Author: SeanRogers
Date: 2011-04-05 03:32:40 -0400 (Tue, 05 Apr 2011)
New Revision: 22366
Completed up to Drag and Drop from Engineering review (RFPL-1380) including message icon
details (RFPL-1123)
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/chap-Component_Reference-Drag_and_drop.xml 2011-04-05
00:21:23 UTC (rev 22365)
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/chap-Component_Reference-Drag_and_drop.xml 2011-04-05
07:32:40 UTC (rev 22366)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
Use the <varname>dragIndicator</varname> parameter to customize the
appearance of a dragged object while it is being dragged. The
<varname>dragIndicator</varname> parameter must point to the
<varname>id</varname> identifier of a
<sgmltag><rich:dragIndicator></sgmltag> component. If the
<varname>dragIndicator</varname> attribute is not defined, the drag indicator
appears as a clone of the <sgmltag><rich:dragSource></sgmltag>
component's parent control.
- To bind data to the dragged object, use the <varname>dragValue</varname>
attribute. The <varname>dragValue</varname> attribute specifies an item in a
data model, which is then bound to the parent component when it is dragged. This
facilitates handling event data during a drop event.
+ To bind data to the dragged object, use the <varname>dragValue</varname>
attribute. The <varname>dragValue</varname> attribute specifies a server-side
object, which is then bound to the parent component when it is dragged. This facilitates
handling event data during a drop event.
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-Drag_and_drop-richdropTarget">
- The <sgmltag><rich:dropTarget></sgmltag> component can be
added to a component so that the component can accept dragged items. The dragged items
must support the <sgmltag><rich:dragSource></sgmltag> component,
and be of a compatible drop type.
+ The <sgmltag><rich:dropTarget></sgmltag> component can be
added to a component so that the component can accept dragged items. The dragged items
must be defined with a compatible drop type for the
<sgmltag><rich:dragSource></sgmltag> component.
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-richdropTarget-Basic_usage">
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
<title>Handling dropped data</title>
- To provide additional parameters for a drop event, use the
<varname>dropValue</varname> attribute.
+ To provide additional parameters for the server-side drop event, use the
<varname>dropValue</varname> attribute.
The <sgmltag><rich:dropTarget></sgmltag> component raises
the <varname>DropEvent</varname> server-side event when an object is dropped.
The event uses the following parameters:
@@ -159,21 +159,8 @@
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-richdragIndicator-Basic_usage">
<title>Basic usage</title>
- If included without any attributes specified, the drag indicator will appear as an
empty dotted outline, as shown in
+ To use a drag indicator, define the inner content that appears during a drag event.
No additional attributes are required. If a drag indicator is not used, a clone of the
drag source is used instead.
- <figure
- <title>An empty drag indicator</title>
- <mediaobject>
- <imageobject>
- <imagedata
format="PNG" />
- </imageobject>
- <textobject>
- <para>
- An empty drag indicator appears as an empty dotted outline.
- </para>
- </textobject>
- </mediaobject>
- </figure>
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/chap-Component_Reference-Output_and_messages.xml 2011-04-05
00:21:23 UTC (rev 22365)
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/chap-Component_Reference-Output_and_messages.xml 2011-04-05
07:32:40 UTC (rev 22366)
@@ -11,8 +11,11 @@
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-Output_and_messages-richmessage">
- The <sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component renders a
single message relating to another specific component. The message consists of two parts,
both of which are optional: the marker icon and the textual label. The appearance of the
message can be customized, and tool-tips can be used for further information about the
+ The <sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component renders a
single <classname>FacesMessage</classname> message instance added for the
component. The appearance of the message can be customized, and tool-tips can be used for
further information about the message.
+ <para>
+ The <sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component is rendered
in the same way as the standard <sgmltag><h:message></sgmltag>
component, but allows separate styling of the message summary and detail. It allows
unified icons to be set using background images in predefined classes.
