Author: nickboldt
Date: 2010-04-01 11:40:19 -0400 (Thu, 01 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 21200
new script to wrap maven in Xvnc for running UI tests
Added: branches/modular_build/
--- branches/modular_build/ (rev 0)
+++ branches/modular_build/ 2010-04-01 15:40:19 UTC (rev 21200)
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# set corect path to mvn on your machine:
+if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
+ # some useful flags:
+ # -pl - list of projects to build
+ # -o - offline mode (don't search remote repos)
+ # -Dmaven.test.skip - compile but do not run tests
+ echo "Usage: $0 workingdir flags targets"
+ echo "Eg: $0 as/ -Dmaven.test.skip clean install 2>&1 | tee
+ echo "Eg: $0 bpel/tests/ -o install"
+ exit 1;
+#echo "[runtests] $0 started on: `date +%H\:%M\:%S`";
+# environment variables
+#export USERNAME=`whoami`
+#echo "[runtests] Run as $USERNAME";
+#echo "[runtests] With PATH = $PATH";
+# fix for org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles [gtk_init_check() failed]
+# fix for Failed to invoke suite():org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles
[gtk_init_check() failed]
+export CVS_RSH=ssh
+#ulimit -c unlimited; # set corefile size to unlimited; not allowed on build.eclipse
+#echo "[runtests] Set JAVA_HIGH_ZIPFDS=500 & LANG=C";
+#export JAVA_HIGH_ZIPFDS=500
+#export LANG=C
+usedPorts=""; maxPort=40
+for port in $(ps aux | egrep '[Xvnc|Xvfb]\ :' | egrep " :[0-9]+" | sed
"s/\(\^\|.\+\)\(Xvfb\|Xvnc\) :\([0-9]\+\)\(.\+\|$\)/\3/g" | sort); do
+ if [[ $(echo $port | egrep "^:[0-9]+$") ]]; then
+ usedPorts=$usedPorts" "${port:1};
+ thisPort=${port:1}; (( thisPort -= 0 ));
+ if [[ $maxPort -lt $thisPort ]]; then maxPort=$thisPort; fi
+ #echo "[$usedPorts], $thisPort, $maxPort"
+ fi
+(( xport = maxPort + 1 ));
+#echo "Existing DISPLAY ports include: $usedPorts."
+#echo "Use DISPLAY port :$xport"
+xvncExists=$(which Xvnc); xvncExists=${xvncExists##*no Xvnc *}
+if [ $xvncExists ]; then
+ xCmd="Xvnc :${xport} -geometry 1024x768 -depth 24 -ac"
+ xvfbExists=$(which Xvfb); xvfbExists=${xvfbExists##*no Xvfb *}
+ if [ $xvfbExists ]; then
+ xCmd="Xvfb :${xport} -screen 0 1024x768x24 -ac"
+ else
+ echo "[runtests] WARNING! This script requires Xvfb or Xvnc. "
+ echo "[runtests] Without some way to run tests in a different display port, UI
tests will run in front of you and you may accidentally interact with them."
+ fi
+if [[ $xCmd ]]; then
+ #echo "[runtests] Using X server: '${xCmd}'"
+ ${xCmd} &
+ export DISPLAY=localhost:${xport}.0
+ xhost +
+ echo "[runtests] Warning! UI tests will run in the current UI display port (usually
:0). Please avoid accidentally interacting with them."
+# run tests
+echo "[runtests] [`date +%H\:%M\:%S`] Launching Tycho..."
+dir=$1; shift;
+cd $dir; $mvn3 2>&1 $* | tee buildlog.latest.txt
+echo "[runtests] [`date +%H\:%M\:%S`] Test run completed. "
+# xwd -silent -display :${xport} -root -out /tmp/snap.xwd; # save a snapshot
+############################# END RUN TESTS #############################
+# drop X server process threads used by tests
+if [[ -r /tmp/.X${xport}-lock ]]; then kill `cat /tmp/.X${xport}-lock`; fi
+if [[ -f /tmp/.X${xport}-lock ]]; then rm -fr /tmp/.X${xport}-lock; fi
+#echo "[runtests] ${0##*/} done: `date +%H\:%M\:%S`"
Property changes on: branches/modular_build/
Name: svn:executable
+ *
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