Author: abelevich
Date: 2007-05-08 13:56:17 -0400 (Tue, 08 May 2007)
New Revision: 699
trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/html/ 2007-05-08
17:56:05 UTC (rev 698)
trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/html/ 2007-05-08
17:56:17 UTC (rev 699)
@@ -18,5 +18,6 @@
public interface ColumnVisitor {
- public void visit(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, ResponseWriter writer)
throws IOException;
+ public void visit(FacesContext context, UIScrollableGridColumn component,
+ ResponseWriter writer, GridRendererState state) throws IOException;
trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/html/ 2007-05-08
17:56:05 UTC (rev 698)
trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/html/ 2007-05-08
17:56:17 UTC (rev 699)
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
public class ColumnWalker {
- static void iterateOverHeadersFooters(FacesContext context, UIComponent component,
ColumnVisitor visitor, ResponseWriter writer) throws IOException{
+ static void iterateOverHeadersFooters(FacesContext context, UIComponent component,
+ ColumnVisitor visitor, ResponseWriter writer) throws IOException{
if(context == null || component == null){
throw new NullPointerException();
@@ -37,12 +38,11 @@
writer.startElement(HTML.TR_ELEMENT, component);
writer.writeText("\n", null);
for (Iterator iter = component.getChildren().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
UIComponent kid = (UIComponent);
if (kid.isRendered()) {
if (kid instanceof UIScrollableGridColumn){
- visitor.visit(context, (UIScrollableGridColumn)kid, writer);
+ visitor.visit(context, (UIScrollableGridColumn)kid, writer, null);
@@ -52,12 +52,37 @@
- static void iterateOverBody(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, ColumnVisitor
visitor, ResponseWriter writer) throws IOException{
+ static void iterateOverCells(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, ColumnVisitor
+ ResponseWriter writer, GridRendererState state) throws IOException{
+ if(context == null || component == null){
+ throw new NullPointerException();
+ }
+ if(!component.isRendered()){
+ return ;
+ }
if(component instanceof UIScrollableGrid){
- if(null != component.getChildren()){
- visitor.visit(context, component, writer);
+ for (Iterator iter = component.getChildren().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
+ UIComponent kid = (UIComponent);
+ if (kid.isRendered()) {
+ if (kid instanceof UIScrollableGridColumn){
+ UIScrollableGridColumn column = (UIScrollableGridColumn)kid;
+ Boolean frozen = ((Boolean)column.getAttributes().get("frozen"));
+ if(state.is_isFrozenColumn() && frozen.booleanValue()){
+ visitor.visit(context, (UIScrollableGridColumn)kid, writer,state);
+ } else if(!state.is_isFrozenColumn() && !frozen.booleanValue()){
+ visitor.visit(context, (UIScrollableGridColumn)kid, writer, state);
+ }
+ state.nextCell();
+ }
+ }
+ state.setCellIndex(0);
- }
+ }
(from rev 677,
(rev 0)
trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/html/ 2007-05-08
17:56:17 UTC (rev 699)
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+ *
+ */
+package org.richfaces.renderkit.html;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import javax.faces.FacesException;
+import javax.faces.component.NamingContainer;
+import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
+import org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxContainer;
+import org.ajax4jsf.framework.renderer.AjaxRendererUtils;
+import org.richfaces.component.UIScrollableGrid;
+ * bean to store current {@link com.exadel.vcp.components.datagrid.UIDataGrid }
+ * in request map. For nested grids, it support push/pop state saving.
+ * In {@link javax.faces.render.Renderer#encodeBegin(javax.faces.context.FacesContext,
javax.faces.component.UIComponent)} method
+ * must be created instance of this bean , or, if it already exist in request map - push
+ * at the end of encodeEnd call, bean must be pop information or removed.