+ </para>
<title>rich:message component</title>
@@ -30,67 +33,34 @@
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-richmessage-Basic_usage">
<title>Basic usage</title>
- The <sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component needs the
<varname>for</varname> attribute to point to the
<varname>id</varname> identifier of the related component. The message is
displayed depending on the state of the linked component's requests.
+ The <sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component needs the
<varname>for</varname> attribute to point to the
<varname>id</varname> identifier of the related component. The message is
displayed after the <classname>FacesMessage</classname> message instance is
created and added for the client identifier of the related component.
- The <sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component is
automatically rendered after an Ajax request, even without the use of an
<sgmltag><a4j:outputPanel></sgmltag> component.
+ The <sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component is
automatically rendered after an Ajax request. This occurs without the use of an
<sgmltag><a4j:outputPanel></sgmltag> component or a specific
reference through the <varname>render</varname> attribute of the Ajax request
+ <example
+ <title>rich:message example</title>
+ <programlisting language="XML" role="XML"><xi:include
+ <para>
+ The example contains a text input for zip codes. The simple validation requires the
entered zip code to be between 4 and 9 characters long. The
<sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component references the input
box, and reports any messages relating to the input validation.
+ </para>
+ </example>
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-richmessage-Appearance">
- The <varname>passedLabel</varname> attribute contains a message to
display when there are no errors; that is, when validation passes successfully. The
<varname>showSummary</varname> attribute specifies whether to display only a
summary of the full message. The full message can be displayed in a tool-tip when hovering
the mouse over the summary.
+ The <varname>showSummary</varname> attribute specifies whether to display
only a summary of the full message. The full message can be displayed in a tool-tip when
hovering the mouse over the summary.
- Facets are used to define the marker icons for different message states:
+ Use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to customize the appearance and icon for the
<sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component. To use a custom
icon, set the <property>background-image</property> property to the icon
graphic, as shown in <xref
linkend="exam-Component_Reference-richmessage-Message_icons" />. Refer to
/> for a complete list of style classes for the
<sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component.
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><literal>errorMarker</literal></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Defines the icon for messages with the <literal>error</literal>
severity class.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><literal>fatalMarker</literal></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Defines the icon for messages with the <literal>fatal</literal>
severity class.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><literal>infoMarker</literal></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Defines the icon for messages with the <literal>info</literal>
severity class.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><literal>passedMarker</literal></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Defines the icon for messages that are not of the
<literal>error</literal>, <literal>fatal</literal>,
<literal>info</literal>, or <literal>warn</literal> severity
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><literal>warnMarker</literal></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Defines the icon for messages with the <literal>warn</literal>
severity class.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <example
- <title>rich:message example</title>
- <programlisting language="XML" role="XML"><xi:include
xmlns:xi="" />
- </programlisting>
+ <example id="exam-Component_Reference-richmessage-Message_icons">
+ <title>Message icons</title>
+ <programlisting><xi:include
+ <para>
+ The example demonstrates how an icon for an error message could be added using CSS.
+ </para>
@@ -135,7 +105,7 @@
- The <sgmltag><rich:messages></sgmltag> components works
similarly to the <sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component,
but can display validation messages for a group of components instead of just a single
component. Refer to <xref
linkend="sect-Component_Reference-Output_and_messages-richmessage" /> for
details on the <sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component.
+ The <sgmltag><rich:messages></sgmltag> components works
similarly to the <sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component,
but can display all the validation messages added for the current view instead of just a
single message. Refer to <xref
linkend="sect-Component_Reference-Output_and_messages-richmessage" /> for
details on the <sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component.
<title>rich:messages component</title>
@@ -154,68 +124,27 @@
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-richmessages-Basic_usage">
<title>Basic usage</title>
- The <sgmltag><rich:messages></sgmltag> component
doesn't require any extra attributes for basic usage. It displays all messages
relating to requests from components in the same container element.
+ The <sgmltag><rich:messages></sgmltag> component
doesn't require any extra attributes for basic usage. It displays all messages
relating to requests from components.
- The <sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component is
automatically rendered after an Ajax request, even without the use of an
<sgmltag><a4j:outputPanel></sgmltag> component.
