Author: SeanRogers
Date: 2011-04-04 02:50:06 -0400 (Mon, 04 Apr 2011)
New Revision: 22359
Revised Tables and Grids chapter according to Engineering review: RFPL-1380
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/chap-Component_Reference-Tables_and_grids.xml 2011-04-04
00:05:53 UTC (rev 22358)
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/chap-Component_Reference-Tables_and_grids.xml 2011-04-04
06:50:06 UTC (rev 22359)
@@ -11,8 +11,11 @@
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-Actions-a4jrepeat">
- The <sgmltag><a4j:repeat></sgmltag> component is used to
iterate changes through a repeated collection of components. It allows specific rows of
items to be updated without sending Ajax requests for the entire collection. The
<sgmltag><a4j:repeat></sgmltag> component forms the basis for
many of the tabular components detailed in <xref
linkend="chap-Component_Reference-Tables_and_grids" />.
+ The non-visual <sgmltag><a4j:repeat></sgmltag> component is
used to iterate through a data model. The component renders child content for every
iteration according to the current object data.
+ <para>
+ The <sgmltag><a4j:repeat></sgmltag> component extends the
standard <classname>UIRepeat</classname> component to allow partial updates
within iterations while sending Ajax requests. The component acts as a base for all the
data iteration components detailed in this chapter.
+ </para>
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-a4jrepeat-Basic_usage">
<title>Basic usage</title>
@@ -34,43 +37,42 @@
The <sgmltag><a4j:repeat></sgmltag> component uses other
attributes common to iteration components, such as the
<varname>first</varname> attribute for specifying the first item for
iteration, and the <varname>rows</varname> attribute for specifying the number
of rows of items to display.
- Specific cells, rows, and columns can be updated without sending Ajax requests for
the entire collection. Components that cause the change can specify which part of the
table to update through the <varname>render</varname> attribute. The
<varname>render</varname> attribute specifies which part of a table to
+ Specific cells, rows, and columns can be updated without sending Ajax requests for
the entire collection. Components that cause the change can specify which part of the
table to update through the <varname>render</varname> attribute. The
<varname>render</varname> attribute specifies which part of a table to update.
The updated parts relate to where the action component is placed relative to the table:
- <term><code><varname>render</varname>=<replaceable>cellId</replaceable></code></term>
+ <term>Action components inside the table</term>
- Update the cell with an identifier of
<replaceable>cellId</replaceable> within the row that contains the current
+ Use
where the component identified by <replaceable>componentID</replaceable> is in
the same row as the action component. The action component updates the single specified
component, as demonstrated in <xref
linkend="exam-Component_Reference-a4jrepeat-Update_a_single_component" />.
- <para>
- Instead of a specific identifier, the
<replaceable>cellId</replaceable> reference could be a variable:
- </para>
+ <example
+ <title>Update a single component</title>
+ <programlisting language="XML" role="XML"><xi:include
xmlns:xi="" /></programlisting>
+ </example>
- <term><code><varname>render</varname>=<replaceable>tableId</replaceable>:<replaceable>rowId</replaceable></code></term>
+ <term>Action components outside the table</term>
- Update the row with an identifier of <replaceable>rowId</replaceable>
within the table with an identifier of <replaceable>tableId</replaceable>.
Alternatively, if the current component is contained within the table, use
+ Use
to specify the cell to update. The action component updates the cell with an identifier of
<replaceable>cellId</replaceable>, which is within the row with an identifier
of <replaceable>rowId</replaceable>, which is within the table with an
identifier of <replaceable>tableId</replaceable>.
- Instead of a specific identifier, the
<replaceable>tableId</replaceable> of
<replaceable>rowId</replaceable> references could be variables:
+ Instead of a specific identifier, any of the references could be variables, as
demonstrated in <xref
+ <example
+ <title>Use variables to specify references</title>
+ <programlisting><varname>render</varname>=<replaceable>tableId</replaceable>:#{@rows(<replaceable>bean.rowToUpdate</replaceable>)}:<replaceable>cellId</replaceable></programlisting>
+ <para>
+ The <function>@rows</function> function accepts a collection of row
keys to be updated.
