Author: scabanovich
Date: 2007-07-20 13:26:20 -0400 (Fri, 20 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 2572
EXIN-86 Third party dtds and schemas removed
trunk/jst/plugins/ 2007-07-20
17:24:22 UTC (rev 2571)
trunk/jst/plugins/ 2007-07-20
17:26:20 UTC (rev 2572)
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
- DTD for the Tile Definition File, Version 1.1
- To support validation of your configuration file, include the following
- DOCTYPE element at the beginning (after the "xml" declaration):
- <!DOCTYPE tiles-definitions PUBLIC
- "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Tiles Configuration 1.1//EN"
- "">
- $Id: tiles_config_1_1.dtd,v 1.1 2004/11/11 12:33:07 glory Exp $
-<!-- ========== Defined Types ============================================= -->
-<!-- A "Boolean" is the string representation of a boolean (true or false)
- variable.
-<!ENTITY % Boolean "(true|false)">
-<!-- A "ContentType" is the content type of an attribute passed to a tile
- component.
-<!ENTITY % ContentType "(string|page|template|definition)">
-<!-- A "ClassName" is the fully qualified name of a Java class that is
- instantiated to provide the functionality of the enclosing element.
-<!ENTITY % ClassName "CDATA">
-<!-- A "RequestPath" is an application-relative URI path, beginning with a
- slash, that identifies a mapped resource (such as a JSP page or a servlet)
- within this web application.
-<!ENTITY % RequestPath "CDATA">
-<!-- A "DefinitionName" is the unique identifier of a definition. This
- is a logical name used to reference the definition.
-<!ENTITY % DefinitionName "CDATA">
-<!-- A "BeanName" is the identifier of a JavaBean, such as a form bean,
- and also serves as the name of the corresponding scripting variable
- and the name of the JSP attribute under which the bean is accessed.
- Therefore, it must conform to the rules for a Java identifier.
-<!ENTITY % BeanName "CDATA">
-<!-- A "PropName" is the name of a JavaBeans property, and must begin with
- a lower case letter and contain only characters that are legal in a
- Java identifier.
-<!ENTITY % PropName "CDATA">
-<!-- A "Location" is a relative path, delimited by "/" characters,
- defines the location of a resource relative to the location of the
- configuration file itself.
-<!ENTITY % Location "#PCDATA">
-<!-- ========== Top Level Elements ======================================== -->
- <!-- deprecated: use tiles-definitions instead.-->
-<!ELEMENT component-definitions (definition*)>
-<!-- The "tiles-definitions" element is the root of the configuration file
- hierarchy, and contains nested elements for all of the other
- configuration settings.
-<!ELEMENT tiles-definitions (definition*)>
-<!-- The "definition" element describes definition that can be inserted in a
- page. This definition is identified by its logical name. A definition allows
- to define all the attributes that can be set in <insert> tag from a jsp page.
- name The unique identifier for this definition.
- path The context-relative path to the resource used as tiles to
- insert. This tiles will be inserted and a tiles context
- containing appropriate attributes will be available.
- page Same as path.
- template Same as path. For compatibility with the template taglib.
- extends Name of a definition that is used as ancestor of this definition.
- All attributes from the ancestor are available to the new
- definition. Any attribute inherited from the ancestor can
- be overloaded by providing a new value.
- role security role name that is allowed access to this definition
- object. The definition is inserted only if the role name is
- allowed.
- controllerClass The fully qualified Java class name of the controller
- subclass to call immediately before the tiles is inserted.
- Only one of controllerClass or controllerUrl should be
- specified.
- controllerUrl The context-relative path to the resource used as controller
- called immediately before the tiles is inserted.
- Only one of controllerClass or controllerUrl should be
- specified.
-<!ELEMENT definition (icon?, display-name?, description?, put*, putList*)>
-<!ATTLIST definition id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST definition name %DefinitionName; #REQUIRED>
-<!ATTLIST definition page %RequestPath; #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST definition path %RequestPath; #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST definition extends %DefinitionName; #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST definition role CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST definition template %RequestPath; #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST definition controllerClass %ClassName; #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST definition controllerUrl %RequestPath; #IMPLIED>
-<!-- The "put" element describes an attribute of a definition. It allows to
- specify the tiles attribute name and its value. The tiles value can be
- specified as an xml attribute, or in the body of the <put> tag.