+ To limit the messages to a specific component, use the
<varname>for</varname> attribute to reference the component's identifier.
+ <para>
+ To show only those messages that are not attached to specific components, set
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The <sgmltag><rich:messages></sgmltag> component is
automatically rendered after an Ajax request. This occurs without the use of an
<sgmltag><a4j:outputPanel></sgmltag> component or a specific
reference through the <varname>render</varname> attribute of the Ajax request
+ </para>
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-richmessages-Appearance">
- The <sgmltag><rich:messages></sgmltag> component displays
error messages for each validating component in the same container. The
<varname>passedLabel</varname> attribute contains a message to display when
there are no errors; that is, when validation for all components passes successfully. The
<varname>layout</varname> attribute defines how the messages are presented:
either using <literal>list</literal> for a list layout, or
<literal>table</literal> for a tabular layout.
+ The <sgmltag><rich:messages></sgmltag> component displays
error messages for each validating component in the same container.
- All messages use the same state icons, specified by using facets in the same way as
for the <sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component:
+ The <sgmltag><rich:messages></sgmltag> component can be
further styled through CSS, the same as for the
<sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component. Refer to <xref
linkend="sect-Component_Reference-richmessage-Appearance" /> for an example
of message styling, and refer to <xref
/> for a complete list of style classes for the
<sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component.
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><literal>errorMarker</literal></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Defines the icon for messages with the <literal>error</literal>
severity class.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><literal>fatalMarker</literal></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Defines the icon for messages with the <literal>fatal</literal>
severity class.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><literal>infoMarker</literal></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Defines the icon for messages with the <literal>info</literal>
severity class.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><literal>passedMarker</literal></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Defines the icon for messages that are not of the
<literal>error</literal>, <literal>fatal</literal>,
<literal>info</literal>, or <literal>warn</literal> severity
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><literal>warnMarker</literal></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Defines the icon for messages with the <literal>warn</literal>
severity class.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <example
- <title>rich:messages example</title>
- <programlisting language="XML" role="XML"><xi:include
xmlns:xi="" />
- </programlisting>
- </example>
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-richmessages-Reference_data">
@@ -251,9 +180,7 @@
<title>Style classes and skin parameters</title>
- <para>
- The <sgmltag><rich:messages></sgmltag> component uses the
same styling as the <sgmltag><rich:message></sgmltag> component.
Refer to <xref
/> for details.
- </para>
+ <xi:include href="skinning/tabl-richmessages.xml"
xmlns:xi="" />
@@ -290,7 +217,7 @@
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-richprogressBar-Basic_usage">
<title>Basic usage</title>
- Basic usage of the <sgmltag><rich:progressBar></sgmltag>
component requires only the <varname>value</varname> attribute, which points
to the method that provides the current progress.
+ Basic usage of the <sgmltag><rich:progressBar></sgmltag>
component requires the <varname>value</varname> attribute, which points to the
property that holds the current progress value. When the value is greater than or equal to
the minimum value (<literal>0</literal> by default), the progress bar becomes
active, and starts sending Ajax requests if in <literal>ajax</literal> mode.
<example id="exam-Component_Reference-richprogressBar-Basic_usage">
<title>Basic usage</title>
@@ -332,6 +259,7 @@
+ <!--
@@ -378,26 +306,16 @@
<title>Using the <varname>param</varname> parameter</title>
<programlisting language="XML" role="XML"><xi:include
xmlns:xi="" /></programlisting>
+ -->
- To define customized initial and complete states for the progress bar, use the
<literal>initial</literal> and <literal>complete</literal> facets.
The <literal>initial</literal> facet displays when the progress value is less
than or equal to the minimum value, and the <literal>complete</literal> facet
displays when the progress value is greater than or equal to the maximum value.
