JBoss Rich Faces SVN: r1007 - in trunk: sandbox/scrollable-grid and 3 other directories.
by richfaces-svn-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: ishabalov
Date: 2007-06-04 14:12:29 -0400 (Mon, 04 Jun 2007)
New Revision: 1007
Ignore list updated
Property changes on: trunk/sandbox/panel2
Name: svn:ignore
+ target
Property changes on: trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid
Name: svn:ignore
+ target
Property changes on: trunk/sandbox/simpleTogglePanel2
Name: svn:ignore
+ target
Property changes on: trunk/sandbox-samples/panel2-sample
Name: svn:ignore
+ target
Property changes on: trunk/sandbox-samples/simpleTogglePanel2-sample
Name: svn:ignore
+ target
17 years, 8 months
JBoss Rich Faces SVN: r1006 - trunk.
by richfaces-svn-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: ishabalov
Date: 2007-06-04 14:11:18 -0400 (Mon, 04 Jun 2007)
New Revision: 1006
trunk/release notes.txt
Added release notes document
Added: trunk/release notes.txt
--- trunk/release notes.txt (rev 0)
+++ trunk/release notes.txt 2007-06-04 18:11:18 UTC (rev 1006)
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+Release Notes - RichFaces - Version 3.0.1
+** Bug
+ * [RF-2] - problem with z-index when modalPanel is used with tabPanel
+ * [RF-3] - drag-n-drop: the panel is transparent for dropping in IE if graphic image is dragged
+ * [RF-5] - The content of the rich components is not rendered if particular components are direct children
+ * [RF-7] - SuggestionBox not working in IE
+ * [RF-8] - Suggestion Box doesn't align correctly in IE
+ * [RF-13] - input cursor is invisible inside the modalPanel
+ * [RF-14] - iteration components shows wrong data if there are pointed with ReRender
+ * [RF-17] - DataScrollerEvent actioListener method is not invoked the first time when scrolling occurs
+ * [RF-18] - ModalPanel displaying a white column on right side of panel
+ * [RF-19] - rich:dataTable, rich:columnGroup ignore use 'renderer' attribute for columns.
+ * [RF-21] - DnD: the background of the component is transparent for Drop
+ * [RF-22] - dnd: the drag operation must stop when user releases the mouse button event the cursor is out of the browser window at this moment
+ * [RF-23] - datascroller: renderIfSinglePage="false" does not work correctly
+ * [RF-24] - NPE from Drag/Drop Support classes if a component is added, then removed from a UIComponent children collection
+ * [RF-25] - Suggestion Box doesn't implement AjaxSource
+ * [RF-26] - tabPanel: exception occurs when tabPanel with switchType="client" has a h:form around
+ * [RF-28] - datascroller: Exception in the SNAPSHOT version
+ * [RF-30] - TabPanel: IllegalArgumentException on MyFaces
+ * [RF-33] - In tree DropEvent.getDropValue() is always showing up as null
+ * [RF-36] - datascroller: remove unnecessary attribute name from the top div
+ * [RF-37] - dataTable is re-rendered incorrect when the records are deleted
+ * [RF-38] - a4j:include does not work as expected inside tabPanel
+ * [RF-41] - Label of dragIndicators disappeared
+ * [RF-42] - Exception on starting Gmap project
+ * [RF-43] - Question-mark appeared after label of simple toggle panel
+ * [RF-45] - dataTable has wrong representation for the empty fields.
+ * [RF-47] - inputNumberSpinner: the look-n-feel is not good inside the dataTable cell
+ * [RF-48] - DnD: components having dragType not assigned should not initiate drag
+ * [RF-50] - Tree selection may stop working if more than one node is refreshed at a time
+ * [RF-52] - modalPanel: ModalPanel via https. annoying warning appears
+ * [RF-53] - Drag Indicator's acceptClass and rejectClass attributes don't work
+ * [RF-54] - DnD: DnDEventsExchangeMailer got confused by components with simultaneous drag & drop capabilities
+ * [RF-58] - Hitting escape reopens the suggestion box after closure
+ * [RF-65] - SimpleTogglePanel encodes wrong </form> element in client mode
+ * [RF-66] - Suggestion Box positioned incorreclty in FireFox
+ * [RF-67] - panelBar: Rendering bug with CSS
+ * [RF-68] - rich:dataTable: the style attribute for rich:columnGroup is ignored
+ * [RF-70] - dataTable: onRowXXXX events are not rendered if columns are united with rich:columnGroup
+ * [RF-71] - Tabs doesn't fill Ajax-update-Ids field with the own reRender value
+ * [RF-72] - h:commandLink does not work in rich:dataTable
+ * [RF-73] - Controls underneath a suggestionbox - inaccessible.