+ * @author shura
+ *
+ */
+public class GridRendererState implements Serializable {
+ public static final String DATA_GRID_RENDERER_STATE =
+ private int _rowIndex = 0;
+ private int _cellIndex = 0;
+ private int _columns = 0;
+ private boolean _isFrozenColumn = false;
+ private UIScrollableGrid _grid;
+ private String _cachedClientId;
+ private GridRendererState _previousState = null;
+// private AjaxContainer _region = null;
+ private boolean _rowSelected;
+ private Object rowKey;
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2129605586975025578L;
+// private Set _renderedAreas = null;
+ /**
+ * Get current grid state from JSF context
+ * @param context
+ * @return current data grid state, or null if not saved.
+ */
+ public static GridRendererState getRendererState(FacesContext context) throws
FacesException {
+ if(null == context){
+ throw new NullPointerException("Context for grid state is null");
+ }
+ GridRendererState state = (GridRendererState)
+// if( null == state){
+// throw new FacesException("State for current grid not stored in context");
+// }
+ return state;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create new state for current grid. If state exist, store previsius in field of
+ * @param context
+ * @param grid
+ * @return new state for grid.
+ */
+ public static GridRendererState createState(FacesContext context, UIScrollableGrid
+ if(null == context){
+ throw new NullPointerException("Context for grid state is null");
+ }
+ GridRendererState oldState = getRendererState(context);
+ GridRendererState state = new GridRendererState(context,oldState,grid);
+ context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap().put(DATA_GRID_RENDERER_STATE,state);
+ return state;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Restore previsius state for gred, or clear request parameter.
+ * @param context
+ */
+ public static void restoreState(FacesContext context) {
+ if (null == context) {
+ throw new NullPointerException("Context for grid state is null");
+ }
+ GridRendererState state = getRendererState(context);
+ if (null == state) {
+ throw new FacesException(
+ "State for current grid not saved in context");
+ }
+ GridRendererState previsiosState = state.getPreviousState();
+ if (null != previsiosState) {
+ context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap().put(DATA_GRID_RENDERER_STATE,
+ previsiosState);
+ } else {
+ context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap().remove(DATA_GRID_RENDERER_STATE);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create state for current grig ( and store previsios state in field ).
+ * @param previsiosState
+ */
+ public GridRendererState(FacesContext context, GridRendererState previsiosState,
UIScrollableGrid grid) {
+ super();
+ _grid = grid;
+ _cachedClientId = grid.getClientId(context);
+ _previousState = previsiosState;
+ if(AjaxRendererUtils.isAjaxRequest(context)){
+ }
+ Map attrs = grid.getAttributes();
+ }
+ public String getCurrentCellId(FacesContext context){
+ return
+ NamingContainer.SEPARATOR_CHAR+"col"+getCellIndex();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return Returns the cellIndex.
+ */
+ public int getCellIndex() {
+ return _cellIndex;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param cellIndex The cellIndex to set.
+ */
+ public void setCellIndex(int cellIndex) {
+ _cellIndex = cellIndex;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Increment cells counter
+ * @return next cell number.
+ */
+ public int nextCell(){
+ return ++_cellIndex;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return Returns the columns.
+ */
+ public int getColumns() {
+ return _columns;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param columns The columns to set.
+ */
+ public void setColumns(int columns) {
+ _columns = columns;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return Returns the grid.
+ */
+ public UIScrollableGrid getGrid() {
+ return _grid;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param grid The grid to set.
+ */
+ public void setGrid(UIScrollableGrid grid) {
+ _grid = grid;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return Returns the previsiosState.
+ */
+ public GridRendererState getPreviousState() {
+ return _previousState;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param previsiosState The previsiosState to set.
+ */
+ public void setPreviousState(GridRendererState previsiosState) {
+ _previousState = previsiosState;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return Returns the rowIndex.
+ */
+ public int getRowIndex() {
+ return _rowIndex;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Increment current row counter.
+ * @return new row number.
+ */
+ public int nextRow(){
+ return ++_rowIndex;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param rowIndex The rowIndex to set.
