name=""
value="tests,common,xulrunner," />
- <property name=""
value="tests,common,xulrunner," />
- <property name=""
value="tests,common,xulrunner," />
- </target>
- <target name="test.all">
- <antcall target="" />
- <antcall target="test.get.sources" />
- <antcall target="test.deploy" />
- </target>
- <target name=""
- depends="init, test.expected.values"
- description="verify get.sources works to fetch, then update; verify all
components will be built"
- >
- <var name="build.if.sources.unchanged" value="true" />
- <var name="" unset="true"
- <var name="" unset="true"
- <var name="" unset="true"
- <var name=""
value="${}" />
- <var name=""
value="${}" />
- <var name=""
value="${}" />
- <antcall target="test.get.sources" />
- </target>
- <target name="test.get.sources"
- depends="init, test.expected.values"
- description="verify get.sources works to fetch, then update; verify if
components are not updated, they will not be built"
- >
- <var name="COMPONENTS" unset="true" />
- <var name="COMPONENTS" value="${get.sources.expected.dirs}"
- <!-- for testing purposes, do not recurse (otherwise will have to download 100s of
Mb of data -->
- <var name="svn.recurse" unset="true" />
- <var name="svn.recurse" value="false" />
- <!-- cleanup before test -->
- <for param="expected.dir" list="${get.sources.expected.dirs}"
- ">
- <sequential>
- <delete dir="(a){expected.dir}" includeemptydirs="true" />
- <delete file="{expected.dir}.txt" />
- </sequential>
- </for>
- <for param="expected.file" list="${get.sources.expected.files}"
- ">
- <sequential>
- <delete file="(a){expected.file}" />
- </sequential>
- </for>
- <echo level="info">----------------------------------</echo>
- <echo level="info">
-1/6: Test checkout</echo>
- <antcall target="get.sources" />
- <for param="expected.dir" list="${get.sources.expected.dirs}"
- ">
- <sequential>
- <assert failonerror="false" message="Dir @{expected.dir} not
- <bool>
- <available file="(a){expected.dir}" type="dir" />
- </bool>
- </assert>
- </sequential>
- </for>
- <for param="expected.file" list="${get.sources.expected.files}"
- ">
- <sequential>
- <assert failonerror="false" message="Dir @{expected.file} not
- <bool>
- <available file="(a){expected.file}" type="file" />
- </bool>
- </assert>
- </sequential>
- </for>
- <echo level="info">----------------------------------</echo>
- <echo level="info">
-2/6: Test build.cfg</echo>
- <var name="COMPONENTS" unset="true" />
- <antcallback target=""
return="COMPONENTS" />
- <assert failonerror="false"
- message="expected: [${}] but got:
- >
- <bool>
- <equals arg1="${}"
arg2="${COMPONENTS}" />
- </bool>
- </assert>
- <echo level="info">----------------------------------</echo>
- <echo level="info">
-3/6: Test update</echo>
- <delete file="" />
- <delete file="" />
- <antcall target="get.sources" />
- <for param="expected.dir" list="${get.sources.expected.dirs}"
- ">
- <sequential>
- <assert failonerror="false" message="Dir @{expected.dir} not
- <bool>
- <available file="(a){expected.dir}" type="dir" />
- </bool>
- </assert>
- </sequential>
- </for>
- <for param="expected.file" list="${get.sources.expected.files}"
- ">
- <sequential>
- <assert failonerror="false" message="Dir @{expected.file} not
- <bool>
- <available file="(a){expected.file}" type="file" />
- </bool>
- </assert>
- </sequential>
- </for>
- <echo level="info">----------------------------------</echo>
- <echo level="info">
-4/6: Test build.cfg</echo>
- <var name="COMPONENTS" unset="true" />
- <antcallback target=""
return="COMPONENTS" />
- <assert failonerror="false"
- message="expected: [${}] but got:
- >
- <bool>
- <equals arg1="${}"
arg2="${COMPONENTS}" />
- </bool>
- </assert>
- <echo level="info">----------------------------------</echo>
- <echo level="info">
-5/6: Test info w/o update</echo>
- <antcall target="get.sources" />
- <for param="expected.dir" list="${get.sources.expected.dirs}"
- ">
- <sequential>
- <assert failonerror="false" message="Dir @{expected.dir} not
- <bool>
- <available file="(a){expected.dir}" type="dir" />
- </bool>
- </assert>
- </sequential>
- </for>
- <for param="expected.file" list="${get.sources.expected.files}"
- ">
- <sequential>
- <assert failonerror="false" message="Dir @{expected.file} not
- <bool>
- <available file="(a){expected.file}" type="file" />
- </bool>
- </assert>
- </sequential>
- </for>
- <echo level="info">----------------------------------</echo>
- <echo level="info">
-6/6: Test build.cfg</echo>
- <var name="COMPONENTS" unset="true" />
- <antcallback target=""
return="COMPONENTS" />
- <assert failonerror="false"
- message="expected: [${}] but got:
- >
- <bool>
- <equals arg1="${}"
arg2="${COMPONENTS}" />
- </bool>
- </assert>
- <echo level="info">----------------------------------</echo>
- </target>
- <!-- TODO: fixme -->
- <target name="test.deploy" depends="init,
- <antcall target="deploy">
- <param name="targetZipsDir"
value="" />
- </antcall>
- </target>