+ * [RF-74] - Data Scroller doesn't works in the footer facet
+ * [RF-76] - Tree does not render node added in action listener until second refresh
+ * [RF-77] - Tree component should not allow explicit drag/drop value setting
+ * [RF-78] - TabPanel lost component state in "client" mode
+ * [RF-79] - Modal Panel positioned wrong in Opera 9.10
+ * [RF-83] - dataTable: the column on the same row is not updated in the latest snapshot. Focus is lost in FF
+ * [RF-91] - datascroller. actionListener is not invoked
+ * [RF-92] - tree. incorrect style definition for imgaes inside nodes
+ * [RF-95] - inputNumberSlider: slider reproduces wrong value when spinner works fine
+ * [RF-97] - inputNumberSpinner doesn't render onblur
+ * [RF-98] - table: incorrect style paramater
+ * [RF-99] - datatablescroller: style and class contain innessesary value
+ * [RF-101] - Rerender table, reset datascroller
+ * [RF-104] - DataFilterSlider: slider doesn't slide
+ * [RF-107] - simpleTogglePanel actionListener is not called
+ * [RF-108] - simpleTogglePanel: duplicate class attribute rendering is invalid XHTML
+ * [RF-111] - tree: Exception when user clicks a4:commandLink on the same page outside the Tree
+ * [RF-112] - If inputText linked to rich:suggestionBox fails validation then the suggestionBox will not redisplay without page refresh
+ * [RF-113] - ModalPanel: shadow decoration
+ * [RF-116] - richfaces-demo: FF 2.0. The border of the left panels does not feet the panels
+ * [RF-123] - tab: onclick does not work
+ * [RF-125] - suggestionBox on demo: background disappears when the first char is typed
+ * [RF-128] - tree: dnd: start draging close to the boundary of the node makes Dnd functionality unstable
+ * [RF-132] - menu: page is scrolled up after ajax call
+ * [RF-134] - menu: menu overlapping in IE
+ * [RF-136] - menu: black border around the menu label in IE
+ * [RF-137] - menu: menu label look-n-feels are too different depends of the skin and browser
+ * [RF-140] - menu: default value for hideDelay and and showDelay attribute
+ * [RF-142] - menu: mode should be renamed to submitMode
+ * [RF-144] - menu: warning message on console
+ * [RF-147] - menu: the height of the label should be set to auto
+ * [RF-150] - Suggestionbox - in IE6, if you type a character, and then click on an item in the list (with the mouse), and then press Tab, it won't tab out of the field
+ * [RF-151] - Hide unnecessary attributes for some components.
+ * [RF-154] - Suggestion do not appears for the second time
+ * [RF-173] - Exception on trying to open page with suggestion in Firefox
+ * [RF-177] - DataScroller isn't rendered placed before table in JSF 1.1 env
+ * [RF-178] - SuggestionBox: incorrect popup positioning, when parent has position:absolute
+ * [RF-180] - SuggestionBox positioned wrong on demoSite
+ * [RF-184] - dataScroller duplicate style and class attribute if specified
+ * [RF-190] - dropDownMenu: showDelay and hideDelay do not work in IE
+ * [RF-192] - exception: stateOrder for togglePanel shouldn't be empty
+ * [RF-193] - TogglePanel: panel stops to switch after several changing of switchType
+ * [RF-194] - Isn't possible to select text inside inputs via mouse in IE 6.
+ * [RF-196] - DropDownMenu: menu is blinking after changing any parameter
+ * [RF-197] - DropDownMenu has wrong style appearence in Firefox 2.0
+ * [RF-200] - Separator: separator doesn't displayed
+ * [RF-202] - Tree : ConnectingLines doesn't displayed
+ * [RF-205] - Suggestion Box : transparent suggestion appeares
+ * [RF-208] - modal panel can't be displayed in Safari if attribute resizeable seted to false
+ * [RF-212] - rich:suggestionbox doesn't work inside rich:simpleTogglePanel
+ * [RF-222] - DDMenu. Disabled item do not change its color
+ * [RF-223] - Separator: separator isn't displayed after each parameter changing
+ * [RF-227] - DataFilterSlider: slider dissapeares in right end position in Firefox
+ * [RF-228] - DDMenu. Disabled note still can be highlighted
+ * [RF-229] - DropDownMenu: bad appearence of 2nd level menu
+ * [RF-231] - Spacer: XML error
+ * [RF-232] - Tab Panel: can't open component
+ * [RF-233] - Suggestion Box : can't invoke suggestion in Opera
+ * [RF-235] - SuggestionBox: suggestion isn't disappeared
+ * [RF-239] - panelMenu: <imgs> are not closed properly.
+ * [RF-242] - Menu Group. can't customize icons
+ * [RF-243] - Action Listener isn't invoked by DEFAULT on the menuItem
+ * [RF-245] - If there is only one item on the last page of a datatable, datascroller then the next buttons disappear
+** Feature Request
+ * [RF-4] - Add expression or the current row index of rich:dataTable
+ * [RF-10] - Allow ajaxSingle for suggestionBox to make it possible to use other fields values in the suggestion action
+ * [RF-11] - SuggestionBox: assign default values for width and height
+ * [RF-15] - Add support for facets in rich:datascroller
+ * [RF-29] - add Impementation-Version to MANIFEST.MF
+ * [RF-32] - Add DnD parameters to dragIndicator
+ * [RF-81] - suggestion box. Enable onsubmit to to make it possible to discard ajax request
+ * [RF-84] - Create RichFaces resources descriptors
+ * [RF-87] - Tree - make selection submit on mouse up
+ * [RF-102] - Tree - Need ability to disable node selection
+ * [RF-120] - datatablescroller: add align attribute
+ * [RF-220] - tree: icon*, leaf facets
+** Task
+ * [RF-9] - The RichFaces Developer Guide for the suggestionBox states that the autocomplete method should take a SuggestionEvent, but it appears that it takes an Object instead
+ * [RF-94] - tree: add alt="" to the images in the template
+ * [RF-135] - menu: menu is shown too big by default
+ * [RF-145] - menu: remove gradient for focused items
+ * [RF-185] - Unit testing: check & update
17 years, 8 months
JBoss Rich Faces SVN: r1005 - tags/3_0_1.
