Author: nickboldt
Date: 2010-10-08 18:39:22 -0400 (Fri, 08 Oct 2010)
New Revision: 25658
add p2.director call to build.xml script (optional call to 'install' target)
Modified: trunk/build/target-platform/build.xml
--- trunk/build/target-platform/build.xml 2010-10-08 21:33:12 UTC (rev 25657)
+++ trunk/build/target-platform/build.xml 2010-10-08 22:39:22 UTC (rev 25658)
@@ -34,9 +34,10 @@
<!-- if can't calculate where build/build.xml is located, must pass in path from
parent when calling this script -->
- <property name="repoDir" value="${WORKINGDIR}/REPO"/>
+ <property name="repoDir" value="${WORKINGDIR}/REPO" />
- <target name="all" depends=","/>
+ <target name="all" depends=",," />
+ <target name="install" depends="," />
<target name="" depends="init,
get.arch, get.eclipse, gen.p2mirror.script, run.p2mirror.script, cleanup" />
@@ -113,10 +114,89 @@
<target name="" description="test
target platform completeness by running a build against it">
<exec executable="/opt/maven3/bin/mvn" dir="${WORKINGDIR}">
- <arg line=" -f ../parent/pom.xml clean install -B -U -fae -e -P
helios-local-target,!helios -Dmaven.test.skip
+ <arg line=" -f ../parent/pom.xml clean install -B -U -fae -e -P
helios-local-target,!helios -Dmaven.test.skip -Dtarget.platorm.URL=file:/${repoDir}"
<exec executable="/opt/maven3/bin/mvn" dir="${WORKINGDIR}">
- <arg line=" -f ../pom.xml clean install -B -U -fae -e -P
helios-local-target,!helios -Dmaven.test.skip
+ <arg line=" -f ../pom.xml clean install -B -U -fae -e -P
helios-local-target,!helios -Dmaven.test.skip -Dtarget.platorm.URL=file:/${repoDir}"
+ <target name="" description="use
p2.director to install target platform into local eclipse">
+ <!-- collect features to install -->
+ <var name="install" value="" />
+ <for param="featureJar">
+ <path>
+ <fileset dir="${repoDir}/features" includes="*.jar" />
+ </path>
+ <sequential>
+ <var name="feature.jarfile" unset="true" />
+ <var name="" unset="true" />
+ <propertyregex property="feature.jarfile"
+ defaultvalue="@{featureJar}"
+ input="@{featureJar}"
+ regexp=".+/features/([^/]+\.jar)"
+ replace="\1"
+ override="true" />
+ <propertyregex property=""
+ defaultvalue="${feature.jarfile}"
+ input="${feature.jarfile}"
+ regexp="([^_]+)_(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\..+)\.jar"
+ replace="\1"
+ override="true" />
+ <propertyregex property=""
+ defaultvalue="${}"
+ input="${}"
+ regexp="([^_]+)_(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.jar"
+ replace="\1"
+ override="true" />
+ <var name="install"
value="${install},${}" />
+ <var name="feature.jarfile" unset="true" />
+ <var name="" unset="true" />
+ </sequential>
+ </for>
+ <!-- trim prefix "," -->
+ <propertyregex property="install" input="${install}"
defaultvalue="${install}" regexp=",(.+)" replace="\1"
override="true" />
+ <!-- do install -->
+ <antcall target="run.director">
+ <param name="p2.director.installIU" value="${install}" />
+ <param name="p2.director.install.path"
value="${WORKINGDIR}/eclipse" />
+ <param name="p2.director.input.repo" value="file:/${repoDir}/"
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
+ <target name="run.director">
+ <property name="p2.director.extraArgs" value="" />
+ <property name="p2.director.installIU" value="${install}" />
+ <property name="p2.director.install.path" value="${targetDir}"
+ <property name="p2.director.input.repo"
value="jar:file:${sourceZip}!/" />
+ <echo>
+Source Repo(s): ${p2.director.input.repo}
+Install Path: ${p2.director.install.path}
+Feature(s) or Plugin(s) to Install:
+ </echo>
+ <mkdir dir="${p2.director.install.path}" />
+ <chmod perm="ugo+rwx" file="${p2.director.install.path}/eclipse"
+ <exec executable="${p2.director.install.path}/eclipse"
failonerror="true" dir="${p2.director.install.path}"
timeout="900000" taskname="p2.dir">
+ <!-- deprecated application for Eclipse 3.4: -->
+ <arg line=" -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director" />
+ <arg line=" -nosplash" />
+ <arg line=" --launcher.suppressErrors" />
+ <arg line=" -consoleLog" />
+ <arg line=" -flavor tooling" />
+ <arg line=" -roaming" />
+ <arg line=" -profile SDKProfile" />
+ <arg line=" -destination ${p2.director.install.path}" />
+ <arg line=" -bundlepool ${p2.director.install.path}" />
+ <arg line=" -installIU ${p2.director.installIU}" />
+ <arg line=" -metadataRepository
+ <arg line=" -artifactRepository
${p2.director.input.repo},file:${p2.director.install.path}" />
+ <arg line=" -profileProperties org.eclipse.update.install.features=true"
+ <arg line=" -vmargs" />
+ <arg line="${p2.director.install.path}/p2" />
+ <arg line=" -Declipse.p2.MD5Check=false" />
+ </exec>
+ </target>
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