+ </para>
+ </example>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><code><varname>render</varname>=<replaceable>tableId</replaceable>:<replaceable>rowId</replaceable>:<replaceable>cellId</replaceable></code></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Update the cell with an identifier of
<replaceable>cellId</replaceable>, within the row with and identifier of
<replaceable>rowId</replaceable>, within the table with an identifier of
- </para>
- <para>
- Instead of a specific identifier, any of the references could be variables:
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
+ <!-- component specific
Alternatively, keywords can be used with the <varname>render</varname>
@@ -116,6 +118,7 @@
+ -->
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-a4jrepeat-Reference_data">
@@ -149,12 +152,12 @@
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-Tables_and_grids-richdataTable">
- The <sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag> component is used to
render a table, including the table's header and footer. It works in conjunction with
the <sgmltag><rich:column></sgmltag> and
<sgmltag><rich:columnGroup></sgmltag> components to list the
contents of a data model.
+ The <sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag> component is used to
render a table, including the table's caption. It works in conjunction with the
<sgmltag><rich:column></sgmltag> and
<sgmltag><rich:columnGroup></sgmltag> components to list the
contents of a data model.
- The <sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag> component does not
include extended table features, such as data scrolling, row selection, and column
reordering. These features are available as part of the
<sgmltag><rich:extendedDataTable></sgmltag> component; refer to
linkend="sect-Component_Reference-Tables_and_grids-richextendedDataTable" />
for further details.
+ The <sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag> component does not
include extended table features, such as data scrolling (including lazy Ajax loading), row
selection, and column reordering. These features are available as part of the
<sgmltag><rich:extendedDataTable></sgmltag> component; refer to
linkend="sect-Component_Reference-Tables_and_grids-richextendedDataTable" />
for further details.
@@ -163,6 +166,9 @@
The <varname>value</varname> attribute points to the data model, and the
<varname>var</varname> attribute specifies a variable to use when iterating
through the data model.
+ <para>
+ In addition, the table requires a set of
<sgmltag><rich:column></sgmltag> components to define the
content of the table.
+ </para>
@@ -201,6 +207,12 @@
As <sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag> the component is
based on the <sgmltag><a4j:repeat></sgmltag> component, it can
be partially updated with Ajax. Refer to <xref
/> for details on partially updating the
<sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag> component.
+ <para>
+ The <sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag> component supports
master-detail markup with collapsible sub-table sections. Refer to <xref
/> for full details on using the
<sgmltag><rich:collapsibleSubTable></sgmltag> component.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Use the <varname>rows</varname> attribute to specify the number of rows
to show at a time. The table is then presented in pages of rows. Pages can be navigated by
using a control such as the
<sgmltag><rich:dataScroller></sgmltag> component. Refer to
<xref linkend="sect-Component_Reference-Tables_and_grids-richdataScroller"
/> for full details on using the
<sgmltag><rich:dataScroller></sgmltag> component.
+ </para>
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-richdataTable-JavaScript_API">
@@ -226,7 +238,7 @@
- <term><function>switchSubTables()</function></term>
Switch the expanded or collapsed state of any sub-tables contained in
the data table.
@@ -561,8 +573,11 @@
- The <sgmltag><rich:collapsibleSubTable></sgmltag> component
acts as a child element to a <sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag>
component. It allows sections of a table to be grouped into collapsible sections. The
<sgmltag><rich:collapsibleSubTable></sgmltag> component works
with the <sgmltag><rich:collapsibleSubTableToggler></sgmltag>
component, which allows the user to expand and collapse the sub tables.
+ The <sgmltag><rich:collapsibleSubTable></sgmltag> component
acts as a child element to a <sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag>
component. The <sgmltag><rich:collapsibleSubTable></sgmltag>
component iterates through the child collections in the currently iterated object to
create master-detail tables.
+ <para>
+ Additionally, the detail part of the table can be collapsed or expanded through
different modes. The
<sgmltag><rich:collapsibleSubTable></sgmltag> component works
with the <sgmltag><rich:collapsibleSubTableToggler></sgmltag>
component, which expands and collapses the sub-tables.