by richfaces-svn-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: ishabalov
Date: 2007-06-04 14:09:05 -0400 (Mon, 04 Jun 2007)
New Revision: 1005
tags/3_0_1/release notes.txt
Added release notes document
Added: tags/3_0_1/release notes.txt
--- tags/3_0_1/release notes.txt (rev 0)
+++ tags/3_0_1/release notes.txt 2007-06-04 18:09:05 UTC (rev 1005)
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+Release Notes - RichFaces - Version 3.0.1
+** Bug
+ * [RF-2] - problem with z-index when modalPanel is used with tabPanel
+ * [RF-3] - drag-n-drop: the panel is transparent for dropping in IE if graphic image is dragged
+ * [RF-5] - The content of the rich components is not rendered if particular components are direct children
+ * [RF-7] - SuggestionBox not working in IE
+ * [RF-8] - Suggestion Box doesn't align correctly in IE
+ * [RF-13] - input cursor is invisible inside the modalPanel
+ * [RF-14] - iteration components shows wrong data if there are pointed with ReRender
+ * [RF-17] - DataScrollerEvent actioListener method is not invoked the first time when scrolling occurs
+ * [RF-18] - ModalPanel displaying a white column on right side of panel
+ * [RF-19] - rich:dataTable, rich:columnGroup ignore use 'renderer' attribute for columns.
+ * [RF-21] - DnD: the background of the component is transparent for Drop
+ * [RF-22] - dnd: the drag operation must stop when user releases the mouse button event the cursor is out of the browser window at this moment
+ * [RF-23] - datascroller: renderIfSinglePage="false" does not work correctly
+ * [RF-24] - NPE from Drag/Drop Support classes if a component is added, then removed from a UIComponent children collection
+ * [RF-25] - Suggestion Box doesn't implement AjaxSource
+ * [RF-26] - tabPanel: exception occurs when tabPanel with switchType="client" has a h:form around
+ * [RF-28] - datascroller: Exception in the SNAPSHOT version
+ * [RF-30] - TabPanel: IllegalArgumentException on MyFaces
+ * [RF-33] - In tree DropEvent.getDropValue() is always showing up as null
+ * [RF-36] - datascroller: remove unnecessary attribute name from the top div
+ * [RF-37] - dataTable is re-rendered incorrect when the records are deleted
+ * [RF-38] - a4j:include does not work as expected inside tabPanel
+ * [RF-41] - Label of dragIndicators disappeared
+ * [RF-42] - Exception on starting Gmap project
+ * [RF-43] - Question-mark appeared after label of simple toggle panel
+ * [RF-45] - dataTable has wrong representation for the empty fields.
+ * [RF-47] - inputNumberSpinner: the look-n-feel is not good inside the dataTable cell
+ * [RF-48] - DnD: components having dragType not assigned should not initiate drag
+ * [RF-50] - Tree selection may stop working if more than one node is refreshed at a time
+ * [RF-52] - modalPanel: ModalPanel via https. annoying warning appears
+ * [RF-53] - Drag Indicator's acceptClass and rejectClass attributes don't work
+ * [RF-54] - DnD: DnDEventsExchangeMailer got confused by components with simultaneous drag & drop capabilities
+ * [RF-58] - Hitting escape reopens the suggestion box after closure
+ * [RF-65] - SimpleTogglePanel encodes wrong </form> element in client mode
+ * [RF-66] - Suggestion Box positioned incorreclty in FireFox
+ * [RF-67] - panelBar: Rendering bug with CSS
+ * [RF-68] - rich:dataTable: the style attribute for rich:columnGroup is ignored
+ * [RF-70] - dataTable: onRowXXXX events are not rendered if columns are united with rich:columnGroup
+ * [RF-71] - Tabs doesn't fill Ajax-update-Ids field with the own reRender value
+ * [RF-72] - h:commandLink does not work in rich:dataTable
+ * [RF-73] - Controls underneath a suggestionbox - inaccessible.
+ * [RF-74] - Data Scroller doesn't works in the footer facet
+ * [RF-76] - Tree does not render node added in action listener until second refresh
+ * [RF-77] - Tree component should not allow explicit drag/drop value setting
+ * [RF-78] - TabPanel lost component state in "client" mode
+ * [RF-79] - Modal Panel positioned wrong in Opera 9.10
+ * [RF-83] - dataTable: the column on the same row is not updated in the latest snapshot. Focus is lost in FF
+ * [RF-91] - datascroller. actionListener is not invoked
+ * [RF-92] - tree. incorrect style definition for imgaes inside nodes
+ * [RF-95] - inputNumberSlider: slider reproduces wrong value when spinner works fine
+ * [RF-97] - inputNumberSpinner doesn't render onblur
+ * [RF-98] - table: incorrect style paramater
+ * [RF-99] - datatablescroller: style and class contain innessesary value
+ * [RF-101] - Rerender table, reset datascroller
+ * [RF-104] - DataFilterSlider: slider doesn't slide
+ * [RF-107] - simpleTogglePanel actionListener is not called
+ * [RF-108] - simpleTogglePanel: duplicate class attribute rendering is invalid XHTML
+ * [RF-111] - tree: Exception when user clicks a4:commandLink on the same page outside the Tree
+ * [RF-112] - If inputText linked to rich:suggestionBox fails validation then the suggestionBox will not redisplay without page refresh
+ * [RF-113] - ModalPanel: shadow decoration
+ * [RF-116] - richfaces-demo: FF 2.0. The border of the left panels does not feet the panels
+ * [RF-123] - tab: onclick does not work
+ * [RF-125] - suggestionBox on demo: background disappears when the first char is typed
+ * [RF-128] - tree: dnd: start draging close to the boundary of the node makes Dnd functionality unstable
+ * [RF-132] - menu: page is scrolled up after ajax call
+ * [RF-134] - menu: menu overlapping in IE
+ * [RF-136] - menu: black border around the menu label in IE
+ * [RF-137] - menu: menu label look-n-feels are too different depends of the skin and browser
+ * [RF-140] - menu: default value for hideDelay and and showDelay attribute
+ * [RF-142] - menu: mode should be renamed to submitMode
+ * [RF-144] - menu: warning message on console
+ * [RF-147] - menu: the height of the label should be set to auto
+ * [RF-150] - Suggestionbox - in IE6, if you type a character, and then click on an item in the list (with the mouse), and then press Tab, it won't tab out of the field
+ * [RF-151] - Hide unnecessary attributes for some components.