+ */
+ public void setRowIndex(int rowIndex) {
+ _rowIndex = rowIndex;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return the _cachedClientId
+ */
+ public String getCachedClientId() {
+ return _cachedClientId;
+ }
+ private StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
+ /**
+ * @return the buffer
+ */
+ public StringBuffer getBuffer() {
+ buffer.setLength(0);
+ return buffer;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return the _rowSelected
+ */
+ public boolean isRowSelected() {
+ return _rowSelected;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param selected the _rowSelected to set
+ */
+ public void setRowSelected(boolean selected) {
+ _rowSelected = selected;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return the rowKey
+ */
+ public Object getRowKey() {
+ return rowKey;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param rowKey the rowKey to set
+ */
+ public void setRowKey(Object rowKey) {
+ this.rowKey = rowKey;
+ }
+ public boolean is_isFrozenColumn() {
+ return _isFrozenColumn;
+ }
+ public void set_isFrozenColumn(boolean frozenColumn) {
+ _isFrozenColumn = frozenColumn;
+ }
trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/html/ 2007-05-08
17:56:05 UTC (rev 698)
trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/html/ 2007-05-08
17:56:17 UTC (rev 699)
@@ -1,19 +1,23 @@
package org.richfaces.renderkit.html;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter;
+import org.ajax4jsf.ajax.repeat.DataVisitor;
import org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxContext;
+import org.ajax4jsf.framework.renderer.ComponentVariables;
+import org.ajax4jsf.framework.renderer.ComponentsVariableResolver;
+import org.ajax4jsf.framework.renderer.RendererBase;
import org.ajax4jsf.framework.renderer.RendererUtils.HTML;
import org.richfaces.component.UIScrollableGrid;
import org.richfaces.component.UIScrollableGridColumn;
import org.richfaces.renderkit.CompositeRenderer;
+import org.richfaces.utils.TemplateLoader;
* @author Anton Belevich
@@ -25,20 +29,20 @@
private final String HEADER_PART = "header";
+ private final RendererBase cellTemplate =
private final ColumnVisitor headerRenderer = new ColumnVisitor(){
- public void visit(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, ResponseWriter writer)
throws IOException {
- writer.startElement(HTML.td_ELEM, component);
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "frozen",
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer,
+ public void visit(FacesContext context, UIScrollableGridColumn column,
+ ResponseWriter writer, GridRendererState state) throws IOException {
+ writer.startElement(HTML.td_ELEM, column);
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "frozen",
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer,
writer.writeText("\n", null);
- if(component.getFacet(HEADER_PART) != null){
- component = component.getFacet(HEADER_PART);
+ if(column.getFacet(HEADER_PART) != null){
+ UIComponent component = column.getFacet(HEADER_PART);
renderChild(context, component);
@@ -48,13 +52,15 @@
private final ColumnVisitor footerRenderer = new ColumnVisitor(){
- public void visit(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, ResponseWriter writer)
throws IOException {
- writer.startElement(HTML.td_ELEM, component);
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer,
+ public void visit(FacesContext context, UIScrollableGridColumn column,
+ ResponseWriter writer, GridRendererState state) throws IOException {
+ writer.startElement(HTML.td_ELEM, column);
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer,
writer.writeText("\n", null);
- if(component.getFacet(FOOTER_PART) != null){
- component = component.getFacet(FOOTER_PART);
+ if(column.getFacet(FOOTER_PART) != null){
+ UIComponent component = column.getFacet(FOOTER_PART);
renderChild(context, component);
@@ -63,116 +69,21 @@
- private final ColumnVisitor bodyRenderer = new ColumnVisitor(){
+ private final ColumnVisitor cellRenderer = new ColumnVisitor(){
- public void visit(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, ResponseWriter writer)
throws IOException {
- UIScrollableGrid grid = (UIScrollableGrid)component;
- writer.startElement(HTML.DIV_ELEM, grid);
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "class","GridDataColumns");
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "id","FrozenBox");
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "style","position: absolute; left:
0px; top: 0px; display: block; width: 100px");
- writer.writeText("\n", null);
- writer.startElement("table", grid);
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "id","GridDataFrozen");
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "cellpadding","0");
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "cellspacing","0");
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "style","position: absolute; left:
