Author: bleathem
Date: 2011-11-22 18:37:09 -0500 (Tue, 22 Nov 2011)
New Revision: 22976
Grammar cleanup of the notify component documentation
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/chap-Component_Reference-Output_and_messages.xml 2011-11-22
23:04:07 UTC (rev 22975)
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/chap-Component_Reference-Output_and_messages.xml 2011-11-22
23:37:09 UTC (rev 22976)
@@ -242,37 +242,29 @@
- The <sgmltag><rich:notify></sgmltag> component
serves for advanced user interaction, giving user instant feedback on what's happening
in application in form of notifications.
+ The <sgmltag><rich:notify></sgmltag> component
serves for advanced user interaction, using notification boxes to give the user instant
feedback on what's happening within the application.
+ Each time this component is rendered, a floating notification box is
displayed in the selected corner of the browser screen.
- <para>
- Each time this component is rendered, floating notification box is displayed
in the selected corner of the browser screen.
- </para>
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-richnotify-Basic_usage">
<title>Basic usage</title>
- The <sgmltag><rich:notify></sgmltag> has two
message customization attributes: <parameter>summary</parameter> is short text
summarizing the message, while <parameter>detail</parameter> configures
detailed body of the message.
+ The <sgmltag><rich:notify></sgmltag> has two
message customization attributes: <parameter>summary</parameter> is short text
summarizing the message, while <parameter>detail</parameter> configures the
detailed body of the message.
+ Both attributes have their counterparts in form of facets with the same
names as the corresponding attributes.
- <para>
- Both attributes have their counterparts in form of facets with same names
as attributes.
- </para>
<title>Customizing notifications</title>
- Notification appears on the page each them they are rendered, on
full-page or ajax requests.
+ A notification appears on the page each time it is rendered, either on
full-page or ajax requests.
+ The notification remains on the screen for 8 seconds and then
+ Users can close the notification with the close button in the top-right
corner of the notification.
- Notifications are waiting on the screen for 8 seconds and then they
+ Notification stacks can be used to create sequences. For customization of
stacking see the <sgmltag><rich:notifyStack></sgmltag>
- Notification stacks and creates sequences. For customizition of stacking
see <sgmltag><rich:notifyStack></sgmltag> component.
- </para>
- <para>
- User can close notification with close button in the top-right corner of
each notification.
- </para>
- <para>
There are several attributes that can change default behavior:
@@ -308,7 +300,7 @@
- Nonblocking notifications can be clicked through, but because they are
using jQuery mechanism to bypass events, only jQuery event handlers are triggered. It
specifically means that standard links won't be triggered.
+ Nonblocking notifications can be clicked through, but because they are
using jQuery mechanism to bypass events, only jQuery event handlers are triggered. IThis
means that standard links won't be triggered.
@@ -354,16 +346,12 @@
<title>Basic usage</title>
The <sgmltag><rich:notifyMessage></sgmltag>
component is built on top of <sgmltag><rich:notify></sgmltag>,
the difference is in usage.
+ The <sgmltag><rich:notifyMessage></sgmltag>
component displays <code>FacesMessage</code>s associated with a given
component, similar to <sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag>: one
notification is displayed for first <code>FacesMessage</code> in the stack
that is risen either programatically or during conversion/validation of the component.
+ The severity of the message determines the color and icon of the
resulting notification.
- Component displays <code>FacesMessage</code>s associated with
given component, similarry to <sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag>:
one notification is displayed for first <code>FacesMessage</code> in stack,
raisen either programatically or during component conversion or validation.
+ For customization of notification behavior, please refer to <link
notifications</link> of <sgmltag><rich:notify></sgmltag>.
- <para>
- Severify of message which triggers notification determines color and icon
of notification.
- </para>
- <para>
- For customization of notifications behavior refer to <link
notifications</link> of <sgmltag><rich:notify></sgmltag>.
- </para>
@@ -395,10 +383,10 @@
<title>Style classes and skin parameters</title>
- Note that
<sgmltag><rich:notifyMessage></sgmltag> shares common classes
with <sgmltag><rich:notify></sgmltag>, since for each JSF
message, exactly one notification is rendered.
+ Note that
<sgmltag><rich:notifyMessage></sgmltag> shares common classes
with <sgmltag><rich:notify></sgmltag>, since there is exactly
one notification rendered for each JSF message.