+ * [RF-154] - Suggestion do not appears for the second time
+ * [RF-173] - Exception on trying to open page with suggestion in Firefox
+ * [RF-177] - DataScroller isn't rendered placed before table in JSF 1.1 env
+ * [RF-178] - SuggestionBox: incorrect popup positioning, when parent has position:absolute
+ * [RF-180] - SuggestionBox positioned wrong on demoSite
+ * [RF-184] - dataScroller duplicate style and class attribute if specified
+ * [RF-190] - dropDownMenu: showDelay and hideDelay do not work in IE
+ * [RF-192] - exception: stateOrder for togglePanel shouldn't be empty
+ * [RF-193] - TogglePanel: panel stops to switch after several changing of switchType
+ * [RF-194] - Isn't possible to select text inside inputs via mouse in IE 6.
+ * [RF-196] - DropDownMenu: menu is blinking after changing any parameter
+ * [RF-197] - DropDownMenu has wrong style appearence in Firefox 2.0
+ * [RF-200] - Separator: separator doesn't displayed
+ * [RF-202] - Tree : ConnectingLines doesn't displayed
+ * [RF-205] - Suggestion Box : transparent suggestion appeares
+ * [RF-208] - modal panel can't be displayed in Safari if attribute resizeable seted to false
+ * [RF-212] - rich:suggestionbox doesn't work inside rich:simpleTogglePanel
+ * [RF-222] - DDMenu. Disabled item do not change its color
+ * [RF-223] - Separator: separator isn't displayed after each parameter changing
+ * [RF-227] - DataFilterSlider: slider dissapeares in right end position in Firefox
+ * [RF-228] - DDMenu. Disabled note still can be highlighted
+ * [RF-229] - DropDownMenu: bad appearence of 2nd level menu
+ * [RF-231] - Spacer: XML error
+ * [RF-232] - Tab Panel: can't open component
+ * [RF-233] - Suggestion Box : can't invoke suggestion in Opera
+ * [RF-235] - SuggestionBox: suggestion isn't disappeared
+ * [RF-239] - panelMenu: <imgs> are not closed properly.
+ * [RF-242] - Menu Group. can't customize icons
+ * [RF-243] - Action Listener isn't invoked by DEFAULT on the menuItem
+ * [RF-245] - If there is only one item on the last page of a datatable, datascroller then the next buttons disappear
+** Feature Request
+ * [RF-4] - Add expression or the current row index of rich:dataTable
+ * [RF-10] - Allow ajaxSingle for suggestionBox to make it possible to use other fields values in the suggestion action
+ * [RF-11] - SuggestionBox: assign default values for width and height
+ * [RF-15] - Add support for facets in rich:datascroller
+ * [RF-29] - add Impementation-Version to MANIFEST.MF
+ * [RF-32] - Add DnD parameters to dragIndicator
+ * [RF-81] - suggestion box. Enable onsubmit to to make it possible to discard ajax request
+ * [RF-84] - Create RichFaces resources descriptors
+ * [RF-87] - Tree - make selection submit on mouse up
+ * [RF-102] - Tree - Need ability to disable node selection
+ * [RF-120] - datatablescroller: add align attribute
+ * [RF-220] - tree: icon*, leaf facets
+** Task
+ * [RF-9] - The RichFaces Developer Guide for the suggestionBox states that the autocomplete method should take a SuggestionEvent, but it appears that it takes an Object instead
+ * [RF-94] - tree: add alt="" to the images in the template
+ * [RF-135] - menu: menu is shown too big by default
+ * [RF-145] - menu: remove gradient for focused items
+ * [RF-185] - Unit testing: check & update
17 years, 8 months
JBoss Rich Faces SVN: r1004 - trunk/richfaces/tabPanel/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit.
by richfaces-svn-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: sergeyhalipov
Date: 2007-06-04 13:41:58 -0400 (Mon, 04 Jun 2007)
New Revision: 1004
Modified: trunk/richfaces/tabPanel/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/TabPanelRendererBase.java
--- trunk/richfaces/tabPanel/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/TabPanelRendererBase.java 2007-06-04 16:52:20 UTC (rev 1003)
+++ trunk/richfaces/tabPanel/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/TabPanelRendererBase.java 2007-06-04 17:41:58 UTC (rev 1004)
@@ -185,7 +185,8 @@
value = null;
- if (value == null) {
+ if (value == null ||
+ tabPanel.getSelectedTab() != null) {
value = tabPanel.getSelectedTab();
boolean useFirstRenderedTab = value == null;
17 years, 8 months
JBoss Rich Faces SVN: r1003 - in trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main: java/org/richfaces/component and 1 other directories.
