Author: ochikvina
Date: 2009-06-01 11:01:10 -0400 (Mon, 01 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 14423
Log: - unification of event handlers descriptions;
branches/community/3.3.X/ui/inplaceSelect/src/main/config/component/inplaceselect.xml 2009-06-01
15:00:48 UTC (rev 14422)
branches/community/3.3.X/ui/inplaceSelect/src/main/config/component/inplaceselect.xml 2009-06-01
15:01:10 UTC (rev 14423)
@@ -126,123 +126,102 @@
- <description>HTML: script expression; the
element value was
- changed</description>
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called when the component value is changed</description>
- <description>HTML: script expression; the
element got the
- focus</description>
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called when the component gets the focus</description>
- <description>HTML: script expression; the
element lost the
- focus</description>
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called when the component loses the focus</description>
- <description>HTML: script expression; the
onselect event
- occurs when you select some menu
- item</description>
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called when some text is selected in the input field</description>
- <description>HTML: script expression; the
element got the
- focus</description>
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called when the component input field gets the focus</description>
- <description>HTML: script expression; the
element lost the
- focus</description>
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called when the component input field loses the focus</description>
- <description>HTML: a script expression; a
pointer button is
- clicked</description>
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called when the input field is clicked</description>
- <description>HTML: a script expression; a
pointer button is
- double-clicked</description>
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called when the input field is double-clicked</description>
- <description>HTML: a script expression; a
key is pressed
- down</description>
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called when a key is pressed down in the input field</description>
- <description>HTML: a script expression; a
key is pressed and
- released</description>
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called when a key is pressed and released in the input field</description>
- <description>HTML: a script expression; a
key is
- released</description>
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called when a key is released in the input field</description>
- <description>HTML: script expression; a
pointer button is
- pressed down</description>
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called when a mouse button is pressed down in the input field</description>
- <description>HTML: a script expression; a
pointer is moved
- within</description>
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called when a pointer is moved within the input field</description>
- <description>HTML: a script expression; a
pointer is moved
- away</description>
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called when a pointer is moved away from the input field</description>
- <description>HTML: a script expression; a
pointer is moved
- onto</description>
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called when a pointer is moved onto the input field</description>
- <description>HTML: script expression; a
pointer button is
- released</description>
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called when a mouse button is released in the input field</description>
- <description>The attributes provide a
possibility to assign
- JavaScript on edit state
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called before the component edit state is activated</description>
- <description>The attributes provide a
possibility to assign
- JavaScript on view state
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called before the component view state is activated</description>
- <description>HTML: script expression; edit
state is
- activated</description>
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called when the component edit state is activated</description>
- <description>HTML: script expression; view
state is
- activated</description>
+ <description>The client side script method
to be called when the component view state is activated</description>
<property hidden="true">