Joseph Marques wrote:
as of last night, the events tab will now only show up when the
resource (or compatible group) you're viewing supports the events.
the result of this, in short, is that we need to find a new home for
the timeline view.
if you go to the events tab for some JBAS instance in inventory,
you'll see the timeline subtab. the problem lies in the fact that the
timeline view displays data from several different subsystems:
availability history, logged event, executed operations, triggered
alerts. as a result, if we kept timeline under the event tab, you
could only get to it if your resource supported events...but then you
lose the ability to view the other types of data this composite view
can display.
so, the question is...where should this view go? some options so far:
1) as it's own tab for a resource (alongside monitor, events,
configuration, operation, alerts, content)
2) as a subsystem view (alongside config updates, problem resources,
etc at /rhq/subsystem/layout/main.xhtml path)
for option #1, the fit is rather natural, but there is some concern
that "timeline" doesn't correctly implement what a resource tab is
attempting to model (a resource-wise view of each subsystem). while i
agree with that assessment (because timeline is a composite view) i
nonetheless think this is a good target.
for option #2, the fit is less than ideal, but it still might have
value. the problems i see here is that we would still need a way of
selecting a resource before the timeline view could be displayed.
subsystem views are supposed to be cross-cutting views (and, in that
respect, it's similar to timeline) but subsystem views are single
subsystems across all resources in the system (whereas timeline is
multiple subsystems across a single resource).
clearly, the timeline view lies somewhere in the middle. so, what do
other people think? should it be a new tab on a resource, or should
it be a subsystem view that allows you to select different resources?
My suggestion
is don't hide the events tab. Why not just disable the
"history" subtab under events for resources that don't have events...
and default the views to the timeline?
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