by richfaces-svn-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: maksimkaszynski
Date: 2007-06-04 12:52:20 -0400 (Mon, 04 Jun 2007)
New Revision: 1003
removed visual model
Modified: trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/config/component/scrollable-grid.xml
--- trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/config/component/scrollable-grid.xml 2007-06-04 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1002)
+++ trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/config/component/scrollable-grid.xml 2007-06-04 16:52:20 UTC (rev 1003)
@@ -44,12 +44,6 @@
- <property attachedstate="true">
- <name>visualModel</name>
- <classname>org.richfaces.model.visual.ScrollableGridVisualModel</classname>
- <description>Visual model for data grid</description>
- </property>
Modified: trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/component/UIScrollableGrid.java
--- trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/component/UIScrollableGrid.java 2007-06-04 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1002)
+++ trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/component/UIScrollableGrid.java 2007-06-04 16:52:20 UTC (rev 1003)
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
-import javax.faces.el.ValueBinding;
import javax.faces.event.AbortProcessingException;
import javax.faces.event.FacesEvent;
import javax.faces.event.PhaseId;
@@ -32,9 +31,6 @@
import org.richfaces.model.SortOrder;
import org.richfaces.model.impl.ArrayDataModelExt;
import org.richfaces.model.impl.ListDataModelExt;
-import org.richfaces.model.snapshot.ObjectLocator;
-import org.richfaces.model.visual.DefaultGridVisualModel;
-import org.richfaces.model.visual.ScrollableGridVisualModel;
@@ -54,16 +50,22 @@
private transient Collection partialUpdateChildren;
- private ScrollableGridVisualModel visualModel;
private Collection responseData = new ArrayList();
+ private SortOrder sortOrder;
public Collection getResponseData() {
return responseData;
+ public SortOrder getSortOrder() {
+ return sortOrder;
+ }
+ public void setSortOrder(SortOrder sortOrder) {
+ this.sortOrder = sortOrder;
+ }
public void setResponseData(Collection responseData) {
this.responseData = responseData;
@@ -94,7 +96,7 @@
BufferedSequenceRange range = new BufferedSequenceRange(curentRow,rows);
- range.setSortOrder(getVisualModel().getSortOrder());
+ range.setSortOrder(getSortOrder());
return range;
@@ -113,72 +115,12 @@
} else if (value instanceof Object []) {
model = new ArrayDataModelExt((Object[]) value);
} else {
- model = new ArrayDataModelExt(new Object[]{});
+ model = new ArrayDataModelExt(new Object[]{value});
return model;
- public ScrollableGridVisualModel getVisualModel() {
- FacesContext context = getFacesContext();
- boolean needToUpdateBinding = false;
- ValueBinding valueExpression = getValueBinding("visualModel");
- if (valueExpression != null) {
- ScrollableGridVisualModel viModel = (ScrollableGridVisualModel) valueExpression.getValue(context);
- if(viModel == null) {
- needToUpdateBinding = true;
- } else {
- setUpVisualModel(viModel);
- return viModel;
- }
- }
- if (visualModel == null) {
- visualModel = new DefaultGridVisualModel();
- setUpVisualModel(visualModel);
- if (needToUpdateBinding) {
- valueExpression.setValue(context, visualModel);
- }
- }
- return visualModel;
- }
- private void setUpVisualModel(ScrollableGridVisualModel visualModel) {
- }
- public void setVisualModel(ScrollableGridVisualModel visualModel) {
- if (visualModel != null) {
- ValueBinding valueExpression = getValueBinding("visualModel");
- if (valueExpression != null) {
- ScrollableGridVisualModel anotherModel =
- (ScrollableGridVisualModel) valueExpression.getValue(getFacesContext());
- if (anotherModel == null) {
- valueExpression.setValue(getFacesContext(), visualModel);
- }
- }
- }
- this.visualModel = visualModel;
- }
- public void setSortOrder(SortOrder sortOrder) {
- getVisualModel().setSortOrder(sortOrder);
- Object value = getValue();
- if (value instanceof ScrollableGridDataModel) {
- ScrollableGridDataModel gridDataModel = (ScrollableGridDataModel) value;
- gridDataModel.setSortOrder(sortOrder);
- }
- }
- public SortOrder getSortOrder() {
- return getVisualModel().getSortOrder();
- }
public Integer getDataIndex() {
return _dataIndex;
@@ -211,6 +153,7 @@
values[2] = _startRow;
values[3] = _dataIndex;
values[4] = responseData;
+ values[5] = saveAttachedState(context, sortOrder);
return (Object)values;
@@ -224,6 +167,7 @@
_startRow = (Integer)values[2];
_dataIndex = (Integer)values[3];
responseData = (Collection)values[4];
+ sortOrder = (SortOrder) restoreAttachedState(context, values[5]);
Modified: trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/component/UIScrollableGridColumn.java
--- trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/component/UIScrollableGridColumn.java 2007-06-04 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1002)
+++ trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/component/UIScrollableGridColumn.java 2007-06-04 16:52:20 UTC (rev 1003)
@@ -5,13 +5,8 @@
import java.util.Iterator;
-import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
-import javax.faces.el.ValueBinding;
import org.richfaces.event.sort.SortListener;
import org.richfaces.event.sort.SortSource;
-import org.richfaces.model.visual.ColumnVisualModel;
-import org.richfaces.model.visual.DefaultColumnVisualModel;
* @author Anton Belevich
@@ -19,12 +14,7 @@
public abstract class UIScrollableGridColumn extends UIColumn implements SortSource{
- private ColumnVisualModel visualModel;
- static final class AutoCreatedVisualModel extends DefaultColumnVisualModel{
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 8528834472198966115L;
- }
public Iterator getChildIterator(){
return getChildren().iterator();
@@ -45,31 +35,6 @@
- /**
- * @return the visualModel
- */
- public ColumnVisualModel getVisualModel() {
- ValueBinding valueExpression = getValueBinding("visualModel");
- if (valueExpression != null) {
- return (ColumnVisualModel) valueExpression.getValue(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
- }
- if (visualModel == null) {
- visualModel = new AutoCreatedVisualModel();
- }
- return visualModel;
- }
- /**
- * @param visualModel the visualModel to set
- */
- public void setVisualModel(ColumnVisualModel visualModel) {
- this.visualModel = visualModel;
- }
public abstract boolean isSortable();
public abstract void setSortable(boolean sortable);
Modified: trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/model/ScrollableGridDataModel.java
--- trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/model/ScrollableGridDataModel.java 2007-06-04 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1002)
+++ trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/model/ScrollableGridDataModel.java 2007-06-04 16:52:20 UTC (rev 1003)
@@ -184,18 +184,6 @@
-// public Collection getSelectedObjects() {
-// return SelectionExtractor.extractSelection(this);
-// }
-// public void setSelection(Selection selection) {
-// this.selection = selection;
-// }
-// public Selection getSelection() {
-// return selection;
-// }
public SerializableDataModel getSerializableModel(Range range) {
BufferedSequenceRange sequenceRange = (BufferedSequenceRange) range;
ObjectLocator locator = getObjectLocator();
@@ -205,11 +193,4 @@
return super.getSerializableModel(range);
- public SortOrder getSortOrder() {
- return sortOrder;
- }
- public void setSortOrder(SortOrder sortOrder) {
- this.sortOrder = sortOrder;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
17 years, 8 months
JBoss Rich Faces SVN: r1002 - in trunk: sandbox/panelmenu and 7 other directories.