0px; top: 0px; display: block; width: 100%");
- writer.writeText("\n", null);
- writer.startElement("tbody", grid);
+ public void visit(FacesContext context, UIScrollableGridColumn column,
+ ResponseWriter writer, GridRendererState state) throws IOException {
- renderColumns(context, (UIScrollableGrid)grid, writer,true);
- writer.endElement("tbody");
- writer.endElement("table");
- writer.endElement(HTML.DIV_ELEM);
- writer.startElement(HTML.DIV_ELEM, grid);
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "class","GridDataColumns");
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "id","NormalBox");
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "style","position: absolute; left:
300px; top: 0px; display: block; width: 700px");
- writer.writeText("\n", null);
- writer.startElement("table", grid);
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "id","GridDataNormal");
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "cellpadding","0");
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "cellspacing","0");
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "style","position: absolute; left:
0px; top: 0px; display: block; width: 100%");
- writer.writeText("\n", null);
- renderColumns(context, grid, writer, false);
- writer.endElement("tbody");
- writer.endElement("table");
- writer.endElement(HTML.DIV_ELEM);
- // end of normal columns rendering
+ ComponentVariables variables = ComponentsVariableResolver.getVariables(cellTemplate,
+ variables.setVariable("row_index",Integer.valueOf(state.getRowIndex()));
+ variables.setVariable("cell_index",Integer.valueOf(state.getCellIndex()));
+ cellTemplate.encodeBegin(context, column);
+ renderChildren(context, column);
+ cellTemplate.encodeEnd(context, column);
- private void renderColumns(FacesContext context, UIScrollableGrid grid,
- ResponseWriter writer,boolean isFrozenColumn
- ) throws IOException{
- for(int i = grid.getFirst(); i < grid.getRows(); i++ ){
- writer.startElement(HTML.TR_ELEMENT, grid);
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "id","row_"+ i);
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "class","ClientUI_Grid_BR");
- List kidz = grid.getChildren();
- int cellIndex = 0;
- boolean processFrozen = false;
- for (Iterator iter = kidz.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
- UIComponent child = (UIComponent);
- if(child instanceof UIScrollableGridColumn){
- UIScrollableGridColumn column = (UIScrollableGridColumn)child;
- boolean frozen =
- if(isFrozenColumn){
- if(frozen){
- if(!processFrozen){
- cellIndex = 0;
- processFrozen = true;
- }
- renderCells(context, column, writer, cellIndex, i);
- }
- }else{
- if(!frozen){
- if(processFrozen){
- cellIndex = 0;
- processFrozen = false;
- }
- renderCells(context, column, writer, cellIndex,i);
- }
- }
- cellIndex++;
- }
- }
- writer.endElement(HTML.TR_ELEMENT);
- }
- }
- private void renderCells(FacesContext context, UIScrollableGridColumn column,
- ResponseWriter writer, int cellIndex, int rowIndex) throws IOException{
- writer.startElement(HTML.td_ELEM, column);
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "id","c_"+ rowIndex +
"_" + cellIndex);
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "class","ClientUI_Grid_BC");
- writer.startElement(HTML.SPAN_ELEM, column);
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "id","bc_"+ rowIndex +
"_" + cellIndex);
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer,"style",column.getAttributes().get("style"));
- getUtils().writeAttribute(writer,"class","ClientUI_Grid_BCBody");
- renderChild(context, column);
- writer.endElement(HTML.SPAN_ELEM);
- writer.endElement(HTML.td_ELEM);
- }
protected String getJavaScriptVarName(FacesContext context, UIScrollableGrid grid) {
String id = grid.getBaseClientId(context);
return "Richfaces_ScrollableGrid_" + id.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9_]",
@@ -188,8 +99,74 @@
protected void doEncodeChildren(ResponseWriter writer, FacesContext context,
UIComponent component) throws IOException {
+ if(component instanceof UIScrollableGrid){
+ renderGridBody(context, (UIScrollableGrid)component, writer);
+ }
+ }
+ public void renderGridBody(FacesContext context, UIScrollableGrid
component,ResponseWriter writer) throws IOException{
- ColumnWalker.iterateOverBody(context, component, bodyRenderer, writer);
+ final UIScrollableGrid grid = component;
+ final GridRendererState state = GridRendererState.getRendererState(context);
+ writer.startElement(HTML.DIV_ELEM, grid);
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "class","GridDataColumns");
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "id","FrozenBox");
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "style","position: absolute; left:
0px; top: 0px; display: block; width: 100px");
+ writer.writeText("\n", null);