+ </para>
<title>Basic usage</title>
@@ -678,6 +693,13 @@
Refer to <xref
linkend="exam-Component_Reference-richcollapsibleSubTable-Basic_usage" /> for
an example using the
<sgmltag><rich:collapsibleSubTable></sgmltag> component. In the
example, the toggle control is placed in a column that spans the width of the table.
Output text next to the toggle control displays the car vendor's name for that
+ <section
+ <title>Appearance</title>
+ <para>
+ The icons and labels of the
<sgmltag><rich:collapsibleSubTableToggler></sgmltag> component
can be customized. Use the <varname>collapsedIcon</varname> and
<varname>expandedIcon</varname> attributes to specify icons for the toggler
when it is collapsed and expanded respectively. Use the
<varname>collapsedLabel</varname> and
<varname>expandedLabel</varname> attributes to specify labels for the toggler
when it is collapsed and expanded respectively.
+ </para>
+ </section>
<title>Reference data</title>
@@ -721,7 +743,7 @@
- The <sgmltag><rich:extendedDataTable></sgmltag> component
builds on the functionality of the
<sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag> component, adding features
such as data scrolling, row and column selection, and rearranging of columns.
+ The <sgmltag><rich:extendedDataTable></sgmltag> component
builds on the functionality of the
<sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag> component, adding features
such as scrolling for the table body (both horizontal and vertical), Ajax loading for
vertical scrolling, frozen columns, row selection, and rearranging of columns. It also
supports all the basic table features such as sorting, filtering, and paging using the
<sgmltag><rich:dataScroller></sgmltag> component.
The <sgmltag><rich:extendedDataTable></sgmltag> component
includes the following main attributes not included in the
<sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag> component:
@@ -762,51 +784,7 @@
- <!--
- <listitem>
- <para>
- <varname>tableState</varname>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- -->
- <para>
- The <sgmltag><rich:extendedDataTable></sgmltag> component
does <emphasis>not</emphasis> include the following attributes available with
the <sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag> component:
- </para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <!--
- <listitem>
- <para>
- <varname>columns</varname>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- <varname>columnsWidth</varname>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- -->
- <listitem>
- <para>
- <varname>breakBefore</varname>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- <varname>columnGroup</varname>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- <varname>colSpan</varname>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- <varname>rowSpan</varname>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
<title>Complex sub-tables</title>
@@ -814,21 +792,21 @@
Due to the complex mark-up involved in the
<sgmltag><rich:extendedDataTable></sgmltag> component, it does
not support the use of the
<sgmltag><rich:collapsibleSubTable></sgmltag> component. The
<sgmltag><rich:collapsibleSubTable></sgmltag> component is only
available with the <sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag>
- Similarly, complex row and column spanning using the
<varname>breakBefore</varname>, <varname>columnGroup</varname>,
<varname>colSpan</varname>, and <varname>rowSpan</varname>
attributes is also not available with the
<sgmltag><rich:extendedDataTable></sgmltag> component.
+ Similarly, complex row and column spanning using the
<varname>breakBefore</varname>, <varname>colSpan</varname>, and
<varname>rowSpan</varname> attributes is also not available with the
<sgmltag><rich:extendedDataTable></sgmltag> component.
<title>Basic usage</title>
- Basic use of the
<sgmltag><rich:extendedDataTable></sgmltag> component requires
the <varname>value</varname> and <varname>var</varname>
attributes, the same as with the
<sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag> component. Refer to <xref
linkend="sect-Component_Reference-Tables_and_grids-richdataTable" /> for
+ Basic use of the
<sgmltag><rich:extendedDataTable></sgmltag> component requires
the <varname>value</varname> and <varname>var</varname>
attributes, the same as with the
<sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag> component. In addition, a
set of columns must be included to define the table content. Refer to <xref
linkend="sect-Component_Reference-Tables_and_grids-richdataTable" /> for
<title>Table appearance</title>
- The <varname>height</varname> attribute defines the height of the table
on the page. This is set to <literal>100%</literal> by default. The width of
the table can be set by using the <varname>width</varname> attribute. As with
the <sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag> component, the look of
the <sgmltag><rich:extendedDataTable></sgmltag> component can be
customized and skinned using the <literal>header</literal> and
<literal>footer</literal> facets.