by richfaces-svn-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: maksimkaszynski
Date: 2007-06-04 11:52:18 -0400 (Mon, 04 Jun 2007)
New Revision: 1002
freshest pomz for sandbox
Modified: trunk/sandbox/panel2/pom.xml
--- trunk/sandbox/panel2/pom.xml 2007-06-04 15:17:22 UTC (rev 1001)
+++ trunk/sandbox/panel2/pom.xml 2007-06-04 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1002)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- <version>3.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <version>3.0.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
Modified: trunk/sandbox/panelmenu/pom.xml
--- trunk/sandbox/panelmenu/pom.xml 2007-06-04 15:17:22 UTC (rev 1001)
+++ trunk/sandbox/panelmenu/pom.xml 2007-06-04 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1002)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- <version>3.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <version>3.0.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
Modified: trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/pom.xml
--- trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/pom.xml 2007-06-04 15:17:22 UTC (rev 1001)
+++ trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/pom.xml 2007-06-04 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1002)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- <version>3.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <version>3.0.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
- <version>3.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <version>3.0.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: trunk/sandbox/simpleTogglePanel2/pom.xml
--- trunk/sandbox/simpleTogglePanel2/pom.xml 2007-06-04 15:17:22 UTC (rev 1001)
+++ trunk/sandbox/simpleTogglePanel2/pom.xml 2007-06-04 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1002)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- <version>3.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <version>3.0.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
Modified: trunk/sandbox-samples/panel2-sample/pom.xml
--- trunk/sandbox-samples/panel2-sample/pom.xml 2007-06-04 15:17:22 UTC (rev 1001)
+++ trunk/sandbox-samples/panel2-sample/pom.xml 2007-06-04 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1002)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- <version>3.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <version>3.0.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
- <version>3.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <version>3.0.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
- <version>3.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <version>3.0.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
Modified: trunk/sandbox-samples/panelmenu-sample/pom.xml
--- trunk/sandbox-samples/panelmenu-sample/pom.xml 2007-06-04 15:17:22 UTC (rev 1001)
+++ trunk/sandbox-samples/panelmenu-sample/pom.xml 2007-06-04 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1002)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- <version>3.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <version>3.0.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
Modified: trunk/sandbox-samples/pom.xml
--- trunk/sandbox-samples/pom.xml 2007-06-04 15:17:22 UTC (rev 1001)
+++ trunk/sandbox-samples/pom.xml 2007-06-04 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1002)
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
- <version>3.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <version>3.0.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
Modified: trunk/sandbox-samples/scrollable-grid-demo/pom.xml
--- trunk/sandbox-samples/scrollable-grid-demo/pom.xml 2007-06-04 15:17:22 UTC (rev 1001)
+++ trunk/sandbox-samples/scrollable-grid-demo/pom.xml 2007-06-04 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1002)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
- <version>3.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <version>3.0.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
Modified: trunk/sandbox-samples/simpleTogglePanel2-sample/pom.xml
--- trunk/sandbox-samples/simpleTogglePanel2-sample/pom.xml 2007-06-04 15:17:22 UTC (rev 1001)
+++ trunk/sandbox-samples/simpleTogglePanel2-sample/pom.xml 2007-06-04 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1002)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- <version>3.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+ <version>3.0.2-SNAPSHOT</version>
17 years, 8 months
JBoss Rich Faces SVN: r1001 - in trunk/richfaces-samples/suggestionbox-sample/src/main: webapp/pages and 1 other directory.
