Author: artdaw
Date: 2008-08-07 05:16:30 -0400 (Thu, 07 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 9963
Log: - State Manager API section fixed
Modified: trunk/docs/userguide/en/src/main/docbook/modules/RFCarchitectover.xml
--- trunk/docs/userguide/en/src/main/docbook/modules/RFCarchitectover.xml 2008-08-07
09:14:10 UTC (rev 9962)
+++ trunk/docs/userguide/en/src/main/docbook/modules/RFCarchitectover.xml 2008-08-07
09:16:30 UTC (rev 9963)
@@ -3773,83 +3773,6 @@
- <section>
- <title>Client-side script for extended skinning support</title>
- <para>As it was mentioned earlier in the guide,
- extended skinning of standard HTML controls is applied automatically:
- the browser type is detected and if a browser doesn't fully support
- extended skinning feature, only basic skinning is applied.
- </para>
- <para>
- However, if a develop doesn't want to
- the rich components and standard HTML
- controls to be skinned automatically and
- perform the skinnability implementation himself,
- he might encounter with a problem, i.e. standard
- HTML controls in such browsers as Opera and Safari are
- affected by standard controls skinning featured.
- ( <link linkend="ScriptsandStylesLoadStrategy">Here</link> you
can get more details on how to disable skinnability.)
- </para>
- <para>
- In brief, to disable the skinnability mechanism of RichFaces you need to
- set the "org.richfaces.LoadStyleStrategy" parameter to
"NONE" in web.xml.
- </para>
- <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[...
- <param-name>org.richfaces.LoadStyleStrategy</param-name>
- <param-value>NONE</param-value>
- <para>
- Additionally, you should include the style sheets that perform skinning
- of the rich component and standard HTML controls.
- </para>
- <para>
- In order to resolve the problem with extended skinning in Opera and Safari a client
script (skinning.js) is added to the RichFaces library.
- The script detects the browser type and enables extended skinning only for those
browsers that fully support it.
- </para>
- <para>
- The script can be activated by inserting this JavaScript code to the page:
- </para>
- <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
-<script type="text/javascript">
- <para>
- You also need to specify "media" attribute in the
- <link> tag which includes the "extended_both.xcss"
style sheet with "rich-extended-skinning".
- </para>
- <para>
- This is how you can include the style sheets to the page,
- in case automatic skinnability implementation is disabled.
- </para>
- <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' class='component' />
-<link media='rich-extended-skinning' href='/ YOUR_PROJECT_NAME
type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' class='component' />
-<link href='/ YOUR_PROJECT_NAME
type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' class='component' />
- </section>
<section id="XCSSfileformat">
<title>XCSS file format</title>
@@ -4463,9 +4386,10 @@
JSF has an advanced navigation mechanism that allows you to define navigation from
view to view.
Navigation happens in a Web Application when a user tries to switch from one page to
another page
either by clicking a button, a hyperlink, or another command component.
- But there is no switch mechanism between some states/views inside a page.
+ But there is no switch mechanism between some logical states of the same view.
For example in <property>Login/Register dialog</property> an existing user
signs in with his user name and password,
- but if a new user registers an additional field "Confirm" is
displayed when the user clicks "To register" link:
+ but if a new user registers an additional field "Confirm" is
+ buttons labels and methods are changed when the user clicks "To
register" link:
@@ -4491,10 +4415,10 @@
<property>RichFaces State API</property> allows easily define some set of
states for the pages and any properties for this states.
- You could imagine one State as a set of named value bindings, method bindings, and
some additional properties
- that are used after the state activation.
- So you could define input fields values, controls labels, actions, rendering
conditions, etc.
- using the same state variables which have different values for every State.
+ Actually States is a <property>map</property> where the entry key is name
of the State and the value is a State map.
+ Concrete State map has entries with some names as keys and any objects as values that
are used after the state activation.
+ So, in the State map you could define any values, method bindings, or just some simple
state varialbes (constants)
+ which have different values for every State.
@@ -4507,11 +4431,6 @@
- Actually States is a <property>map</property> where the entry key is name
of the State and the value is a State map.
- Concrete State map has entries with some names as keys and any objects as values.
- So any values, method bindings, or just some simple state varialbes (constants) could
be saved in the State map.
- </para>
- <para>
One of the most convenience features of the <property>RichFaces State
API</property> is a navigation between states.
The <property>RichFaces State API</property> implements states change as
the standard JSF navigation.
Action component just returns outcome and the RichFaces State API