+ As with the <sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag> component,
the look of the <sgmltag><rich:extendedDataTable></sgmltag>
component can be customized using the <literal>header</literal> and
<literal>footer</literal> facets.
@@ -861,7 +839,7 @@
Large tables can use Ajax "lazy" loading to cache data on the client
during scrolling. Use the <varname>clientRows</varname> attribute to specify
the number of rows to load. The specified number of rows are loaded on the initial
rendering and with every vertical scroll. If the <varname>clientRows</varname>
attribute is not specified, all the rows are loaded on the client without the use of
- In addition to Ajax scrolling, the
<sgmltag><rich:extendedDataTable></sgmltag> component can also
be used with the <sgmltag><rich:dataScroller></sgmltag>
component in the same way as a regular
<sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag> component. Refer to <xref
linkend="sect-Component_Reference-Tables_and_grids-richdataScroller" /> for
full details on using the <sgmltag><rich:dataScroller></sgmltag>
+ In addition to Ajax scrolling, the
<sgmltag><rich:extendedDataTable></sgmltag> component can also
be used with the <sgmltag><rich:dataScroller></sgmltag>
component in the same way as a regular
<sgmltag><rich:dataTable></sgmltag> component. If both the
<varname>clientRows</varname> and <varname>rows</varname>
attributes are included, Ajax loading occurs as defined by the
<varname>clientRows</varname> attribute, but the loading is limited to the
current table page as determined by the <varname>rows</varname> attribute.
Refer to <xref
linkend="sect-Component_Reference-Tables_and_grids-richdataScroller" /> for
full details on using the <sgmltag><rich:dataScroller></sgmltag>
@@ -1488,7 +1466,7 @@
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-richdataScroller-Basic_usage">
<title>Basic usage</title>
- The <sgmltag><rich:dataScroller></sgmltag> must be placed
in the <literal>footer</literal> facet of the table or grid it needs to
control. Alternatively, use the <varname>for</varname> attribute to bind the
parent table or grid to the scroller.
+ The <sgmltag><rich:dataScroller></sgmltag> must be placed
in a facet of the table or grid it needs to control. Alternatively, use the
<varname>for</varname> attribute to bind the parent table or grid to the
The bound table or grid should also have the <varname>rows</varname>
attribute defined to limit the number of rows per page.
@@ -1531,6 +1509,8 @@
+ <!-- TODO not in Final -->
+ <!--
The <varname>pageIndexVar</varname> and
<varname>pagesVar</varname> attributes are request-scope variables for the
current page and the total number of pages. Use these attributes with the
<literal>pages</literal> facet to provide information about the pages of the
table, as shown in <xref
linkend="exam-Component_Reference-richdataScroller-pages_facet" />.
@@ -1538,6 +1518,7 @@
<title><literal>pages</literal> facet</title>
<programlisting language="XML" role="XML"><xi:include
xmlns:xi="" /></programlisting>
+ -->
To add optional separators between controls, define the separators with the
<literal>controlsSeparator</literal> facet.
@@ -1722,9 +1703,12 @@
+ <!-- TODO: Not in Final -->
+ <!--
Tables entries can be filtered by the user through either the basic method built in to
the <sgmltag><rich:column></sgmltag> component, or by defining
external filters. Refer to <xref
linkend="sect-Component_Reference-Tables_and_grids-richcolumn" /> for details
on using the <sgmltag><rich:column></sgmltag> component in
<title>Basic filtering</title>
@@ -1759,12 +1743,16 @@
If you require more advanced filtering using custom functions or expressions, use the
external filtering properties of the
<sgmltag><rich:column></sgmltag> component.
+ -->
- Use the <varname>filterExpression</varname> attribute to define an
expression that can be evaluated as a boolean value. The expression checks if each table
entry satisfies the filtering condition when the table is rendered.