by richfaces-svn-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: A.Skokov
Date: 2007-06-04 11:17:22 -0400 (Mon, 04 Jun 2007)
New Revision: 1001
Modified: trunk/richfaces-samples/suggestionbox-sample/src/main/java/org/richfaces/SuggestionBox.java
--- trunk/richfaces-samples/suggestionbox-sample/src/main/java/org/richfaces/SuggestionBox.java 2007-06-04 14:52:59 UTC (rev 1000)
+++ trunk/richfaces-samples/suggestionbox-sample/src/main/java/org/richfaces/SuggestionBox.java 2007-06-04 15:17:22 UTC (rev 1001)
@@ -173,10 +173,6 @@
return rows;
- public int getIntRows() {
- return Integer.parseInt(getRows());
- }
public void setRows(String rows) {
this.rows = rows;
@@ -241,7 +237,7 @@
public void setShadowOpacity(String shadowOpacity) {
this.shadowOpacity = shadowOpacity;
public String getOnsubmit() {
return onsubmit;
@@ -249,8 +245,8 @@
public void setOnsubmit(String onsubmit) {
this.onsubmit = onsubmit;
- public String getOnsubmitFunction() {
+ public String getOnsubmitFunction() {
if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(onsubmit)) return null;
return "alert(this.value); return " + onsubmit + ";";
Modified: trunk/richfaces-samples/suggestionbox-sample/src/main/webapp/pages/index.jsp
--- trunk/richfaces-samples/suggestionbox-sample/src/main/webapp/pages/index.jsp 2007-06-04 14:52:59 UTC (rev 1000)
+++ trunk/richfaces-samples/suggestionbox-sample/src/main/webapp/pages/index.jsp 2007-06-04 15:17:22 UTC (rev 1001)
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
<rich:suggestionbox id="suggestionBoxId" for="text" tokens=",["
suggestionAction="#{suggestionBox.autocomplete}" var="result"
- fetchValue="#{result.text}" rows="#{suggestionBox.intRows}"
+ fetchValue="#{result.text}"
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
<f:verbatim> </f:verbatim>
<h:inputText value="#{suggestionBox.cellpadding}" onchange="submit()" />
<f:verbatim>Onsubmit function will return</f:verbatim>
<f:verbatim> </f:verbatim>
<h:selectOneRadio value="#{suggestionBox.onsubmit}" onchange="submit()">
17 years, 8 months
JBoss Rich Faces SVN: r1000 - trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/templates/org/richfaces.
by richfaces-svn-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: abelevich
Date: 2007-06-04 10:52:59 -0400 (Mon, 04 Jun 2007)
New Revision: 1000
Modified: trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/templates/org/richfaces/scrollable-grid.jspx
--- trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/templates/org/richfaces/scrollable-grid.jspx 2007-06-04 14:52:47 UTC (rev 999)
+++ trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/templates/org/richfaces/scrollable-grid.jspx 2007-06-04 14:52:59 UTC (rev 1000)
@@ -295,41 +295,8 @@
Event.observe(grid.eventOnSort, "on sort", onSorted);
- // function onColumnResize(column, width) {call to ajax4jsf}
- //Event.observe(grid.eventOnResizeColumn, "", onColumnResize);
- // ClientUILib.log(ClientUILogger.WARNING, "Grid control created over " + ((new Date()).getTime() - currTime) + " miliseconds.");
- /*updatePagePart: function (id) {
- var newnode = this.getElementById(id);
- if (!newnode) {
- LOG.error("New node for ID " + id + " is not present in response");
- return;
- }
- var oldnode = window.document.getElementById(id);
- if (oldnode) {
- var anchor = oldnode.parentNode;
- Sarissa.clearChildNodes(oldnode);
- if (oldnode.outerHTML) {
- LOG.debug("Replace content of node by outerHTML()");
- oldnode.outerHTML = (new XMLSerializer).serializeToString(newnode);
- } else {
- var importednode;
- importednode = window.document.importNode(newnode, true);
- LOG.debug("Replace content of node by replaceChild()");
- anchor.replaceChild(importednode, oldnode);
- }
- if (!A4J.AJAX._scriptEvaluated) {
- this.evalScripts(newnode);
- }
- LOG.debug("Update part of page for Id: " + id + " successful");
- } else {
- LOG.warn("Node for replace by response with id " + id + " not found in document");
- }
- },*/
onCompleteGridInvalidation : function(request, event, data){
var theDoc = document;
var getEl = theDoc.getElementById;
@@ -341,7 +308,7 @@
for(i=0; i<count; i++) {
rowindex = startRow + i;
if(rowindex >= rowCount) rowindex -= rowCount;
- id = "f:row_" + rowindex;
+ id = '#{clientId}' + ":f:row_" + rowindex;
row = request.getElementById(id);
if(ClientUILib.isIE) {
@@ -353,7 +320,7 @@
- id = "n:row_" + rowindex;
+ id = '#{clientId}' + ":n:row_" + rowindex;
row = request.getElementById(id);
if(ClientUILib.isIE) {
el = getEl(id);
17 years, 8 months
JBoss Rich Faces SVN: r999 - trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/html.
by richfaces-svn-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: abelevich
Date: 2007-06-04 10:52:47 -0400 (Mon, 04 Jun 2007)
New Revision: 999
Modified: trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/html/ScrollableGridBaseRenderer.java
--- trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/html/ScrollableGridBaseRenderer.java 2007-06-04 14:51:32 UTC (rev 998)
+++ trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/html/ScrollableGridBaseRenderer.java 2007-06-04 14:52:47 UTC (rev 999)
@@ -176,11 +176,12 @@
int index = ((Integer)rowIndex).intValue();
+ String baseClientId = grid.getBaseClientId(context);
- row_id = "f:row_" + index;
+ row_id = baseClientId + ":f:row_" + index;
- row_id = "n:row_" + index;
+ row_id = baseClientId + ":n:row_" + index;
ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
@@ -230,12 +231,13 @@
if (kid.isRendered()) {
if (kid instanceof UIScrollableGridColumn){
+ String baseClientId = grid.getBaseClientId(context);
if(state.isFrozenColumn() && !frozenTRRendered){
frozenTRRendered = true;
- row_id = "f:row_" + state.getRowIndex();
+ row_id = baseClientId + ":f:row_" + state.getRowIndex();
writer.startElement("tr", grid);
getUtils().writeAttribute(writer,"class", "ClientUI_Grid_BR");
@@ -248,7 +250,7 @@
- row_id = "n:row_" + state.getRowIndex();
+ row_id = baseClientId + ":n:row_" + state.getRowIndex();
writer.startElement("tr", grid);
@@ -510,6 +512,7 @@
ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
writer.startElement("table", grid);
17 years, 8 months
JBoss Rich Faces SVN: r998 - in trunk/richfaces/modal-panel/src/main: java/org/richfaces/renderkit and 2 other directories.