- The <sgmltag><rich:notifyMessage></sgmltag>
specific classes are redefining look for various message severity levels.
+ The <sgmltag><rich:notifyMessage></sgmltag>
specific classes are redefining the look for various message severity levels.
<xi:include href="skinning/tabl-richnotifyMessage.xml"
xmlns:xi="" />
@@ -407,7 +395,7 @@
- The <sgmltag><rich:notifyMessages></sgmltag>
component is same as <sgmltag><rich:notifyMessage></sgmltag>,
but each of available messages generates one notification.
+ The <sgmltag><rich:notifyMessages></sgmltag>
component is the same as the
<sgmltag><rich:notifyMessage></sgmltag> component, but each of
the available messages generates one notification.
<sgmltag><rich:notifyMessages></sgmltag> shares the
same set of attributes with
@@ -474,31 +462,31 @@
<title>Basic usage</title>
- They are three alternative ways how to bind notification with stack:
+ They are three alternative ways to bind notifications with a stack:
- <emphasis>wrapping</emphasis>: nesting
<sgmltag><rich:notifyMessage></sgmltag> or
<sgmltag><rich:notifyMessages></sgmltag> bounds notifications
with stack which is wrapping them
+ <emphasis>wrapping</emphasis>: nesting
<sgmltag><rich:notifyMessage></sgmltag> or
<sgmltag><rich:notifyMessages></sgmltag> binds notifications
with the stack in which they are wrapped
- <emphasis>binding by id</emphasis>: notification can
be bound directly to stack using it's <code>componentId</code> in
attribute <parameter>stack</parameter>
+ <emphasis>binding by id</emphasis>: notification can
be bound directly to a stack using it's <code>componentId</code> in the
<parameter>stack</parameter> attribute
- <emphasis>using default stack</emphasis>: default
stack is used when no other binding is defined for given notification
+ <emphasis>using default stack</emphasis>: a default
stack is used when no other binding is defined for a given notification
<programlisting language="XML"
role="XML"><xi:include parse="text"
xmlns:xi="" /></programlisting>
- The sample above defines stack explicitly, where notifications uses stack
in that they are wrapped.
+ The sample above defines the stack explicitly, where notifications use
the stack in which they are wrapped.
- The sample bellow uses notification, which is rendered into top-left
screen corner. Notification is bound to stack using its id.
+ The sample bellow uses a notification rendered into the top-left corner
of the screen. The notification is bound to a stack using it's id.
<programlisting language="XML"
role="XML"><xi:include parse="text"
xmlns:xi="" /></programlisting>
@@ -506,17 +494,17 @@
<title>Positioning notifications</title>
- To redefine positioning of notification, one needs to define stack and
bind it with given notification.
+ To redefine the position of a notification, one needs to define a stack
and bind it with the given notification.
- <sgmltag><rich:notifyStack></sgmltag> uses
<parameter>position</parameter> attribute which places stack and its
notifications into one of four corners: <code>topRight</code> (default),
<code>bottomRight</code>, <code>bottomLeft</code>,
+ <sgmltag><rich:notifyStack></sgmltag> uses the
<parameter>position</parameter> attribute to place the stack and it's
notifications into one of four corners: <code>topRight</code> (default),
<code>bottomRight</code>, <code>bottomLeft</code>,
<title>Stacking notifications</title>
- There are two attributes which influences how notifications are placed
into stack:
+ There are two attributes which influences how notifications are placed
into a stack:
@@ -529,11 +517,11 @@
- Following sample shows stack which will place new notification as first -
incoming message will appear first, causing all notifications currently in stack to shift.
Adequately, messages on the end of stack will be then removed from stack as first.
+ The following sample shows a stack which will place new notifications up
front - the incoming message will appear first, causing all notifications currently in
stack to shift. Subsequently, messages at the end of stack will be then removed.
<programlisting language="XML"
role="XML"><xi:include parse="text"
xmlns:xi="" /></programlisting>
- On the other hand, stacking method <code>last</code> does
provide method to place messages on the end of stack, and when removing notification, it
is removed from start, causing all other notifications to shift.
+ On the other hand, stacking method <code>last</code> provides
a method to place messages on the end of the stack, and when removing a notification, it
is removed from the start, causing all other notifications to shift.