Author: nbelaevski
Date: 2007-07-18 14:09:15 -0400 (Wed, 18 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 1682
missing json-mini.js added
(rev 0)
trunk/framework/impl/src/main/resources/org/richfaces/renderkit/html/scripts/json/json-mini.js 2007-07-18
18:09:15 UTC (rev 1682)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ json.js
+ 2006-12-06
+ This file adds these methods to JavaScript:
+ array.toJSONString()
+ boolean.toJSONString()
+ date.toJSONString()
+ number.toJSONString()
+ object.toJSONString()
+ string.toJSONString()
+ These methods produce a JSON text from a JavaScript value.
+ It must not contain any cyclical references. Illegal values
+ will be excluded.
+ The default conversion for dates is to an ISO string. You can
+ add a toJSONString method to any date object to get a different
+ representation.
+ string.parseJSON(hook)
+ This method parses a JSON text to produce an object or
+ array. It can throw a SyntaxError exception.
+ The optional hook parameter is a function which can filter and
+ transform the results. It receives each of the values, and its
+ return value is used instead. If it returns what it received, then
+ structure is not modified.
+ Example:
+ // Parse the text. If it contains any "NaN" strings, replace them
+ // with the NaN value. All other values are left alone.
+ myData = text.parseJSON(function (value) {
+ if (value === 'NaN') {
+ return NaN;
+ }
+ return value;
+ });
+ It is expected that these methods will formally become part of the
+ JavaScript Programming Language in the Fourth Edition of the
+ ECMAScript standard in 2007.
+if (!String.prototype.parseJSON) {
+ String.prototype.parseJSON = function (hook) {
+ try {
+ if (!/[^,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u
''))) {
+ var j = eval('(' + this + ')');
+ if (typeof hook === 'function') {
+ function walk(v) {
+ if (v && typeof v === 'object') {
+ for (var i in v) {
+ if (v.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+ v[i] = walk(v[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return hook(v);
+ }
+ return walk(j);
+ }
+ return j;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ throw new SyntaxError("parseJSON");
+ };
trunk/framework/impl/src/main/resources/org/richfaces/renderkit/html/scripts/json/json.js 2007-07-18
17:48:52 UTC (rev 1681)
trunk/framework/impl/src/main/resources/org/richfaces/renderkit/html/scripts/json/json.js 2007-07-18
18:09:15 UTC (rev 1682)
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
- json.js
- 2006-12-06
- This file adds these methods to JavaScript:
- array.toJSONString()
- boolean.toJSONString()
- date.toJSONString()
- number.toJSONString()
- object.toJSONString()
- string.toJSONString()
- These methods produce a JSON text from a JavaScript value.
- It must not contain any cyclical references. Illegal values
- will be excluded.
- The default conversion for dates is to an ISO string. You can
- add a toJSONString method to any date object to get a different
- representation.
- string.parseJSON(hook)
- This method parses a JSON text to produce an object or
- array. It can throw a SyntaxError exception.
- The optional hook parameter is a function which can filter and
- transform the results. It receives each of the values, and its
- return value is used instead. If it returns what it received, then
- structure is not modified.
- Example:
- // Parse the text. If it contains any "NaN" strings, replace them
- // with the NaN value. All other values are left alone.
- myData = text.parseJSON(function (value) {
- if (value === 'NaN') {
- return NaN;
- }
- return value;
- });
- It is expected that these methods will formally become part of the
- JavaScript Programming Language in the Fourth Edition of the
- ECMAScript standard in 2007.
-if (!Object.prototype.toJSONString) {
- Array.prototype.toJSONString = function () {
- var a = ['['], b, i, l = this.length, v;
- function p(s) {
- if (b) {
- a.push(',');
- }
- a.push(s);
- b = true;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
- v = this[i];
- switch (typeof v) {
- case 'undefined':
- case 'function':
- case 'unknown':
- break;
- case 'object':
- if (v) {
- if (typeof v.toJSONString === 'function') {
- p(v.toJSONString());
- }
- } else {
- p("null");
- }
- break;
- default:
- p(v.toJSONString());
- }
- }
- a.push(']');
- return a.join('');
- };
- Boolean.prototype.toJSONString = function () {
- return String(this);
- };
- Date.prototype.toJSONString = function () {
- function f(n) {
- return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
- }
- return '"' + this.getFullYear() + '-' +
- f(this.getMonth() + 1) + '-' +
- f(this.getDate()) + 'T' +
- f(this.getHours()) + ':' +
- f(this.getMinutes()) + ':' +
- f(this.getSeconds()) + '"';
- };
- Number.prototype.toJSONString = function () {
- return isFinite(this) ? String(this) : "null";
- };
- Object.prototype.toJSONString = function () {
- var a = ['{'], b, i, v;
- function p(s) {
- if (b) {
- a.push(',');
- }
- a.push(i.toJSONString(), ':', s);
- b = true;
- }
- for (i in this) {
- if (this.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
- v = this[i];
- switch (typeof v) {
- case 'undefined':
- case 'function':
- case 'unknown':
- break;
- case 'object':
- if (v) {
- if (typeof v.toJSONString === 'function') {
- p(v.toJSONString());
- }
- } else {
- p("null");
- }
- break;
- default:
- p(v.toJSONString());
- }
- }
- }
- a.push('}');
- return a.join('');
- };
- (function (s) {
- var m = {
- '\b': '\\b',
- '\t': '\\t',
- '\n': '\\n',
- '\f': '\\f',
- '\r': '\\r',
- '"' : '\\"',
- '\\': '\\\\'
- };
- s.parseJSON = function (hook) {
- try {
- if (!/[^,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u
''))) {
- var j = eval('(' + this + ')');
- if (typeof hook === 'function') {
- function walk(v) {
- if (v && typeof v === 'object') {
- for (var i in v) {
- if (v.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
- v[i] = walk(v[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- return hook(v);
- }
- return walk(j);
- }
- return j;
- }
- } catch (e) {
- }
- throw new SyntaxError("parseJSON");
- };
- s.toJSONString = function () {
- if (/["\\\x00-\x1f]/.test(this)) {
- return '"' + this.replace(/([\x00-\x1f\\"])/g,
function(a, b) {
- var c = m[b];
- if (c) {
- return c;
- }
- c = b.charCodeAt();
- return '\\u00' +
- Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) +
- (c % 16).toString(16);
- }) + '"';
- }
- return '"' + this + '"';
- };
- })(String.prototype);
\ No newline at end of file