by richfaces-svn-commits@lists.jboss.org
Author: a.izobov
Date: 2007-06-04 10:51:32 -0400 (Mon, 04 Jun 2007)
New Revision: 998
http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/RF-195 fixed
Modified: trunk/richfaces/modal-panel/src/main/config/component/modalPanel.xml
--- trunk/richfaces/modal-panel/src/main/config/component/modalPanel.xml 2007-06-04 14:08:52 UTC (rev 997)
+++ trunk/richfaces/modal-panel/src/main/config/component/modalPanel.xml 2007-06-04 14:51:32 UTC (rev 998)
@@ -149,6 +149,25 @@
Pop-up shadow depth for suggestion content
+ <property>
+ <name>onshow</name>
+ <classname>java.lang.String</classname>
+ <description>
+ Event must occurs after panel opened
+ </description>
+ <defaultvalue><![CDATA[""]]></defaultvalue>
+ </property>
+ <property>
+ <name>onhide</name>
+ <classname>java.lang.String</classname>
+ <description>
+ Event must occurs after panel closed
+ </description>
+ <defaultvalue><![CDATA[""]]></defaultvalue>
+ </property>
Modified: trunk/richfaces/modal-panel/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/ModalPanelRendererBase.java
--- trunk/richfaces/modal-panel/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/ModalPanelRendererBase.java 2007-06-04 14:08:52 UTC (rev 997)
+++ trunk/richfaces/modal-panel/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/ModalPanelRendererBase.java 2007-06-04 14:51:32 UTC (rev 998)
@@ -21,11 +21,17 @@
package org.richfaces.renderkit;
+import java.io.IOException;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import org.ajax4jsf.framework.renderer.AjaxComponentRendererBase;
+import org.ajax4jsf.framework.renderer.ComponentVariables;
+import org.ajax4jsf.framework.renderer.ComponentsVariableResolver;
+import org.ajax4jsf.framework.util.javascript.ScriptUtils;
import org.richfaces.component.UIModalPanel;
+import org.richfaces.component.util.ViewUtil;
* @author Nick Belaevski - nbelaevski(a)exadel.com
@@ -70,7 +76,19 @@
+ public void initializeResources(FacesContext context, UIModalPanel panel)
+ throws IOException {
+ ComponentVariables variables =
+ ComponentsVariableResolver.getVariables(this, panel);
+ String onshow = ScriptUtils.toScript(panel.getAttributes().get("onshow"));
+ variables.setVariable("onshow", onshow);
+ String onhide = ScriptUtils.toScript(panel.getAttributes().get("onhide"));
+ variables.setVariable("onhide", onhide);
+ }
// protected String buildOptions(FacesContext context, UIModalPanel panel) {
// return getOptions(context, panel, getUtils());
// }
Modified: trunk/richfaces/modal-panel/src/main/resources/org/richfaces/renderkit/html/scripts/modalPanel.js
--- trunk/richfaces/modal-panel/src/main/resources/org/richfaces/renderkit/html/scripts/modalPanel.js 2007-06-04 14:08:52 UTC (rev 997)
+++ trunk/richfaces/modal-panel/src/main/resources/org/richfaces/renderkit/html/scripts/modalPanel.js 2007-06-04 14:51:32 UTC (rev 998)
@@ -152,6 +152,14 @@
this.cdiv.mpUseExpr = true;
+ if (this.options.onshow && this.options.onshow != ""){
+ this.eventOnShow = new Function("event",this.options.onshow).bindAsEventListener(this);
+ }
+ if (this.options.onhide && this.options.onhide != ""){
+ this.eventOnHide = new Function("event",this.options.onhide).bindAsEventListener(this);
+ }
@@ -399,6 +407,8 @@
this.id.style.visibility = "";
+ if (this.eventOnShow) this.eventOnShow();
startDrag: function(border) {
@@ -443,6 +453,8 @@
this.floatedToBody = false;
+ if (this.eventOnHide) this.eventOnHide();
doResizeOrMove: function(diff) {
Modified: trunk/richfaces/modal-panel/src/main/templates/org/richfaces/htmlModalPanel.jspx
--- trunk/richfaces/modal-panel/src/main/templates/org/richfaces/htmlModalPanel.jspx 2007-06-04 14:08:52 UTC (rev 997)
+++ trunk/richfaces/modal-panel/src/main/templates/org/richfaces/htmlModalPanel.jspx 2007-06-04 14:51:32 UTC (rev 998)
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
<f:call name="checkOptions" />
+ <f:call name="initializeResources" />
<div id="#{clientId}Container"
style="position: absolute; display: none; z-index: #{component.zindex};"
@@ -124,7 +125,10 @@
left: "#{component.left}",
top: "#{component.top}",
- zindex: #{component.zindex}
+ zindex: #{component.zindex},
+ onshow: #{onshow},
+ onhide: #{onhide}
17 years, 8 months