+ writer.startElement("table", grid);
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "id","GridDataFrozen");
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "cellpadding","0");
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "cellspacing","0");
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "style","position: absolute; left:
0px; top: 0px; display: block; width: 100%");
+ writer.writeText("\n", null);
+ writer.startElement("tbody", grid);
+ DataVisitor rowsRenderer = new DataVisitor(){
+ public void process(FacesContext context, Object rowIndex, Object argument) throws
IOException {
+ int index = ((Integer)rowIndex).intValue();
+ state.setRowIndex(index);
+ grid.setRowKey(rowIndex);
+ ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
+ writer.startElement(HTML.TR_ELEMENT, grid);
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "id","row_"+ index);
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "class","ClientUI_Grid_BR");
+ ColumnWalker.iterateOverCells(context, grid, cellRenderer, writer, state);
+ writer.endElement(HTML.TR_ELEMENT);
+ }
+ };
+ state.set_isFrozenColumn(true);
+ grid.walk(context, rowsRenderer, state);
+ writer.endElement("tbody");
+ writer.endElement("table");
+ writer.endElement(HTML.DIV_ELEM);
+ writer.startElement(HTML.DIV_ELEM, grid);
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "class","GridDataColumns");
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "id","NormalBox");
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "style","position: absolute; left:
300px; top: 0px; display: block; width: 700px");
+ writer.writeText("\n", null);
+ writer.startElement("table", grid);
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "id","GridDataNormal");
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "cellpadding","0");
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "cellspacing","0");
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "style","position: absolute; left:
0px; top: 0px; display: block; width: 100%");
+ writer.writeText("\n", null);
+ state.set_isFrozenColumn(false);
+ grid.walk(context, rowsRenderer, state);
+ writer.endElement("tbody");
+ writer.endElement("table");
+ writer.endElement(HTML.DIV_ELEM);
public void renderHeaders(FacesContext context, UIComponent component
@@ -206,6 +183,15 @@
ColumnWalker.iterateOverHeadersFooters(context, component, footerRenderer, writer);
+ public void setUpState(FacesContext context, UIScrollableGrid grid) {
+ GridRendererState.createState(context, grid);
+ }
+ public void tearDownState(FacesContext context){
+ GridRendererState.restoreState(context);
+ }
// for benchmark
public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context, UIComponent component
) throws IOException {
trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/html/ 2007-05-08
17:56:05 UTC (rev 698)
trunk/sandbox/scrollable-grid/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/html/ 2007-05-08
17:56:17 UTC (rev 699)
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
- *
- */
-package org.richfaces.renderkit.html;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import javax.faces.FacesException;
-import javax.faces.component.NamingContainer;
-import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
-import org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxContainer;
-import org.ajax4jsf.framework.renderer.AjaxRendererUtils;
-import org.richfaces.component.UIScrollableGrid;
- * bean to store current {@link com.exadel.vcp.components.datagrid.UIDataGrid }
- * in request map. For nested grids, it support push/pop state saving.
- * In {@link javax.faces.render.Renderer#encodeBegin(javax.faces.context.FacesContext,
javax.faces.component.UIComponent)} method
- * must be created instance of this bean , or, if it already exist in request map - push
- * at the end of encodeEnd call, bean must be pop information or removed.
- * @author shura
- *
- */
-public class ScrollableGridRendererState implements Serializable {
- public static final String DATA_GRID_RENDERER_STATE =
- private int _rowIndex = 0;
- private int _cellIndex = 0;
- private int _columns = 0;
- private UIScrollableGrid _grid;
- private String _cachedClientId;
- private ScrollableGridRendererState _previousState = null;
- private AjaxContainer _region = null;
- private boolean _rowSelected;
- private Object rowKey;
- private String prefix;
- private String selectedClass;
- private String activeClass;
- private String focusedClass;
- private String resizerClass;
- private String [] columnClasses;
- private String [] rowClasses;
- private String [] headerColumnClasses;
- /**
- *
- */
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 2129605586975025578L;
- private Set _renderedAreas = null;
- /**
- * Get current grid state from JSF context
- * @param context
- * @return current data grid state, or null if not saved.
