Author: atsebro
Date: 2009-03-24 13:03:25 -0400 (Tue, 24 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 13147
Added: trunk/test-applications/realworld2/doc/tree_build_descr.xhtml
--- trunk/test-applications/realworld2/doc/tree_build_descr.xhtml
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/test-applications/realworld2/doc/tree_build_descr.xhtml 2009-03-24 17:03:25 UTC
(rev 13147)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+<h1> The <rich:tree> component</h1>
+<p>The component is designed for hierarchical data presentation and is applied for
building a tree structure. The component also uses built-in drag and drop.</p>
+<p>The <rich:tree> component in the PhotoAlbum application helps to represent
and realize inherently the �Shelves�Albums�Photos� paradigm. Shelf is the highest
possible level in the tree hierarchy. Shelfs are used to group thematic albums and may
contain as many albums as needed. Photos are not represented in the tree because of their
possible big quantities, which can make tree clumsy. Photos by themselves are rendered in
the center of the screen (hereinafter referred to as watching area).</p>
+<p>Implicitly, the <rich:tree> components takes one of the main position in
the PhotoAlbum and bounded with many application logic. There are several ways to realize
the <rich:tree>. In the current application the <rich:tree> is realized
using model tag <rich:treeNodesAdaptor>.</p>
+<p>Using the <rich:treeNodesAdaptor> means that the typical hierarchical tree
structure is built on page straight in the component tree. The code snippet below shows
the idea of how the tree can be built on the page with the help of adaptors:</p>
+ <rich:treeNodesAdaptor>
+ <rich:treeNode />
+ <rich:treeNodesAdaptor>
+ <rich:treeNode />
+ <rich:treeNodesAdaptor>
+ <rich:treeNode />
+ <rich:treeNodesAdaptor>
+ <rich:treeNode />
+ </rich:treeNodesAdaptor>
+ </rich:treeNodesAdaptor>
+ </rich:treeNodesAdaptor>
+ </rich:treeNodesAdaptor>
+<p>The NodesAdaptors completely repeat the tree hierarchy that takes place in an
application. Adaptors may be nested one into another as deeply as needed. </p>
+<p>When using <rich:treeNodesAdaptor> component there is no need to specify
the "value" and "var" attributes for the <rich:tree>. The values
for nodes to be rendered are passed directly into the corresponding adaptor and the
component do all the necessary iterative job. </p>
+<p>The realization of the <rich:tree> in the application is very close to the
model shown above. The <rich:treeNodesAdaptor> component has �nodes� attribute. This
attribute accepts collections that may include lists, arrays, maps, XML NodeList and
NamedNodeMap either as single objects. The top <rich:treeNodesAdaptor> in the
application responses for shelfs rendering. It �nodes� attribute refers to getShelfs()
method of ShelfManager class and gets the collection of shelfs associated with the current
user and all the shared shelfs in the system. Take a look at this method:</p>
+ public List<Shelf> getShelfs(){
+ if(shelfs == null){
+ shelfs = shelfAction.getShelfs(user);
+ }
+ return shelfs;
+ }
+<p>After the �nodes� attribute of �shelf� <rich:treeNodesAdaptor> receives
the collection of shelfs, it switches to the nested �album� <rich:treeNodesAdaptor>,
which �nodes� attribute refers in it turn to albums field of the Shelf class and takes the
collection of all albums associated with the current shelf. The
<rich:treeNodesAdaptor> renders all the albums that belongs to current iterating
shelf and switches back to the �shelf� adaptor to render and iterate the next shelf in the
received earlier collection. Here is how it looks in the webapp/includes/index/tree.xhtml
+<rich:tree id="tree" ...>
+ <rich:treeNodesAdaptor nodes="#{shelfManager.getShelfs()}" ...>
+ <rich:treeNode reRender="mainArea" ...>
+ <rich:dropSupport id="shelfDND" .../>
+ <ui:include src="/includes/contextMenu/CMForShelf.xhtml"
+ <ui:param name="shelf" ... />
+ </ui:include>
+ <h:outputText value="#{}" />
+ <h:outputText value=" :: " />
+ </strong> new
+ <a4j:support reRender="tree, mainArea" .../>
+ <a4j:support reRender="tree, mainArea" .../>
+ </rich:treeNode>
+ <rich:treeNodesAdaptor var="album" ...>
+ <rich:treeNode reRender="mainArea" ...>
+ <ui:include src="/includes/contextMenu/CMForAlbum.xhtml" >
+ <ui:param name="album" ... />
+ </ui:include>
+ <rich:dndParam name="label" ... />
+ <h:outputText value="#{}" />
+ <h:outputText value=" :: " />
+ <strong>#{albumManager.getCountUnvisitedImages(album)}</strong> new
+ <rich:dropSupport id="php" .../>
+ <a4j:support reRender="tree, mainArea"
+ <a4j:support reRender="tree, mainArea" .../>
+ </rich:treeNode>
+ </rich:treeNodesAdaptor>
+ </rich:treeNodesAdaptor>
\ No newline at end of file
Added: trunk/test-applications/realworld2/doc/tree_click_descr.xhtml
--- trunk/test-applications/realworld2/doc/tree_click_descr.xhtml
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/test-applications/realworld2/doc/tree_click_descr.xhtml 2009-03-24 17:03:25 UTC
(rev 13147)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<h1> How the tree built</h1>
+<h1> What happens when click on tree node</h1>
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