Author: lfryc(a)
Date: 2011-11-14 15:24:01 -0500 (Mon, 14 Nov 2011)
New Revision: 22932
RFPL-1685, RFPL-1610: finishing a4j:push documentation changes for 4.1
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/chap-Component_Reference-Actions.xml 2011-11-14
19:46:43 UTC (rev 22931)
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/chap-Component_Reference-Actions.xml 2011-11-14
20:24:01 UTC (rev 22932)
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-Actions-a4jpush">
- The <sgmltag><a4j:push></sgmltag> component performs
real-time updates on the client side from events raised at the server side. The events are
pushed out to the client through the RichFaces messaging queue (which is bound to Java
Messaging Service - <acronym>JMS</acronym>). When the
<sgmltag><a4j:push></sgmltag> component is triggered by a server
event, it can in turn cause Ajax updates and changes.
+ The <sgmltag><a4j:push></sgmltag> component performs
real-time updates on the client side from events triggered at the server side. The events
are pushed out to the client through the RichFaces messaging queue (which is bound to Java
Messaging Service - <acronym>JMS</acronym>). When the
<sgmltag><a4j:push></sgmltag> component is triggered by a server
event, it can in turn cause Ajax updates and changes.
The <sgmltag><a4j:push></sgmltag> component uses the Comet
model for pushing data to the client.
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@
The <sgmltag><a4j:push></sgmltag> uses Atmosphere framework
on both client-side and server-side. In order to use Atmosphere on server-side, it is
necessary to add Atmosphere libraries into project.
- It is possible to trigger push events on server-side in several ways,
which will be described later:
+ It is possible to trigger push events on server-side in several ways:
@@ -587,11 +587,11 @@
No matter which type way of producing messages is chosen, message is
delivered to the client based on the topic name (with optional subtopic).
- Examples of topic names might be <code>someTopic</code> or
topic including subtopic <code>subtopic@anotherTopic</code>.
+ Examples of topic names might be <code>someTopic</code> or
- <para>
+ <note>
Push topic name format is very close to JMS topic names and thus enables
seamless transport of JMS messages to RichFaces message queue.
- </para>
+ </note>
@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@
<title>Updating DOM for each push notification</title>
<programlisting language="XML"
role="XML"><xi:include parse="text"
xmlns:xi="" /></programlisting>
- The example uses the <varname>dataavailable</varname>
event handler to trigger ajax update of the part of the page.
+ The example uses the <varname>dataavailable</varname>
event handler to trigger AJAX request and partial page update.
@@ -706,18 +706,15 @@
<programlisting language="XML" role="XML"><xi:include
xmlns:xi="" /></programlisting>
<programlisting language="Java" role="JAVA"><xi:include
xmlns:xi="" /></programlisting>
- The example demonstrates a simple use of the
<sgmltag><a4j:push></sgmltag> component to manage a list of
users in a chat room. The <sgmltag><a4j:push></sgmltag>
component refers to the <code>#{chatBean.listSubtopic}@chat</code> address,
which has been created on the JMS server. It then uses the sub-topics to separate messages
across different topics.
+ The example demonstrates a simple use of the
<sgmltag><a4j:push></sgmltag> causing immediate update of page
- <para>
- When a new message arrives, the
<sgmltag><a4j:ajax></sgmltag> behavior causes the user list to
update. If an error occurs, the user is alerted.
- </para>
<title>Using Push without JMS</title>
- Since JMS coupling may be unwated in certain cases, RichFaces provides
switch which turns off JMS integration:
+ Since JMS coupling may be unwanted in certain cases, RichFaces provides
switch which turns off JMS integration:
<programlisting language="XML"
role="XML"><xi:include parse="text"
xmlns:xi="" /></programlisting>
@@ -728,15 +725,15 @@
<title>Using TopicsContext to publish message</title>
- Alternative way of producing messages is using RichFaces'
<code>TopicsContext</code> interface directly as in following sample:
+ Alternative way of producing messages is using
<code>TopicsContext</code> interface directly as in following sample:
<programlisting language="Java"
role="JAVA"><xi:include parse="text"
xmlns:xi="" /></programlisting>
Sending message using <code>TopicsContext</code> involves
creating <code>TopicKey</code> instance (denominator of given message topic)
and looking up for <code>TopicsContext</code> used for topic registration and
message publishing.
- <para>
- Note that for using <code>TopicsContext</code> is it
necessary having <code>FacesContext</code> instance available in current
- </para>
+ <important>
+ For using <code>TopicsContext</code> is it necessary having
<code>FacesContext</code> instance available in current thread.
+ </important>
@@ -748,15 +745,15 @@
Push notifications can be produced by annotating CDI event with
<code>@Push</code> annotation, which specifies end-point (topic name).
- Payload of the message is the serialized object sent with CDI event using
<code> object)</code>.
+ Payload of the message is the serialized object sent using CDI event
interface (<code> object)</code>).
<programlisting language="Java"
role="JAVA"><xi:include parse="text"
xmlns:xi="" /></programlisting>
- <para>
- Note that for using CDI events for producing push notifications, is it
necessary having <code>FacesContext</code> instance available in current
- </para>
- <para>
- Note that associations for CDI events and their handlers are constructed
in application deployment. Therefore topics can't be dynamically associated using
<code></code> @Push CDI qualifier.
- </para>
+ <important>
+ For using CDI events for producing push notifications, is it necessary
having <code>FacesContext</code> instance available in current thread.
+ </important>
+ <note>
+ Associations for CDI events and their handlers are constructed in
application deployment. Therefore topics can't be dynamically associated using
<code></code> @Push CDI qualifier.
+ </note>
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-a4jpush-Reference_data">
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/extras/ 2011-11-14
19:46:43 UTC (rev 22931)
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/extras/ 2011-11-14
20:24:01 UTC (rev 22932)
@@ -1,24 +1,8 @@
-public String getListSubtopic() {
- return this.getUserName() + SUBTOPIC_SEPARATOR + channelName + "List";
+TopicSession session;
+TopicPublisher publisher;
-protected void onUserList(String channel, User[] users) {
- try {
- getTopicsContext().publish(new TopicKey("chat", getListSubtopic()),
- } catch (MessageException e) {
- LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
- }
-protected void onJoin(String channel, String sender, String login, String hostname) {
- try {
- getTopicsContext().publish(new TopicKey("chat", getListSubtopic()),
- Message messageObject = new Message("joined channel", sender,
- DateFormat.getInstance().format(new Date()));
- getTopicsContext().publish(new TopicKey("chat", getMessagesSubtopic()),
- } catch (MessageException e) {
- LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
- }
+public void sendCurrentDate() throws JMSException {
+ String currentDate = new Date().toString();
+ ObjectMessage message = session.createObjectMessage(message);
+ publisher.publish(message);
\ No newline at end of file
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/extras/exam-Component_Reference-a4jpush-Basic_usage.xml_sample 2011-11-14
19:46:43 UTC (rev 22931)
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/extras/exam-Component_Reference-a4jpush-Basic_usage.xml_sample 2011-11-14
20:24:01 UTC (rev 22932)
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-<rich:list value="#{chatBean.users}" var="user"
id="users" type="unordered">
- #{user.nick}
-<a4j:push address="#{chatBean.listSubtopic}@chat"
- onerror="alert(">
- <a4j:ajax event="dataavailable" render="users"
execute="@none" />
+<a4j:push id="pushJms" address="pushJms"
+<a4j:outputPanel id="serverDate" layout="block">
+ <i>waiting for event...</i>
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