- */
- public static ScrollableGridRendererState getRendererState(FacesContext context) throws
FacesException {
- if(null == context){
- throw new NullPointerException("Context for grid state is null");
- }
- ScrollableGridRendererState state = (ScrollableGridRendererState)
-// if( null == state){
-// throw new FacesException("State for current grid not stored in context");
-// }
- return state;
- }
- /**
- * Create new state for current grid. If state exist, store previsius in field of
- * @param context
- * @param grid
- * @return new state for grid.
- */
- public static ScrollableGridRendererState createState(FacesContext context,
UIScrollableGrid grid){
- if(null == context){
- throw new NullPointerException("Context for grid state is null");
- }
- ScrollableGridRendererState oldState = getRendererState(context);
- ScrollableGridRendererState state = new
- context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap().put(DATA_GRID_RENDERER_STATE,state);
- return state;
- }
- /**
- * Restore previsius state for gred, or clear request parameter.
- * @param context
- */
- public static void restoreState(FacesContext context) {
- if (null == context) {
- throw new NullPointerException("Context for grid state is null");
- }
- ScrollableGridRendererState state = getRendererState(context);
- if (null == state) {
- throw new FacesException(
- "State for current grid not saved in context");
- }
- ScrollableGridRendererState previsiosState = state.getPreviousState();
- if (null != previsiosState) {
- context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap().put(DATA_GRID_RENDERER_STATE,
- previsiosState);
- } else {
- context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap().remove(DATA_GRID_RENDERER_STATE);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Create state for current grig ( and store previsios state in field ).
- * @param previsiosState
- */
- public ScrollableGridRendererState(FacesContext context, ScrollableGridRendererState
previsiosState, UIScrollableGrid grid) {
- super();
- _grid = grid;
- _cachedClientId = grid.getClientId(context);
- _previousState = previsiosState;
- if(AjaxRendererUtils.isAjaxRequest(context)){
-// _region = AjaxRendererUtils.getSubmittedAjaxContainer(context,null);
-// if(null != _region){
-// _renderedAreas = (Set) _region.getAjaxRenderedAreas();
-// }
- }
- Map attrs = grid.getAttributes();
-// activeClass = (String) attrs.get("activeClass");
-// selectedClass = (String) attrs.get("selectedClass");
-// if (selectedClass == null) {
-// selectedClass = DataGridBaseRenderer.DEAFAULT_SELECTED_CLASS;
-// }
-// rowClasses = DataGridUtil.getAttributeArray((String)
-// columnClasses = DataGridUtil.getAttributeArray((String)
-// headerColumnClasses = DataGridUtil.getAttributeArray((String)
-// if (headerColumnClasses.length == 0) {
-// headerColumnClasses = DataGridBaseRenderer.DEAFAULT_HEADER_COLUMN_CLASSES;
-// }
-// resizerClass = (String) attrs.get("resizerClass");
-// prefix = DataGridUtil.getClassPrefix(context, grid);
- }
- /**
- * Append id of AJAX rendered area to current set ( if possible )
- * @param id
- */
-// public void addAjaxArea(String id){
-// if(null != _renderedAreas){
-// _renderedAreas.add(id);
-// }
-// }
- /**
- * Remove id of AJAX rendered area from current set ( if possible )
- * @param id
- */
-// public void removeAjaxArea(String id){
-// if(null != _renderedAreas){
-// _renderedAreas.remove(id);
-// }
-// }
- public String getCurrentCellId(FacesContext context){
- return
- NamingContainer.SEPARATOR_CHAR+"col"+getCellIndex();
- }
- /**
- * @return Returns the cellIndex.
- */
- public int getCellIndex() {
- return _cellIndex;
- }
- /**
- * @param cellIndex The cellIndex to set.
- */
- public void setCellIndex(int cellIndex) {
- _cellIndex = cellIndex;
- }
- /**
- * Increment cells counter
- * @return next cell number.