+ Use the <varname>filterExpression</varname> attribute to define an
expression that can be evaluated as a boolean value. The expression checks if each table
entry satisfies the filtering condition when the table is rendered. For example, the
expression might be a JSTL (JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library) function such as
<function>contains</function> or <function>equals</function>.
- Use the <varname>filterMethod</varname> attribute to define a method
binding. The method needs to accept an object as a parameter and return a boolean value.
Similar to the <varname>filterExpression</varname> attribute, the table is
rendered only with those entries that satisfy the filtering condition. By defining a
custom filtering method, you can implement complex business logic to filter a table.
+ Use the <varname>filter</varname> attribute to define a filter interface.
The attribute must use EL (Expression Language) to point to an object which implements the
interface. The object must provide a single <methodname>accept(T
t)</methodname> method. The method takes each iteration object as a parameter and
returns a boolean value, which determines whether the object satisfies the filter. By
defining a custom filter, you can implement complex business logic to filter a table.
+ <para>
+ Use the <varname>filterValue</varname> attribute to point to an object
which holds the current filtering value for the column. The attribute can be used to
store filtering conditions in a session. Alternatively, use the
<varname>filterValue</varname> attribute when using the JavaScript API for
filtering. The attribute can store a value to pass as parameter to a JavaScript filter
+ </para>
<title>External filtering</title>
<programlisting language="XML" role="XML"><xi:include
xmlns:xi="" /></programlisting>
@@ -1782,7 +1770,7 @@
- </section>
+ <!--</section>-->
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-Tables_and_grids-Table_sorting">
@@ -1838,15 +1826,21 @@
Use the <varname>sortMode</varname> attribute to determine how multiple
columns are sorted. By default, the value of the <varname>sortMode</varname>
attribute is <literal>single</literal>, so tables are only sorted by a single
column. Each time the header of a column is clicked the entire table is re-sorted
according to that column. Set <code>sortMode="multiple"</code> to
allow tables to be sorted by a primary column, then by a secondary column, and so on.
- -->
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-Table_sorting-External_sorting">
<title>External sorting</title>
+ -->
- Bind the <varname>sortOrder</varname> attribute to bean properties to
manage the sorting order externally. The bean must handle all the sorting algorithms.
<xref linkend="exam-Component_Reference-Table_sorting-External_sorting" />
demonstrates table sorting using an external control.
+ Set the <varname>sortBy</varname> attribute to indicate which iteration
object property to use when sorting the column. By default, the target will be sorted
using the <methodname>compare()</methodname> method.
- <example
- <title>External sorting</title>
+ <para>
+ If using custom-defined rules for sorting, use the
<varname>comparator</varname> attribute instead. Set the
<varname>comparator</varname> attribute to point to your comparator method,
which will be used when sorting the data model.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Bind the <varname>sortOrder</varname> attribute to bean properties to
manage the sorting order. The bean must handle all the sorting algorithms. <xref
linkend="exam-Component_Reference-Table_sorting-External_sorting" />
demonstrates table sorting using an external control.
+ </para>
+ <example id="exam-Component_Reference-Table_sorting-Sorting">
+ <title>Sorting</title>
<programlisting language="XML" role="XML"><xi:include
xmlns:xi="" /></programlisting>
The example uses an external control to manage the table's sorting.
@@ -1863,12 +1857,9 @@
- When using the <code>sortMode="multiple"</code> configuration,
set the priority by which columns are sorted with the
<varname>sortPriorities</varname> attribute.
+ When multiple columns are capable of being sorted at the same time, set the priority
by which the columns are sorted with the <varname>sortPriorities</varname>
attribute. The attribute must contain a list of column identifiers in the order of the
sorting sequence.
- <para>
- Use the <varname>sortExpression</varname> attribute to define a bean
property to use for sorting the column. The expression checks each table entry against the
sorting expression during rendering.
- </para>
- </section>
+ <!--</section>-->
(rev 0)
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/extras/exam-Component_Reference-a4jrepeat-Update_a_single_component.xml_sample 2011-04-04
06:50:06 UTC (rev 22359)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ <a4j:commandButton render="col"></a4j:commandButton>
+ <h:outputText value="#{car.model}" id="col"/>