- name The unique identifier for this tiles attribute.
- value The value associated to this tiles attribute. The value should
- be specified with this tag attribute, or in the body of the tag.
- type The type of the value. Can be: string, page, template or
- By default, no type is associated to a value. If a type is
- associated, it will be used as a hint to process the value
- when the attribute will be used in the inserted tiles.
- content Same as value. For compatibility with the template taglib.
- direct Same as type="string". For compatibility with the
- taglib.
-<!ATTLIST put type %ContentType; #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST put content CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST put direct %Boolean; #IMPLIED>
-<!-- The "putList" element describes a list attribute of a definition. It
allows to
- specify an attribute that is a java List containing any kind of values. In
- the config file, the list elements are specified by nested <add>, <item>
- <putList>.
- name The unique identifier for this tiles attribute.
-<!ELEMENT putList ( (add* | item* | bean* | putList*)*) >
-<!ATTLIST putList id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!-- ========== Subordinate Elements ====================================== -->
-<!-- The "add" element describes an element of a list. It is similar to the
- <put> element.
- value The value associated to this tiles attribute. The value should
- be specified with this tag attribute, or in the body of the tag.
- type The type of the value. Can be: string, page, template or
- By default, no type is associated to a value. If a type is
- associated, it will be used as a hint to process the value
- when the attribute will be used in the inserted tiles.
- content Same as value. For compatibility with the template taglib.
- direct Same as type="string". For compatibility with the
- taglib.
-<!ATTLIST add type %ContentType; #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST add content CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST add direct %Boolean; #IMPLIED>
-<!-- The "bean" element describes an element of a list. It create a bean of
- specified java classtype. This bean is initialized with appropriate nested
- <set-property>.
- classtype The fully qualified classname for this bean.
-<!ELEMENT bean (set-property*)>
-<!ATTLIST bean classtype %ClassName; #REQUIRED>
-<!-- The "set-property" element specifies the method name and initial value
- a bean property. When the object representing
- the surrounding element is instantiated, the accessor for the indicated
- property is called and passed the indicated value.
- property Name of the JavaBeans property whose setter method
- will be called.
- value String representation of the value to which this
- property will be set, after suitable type conversion
-<!ELEMENT set-property EMPTY>
-<!ATTLIST set-property id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST set-property property %PropName; #REQUIRED>
-<!ATTLIST set-property value CDATA #REQUIRED>
-<!-- The "item" element describes an element of a list. It create a bean
added as
- element to the list. Each bean can contains different properties: value, link,
- icon, tooltip. This properties are to be interpreted by the jsp page using
- them.
- By default the bean is of type
- "org.apache.struts.tiles.beans.SimpleMenuItem". This bean is useful to
- create list of beans used as menu items.
- value The bean 'value' property.
- link The bean 'link' property.
- icon The bean 'icon' property.
- tooltip The bean 'tooltip' property.
- classtype The fully qualified classname for this bean.
- If specified, the classname must be a subclass of the interface
- "org.apache.struts.tiles.beans.MenuItem".
-<!ELEMENT item (#PCDATA)>
-<!ATTLIST item classtype %ClassName; #IMPLIED>
-<!ATTLIST item tooltip CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!-- ========== Info Elements ====================================== -->
-<!-- The "description" element contains descriptive (paragraph length) text
- about the surrounding element, suitable for use in GUI tools.
-<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
-<!ATTLIST description id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!-- The "display-name" element contains a short (one line) description of
- the surrounding element, suitable for use in GUI tools.
-<!ELEMENT display-name (#PCDATA)>
-<!ATTLIST display-name id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!-- The "icon" element contains a small-icon and large-icon element which
- specify the location, relative to the Struts configuration file, for small
- and large images used to represent the surrounding element in GUI tools.
-<!ELEMENT icon (small-icon?, large-icon?)>
-<!-- The "large-icon" element specifies the location, relative to the
- configuration file, of a resource containing a large (32x32 pixel)
- icon image.
-<!ELEMENT large-icon (%Location;)>
-<!ATTLIST large-icon id ID #IMPLIED>
-<!-- The "small-icon" element specifies the location, relative to the
- configuration file, of a resource containing a small (16x16 pixel)
- icon image.
-<!ELEMENT small-icon (%Location;)>
-<!ATTLIST small-icon id ID #IMPLIED>