- */
- public int nextCell(){
- return ++_cellIndex;
- }
- /**
- * @return Returns the columns.
- */
- public int getColumns() {
- return _columns;
- }
- /**
- * @param columns The columns to set.
- */
- public void setColumns(int columns) {
- _columns = columns;
- }
- /**
- * @return Returns the grid.
- */
- public UIScrollableGrid getGrid() {
- return _grid;
- }
- /**
- * @param grid The grid to set.
- */
- public void setGrid(UIScrollableGrid grid) {
- _grid = grid;
- }
- /**
- * @return Returns the previsiosState.
- */
- public ScrollableGridRendererState getPreviousState() {
- return _previousState;
- }
- /**
- * @param previsiosState The previsiosState to set.
- */
- public void setPreviousState(ScrollableGridRendererState previsiosState) {
- _previousState = previsiosState;
- }
- /**
- * @return Returns the rowIndex.
- */
- public int getRowIndex() {
- return _rowIndex;
- }
- /**
- * Increment current row counter.
- * @return new row number.
- */
- public int nextRow(){
- return ++_rowIndex;
- }
- /**
- * @param rowIndex The rowIndex to set.
- */
- public void setRowIndex(int rowIndex) {
- _rowIndex = rowIndex;
- }
- public String getColumnClientId(FacesContext context) {
- return getGrid().getClientId(context) + NamingContainer.SEPARATOR_CHAR +
"_col" + getCellIndex();
- }
- /**
- * @return the _cachedClientId
- */
- public String getCachedClientId() {
- return _cachedClientId;
- }
- private StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- /**
- * @return the buffer
- */
- public StringBuffer getBuffer() {
- buffer.setLength(0);
- return buffer;
- }
- public String getColumnWidthInputId() {
- return
- getBuffer()
- .append(prefix)
- .append("col_")
- .append(getCellIndex())
- .append("_width")
- .toString();
- }
- public String getColumnHeaderCellId() {
- return
- getBuffer()
- .append(getCachedClientId())
- .append(NamingContainer.SEPARATOR_CHAR)
- .append("header")
- .append(NamingContainer.SEPARATOR_CHAR)
- .append(getCellIndex())
- .toString();
- }
- public String getBodyCellId() {
- return
- getBuffer()
- .append(getCachedClientId())
- .append(NamingContainer.SEPARATOR_CHAR)
- .append("body")
- .append(NamingContainer.SEPARATOR_CHAR)
- .append(getRowKey())
- .append(NamingContainer.SEPARATOR_CHAR)
- .append(getCellIndex())
- .toString();
- }
- public String getColumnClass() {
- return "col_" + getCellIndex();
- }
- /**
- * @return the _rowSelected
- */
- public boolean isRowSelected() {
- return _rowSelected;
- }
- /**
- * @param selected the _rowSelected to set
- */
- public void setRowSelected(boolean selected) {
- _rowSelected = selected;
- }
- /**
- * @return the rowKey
- */
- public Object getRowKey() {
- return rowKey;
- }
- /**
- * @param rowKey the rowKey to set
- */
- public void setRowKey(Object rowKey) {
- this.rowKey = rowKey;
- }
- public String getRowClass() {
-// return getBuffer()
-// .append(DataGridUtil.getAttributeValue(rowClasses, getRowIndex()))
-// .append(" ")
-// .append(isRowSelected() ? selectedClass : "")
-// .toString();
- return null;
- }
- public String getCellClass() {
- return null;
-// getBuffer()
-// .append(DataGridUtil.getAttributeValue(columnClasses, _cellIndex))
-// .toString();
- }
- public String getHeaderCellClass() {
- return null;
-// getBuffer()
-// .append(DataGridUtil.getAttributeValue(headerColumnClasses, _cellIndex))
-// .toString();
- }
- /**
- * @return the resizerClass
- */
- public String getResizerClass() {
- return resizerClass;
- }
- /**
- * @param resizerClass the resizerClass to set
- */
- public void setResizerClass(String resizerClass) {
- this.resizerClass = resizerClass;
- }