+ Define the <literal>initial</literal> and
<literal>finish</literal> facets to customize the progress bar's
appearance before progress has started and after progress has finished. When the current
progress bar value is less than the minimum value, the
<literal>initial</literal> facet is displayed. When the current progress bar
is greater than the maximum value, the <literal>finish</literal> facet is
- <title>Initial and complete states</title>
+ <title>Initial and finished states</title>
<programlisting language="XML" role="XML"><xi:include
xmlns:xi="" /></programlisting>
- <section
- <title>Using set intervals</title>
- <para>
- The <sgmltag><rich:progressBar></sgmltag> component can be
set to constantly poll for updates at a constant interval. Use the
<varname>interval</varname> component to set the interval in milliseconds. The
progress bar is updated whenever the polled value changes. Polling is only active when the
<varname>enabled</varname> attribute is set to
- </para>
- <example
- <title>Using set intervals</title>
- <programlisting language="XML" role="XML"><xi:include
xmlns:xi="" /></programlisting>
- </example>
- </section>
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-richprogressBar-Update_mode">
<title>Update mode</title>
@@ -416,13 +334,24 @@
- The progress bar updates on the client side, set using the JavaScript API.
+ The progress bar must be explicitly updated on the client side through the
JavaScript API.
+ <section
+ <title>Using set intervals</title>
+ <para>
+ The <sgmltag><rich:progressBar></sgmltag> component can be
set to constantly poll for updates at a constant interval. Use the
<varname>interval</varname> component to set the interval in milliseconds. The
progress bar is updated whenever the polled value changes. Polling is only active when the
<varname>enabled</varname> attribute is set to
+ </para>
+ <example
+ <title>Using set intervals</title>
+ <programlisting language="XML" role="XML"><xi:include
xmlns:xi="" /></programlisting>
+ </example>
+ </section>
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-richprogressBar-JavaScript_API">
<title>JavaScript API</title>
@@ -575,14 +504,14 @@
<title>Attaching the tool-tip to another component</title>
- If not otherwise specified, the tool-tip is attached to the parent element in which
it is defined. The <varname>for</varname> attribute is used to attach the
tool-tip to another component, pointing to the target component's
<varname>id</varname> identifier. This allows the
<sgmltag><rich:tooltip></sgmltag> component to be specified
outside the target element. This approach is demonstrated in <xref
linkend="exam-Component_Reference-richtooltip-Attaching_the_tool-tip" />.
+ If not otherwise specified, the tool-tip is attached to the parent element in which
it is defined. The <varname>target</varname> attribute is used to attach the
tool-tip to another component, pointing to the target component's
<varname>id</varname> identifier. This allows the
<sgmltag><rich:tooltip></sgmltag> component to be specified
outside the target element. This approach is demonstrated in <xref
linkend="exam-Component_Reference-richtooltip-Attaching_the_tool-tip" />.
<title>Attaching the tool-tip</title>
<programlisting language="XML" role="XML"><xi:include
xmlns:xi="" /></programlisting>
- The <sgmltag><rich:tooltip></sgmltag> component can
alternatively be left unattached, and is instead invoked through an event handler on the
target component. To leave the <sgmltag><rich:tooltip></sgmltag>
component unattached, set <code>attached="false"</code>, and define
the event handler to trigger the tool-tip on the target component. This approach is
demonstrated in <xref
linkend="exam-Component_Reference-richtooltip-Unattached_tool-tips" />. When
leaving the <sgmltag><rich:tooltip></sgmltag> component
unattached, ensure it has an <varname>id</varname> identifier defined. If the
<sgmltag><rich:tooltip></sgmltag> component is nested inside the
target element, it must be the last child. If it is defined outside the target element, it
must be nested in an <sgmltag><a4j:form></sgmltag> component.
+ The <sgmltag><rich:tooltip></sgmltag> component can
alternatively be left unattached, and is instead invoked through an event handler on the
target component. To leave the <sgmltag><rich:tooltip></sgmltag>
component unattached, set <code>attached="false"</code>, and define
the event handler to trigger the tool-tip on the target component. This approach is
demonstrated in <xref
linkend="exam-Component_Reference-richtooltip-Unattached_tool-tips" />. When
leaving the <sgmltag><rich:tooltip></sgmltag> component
unattached, ensure it has an <varname>id</varname> identifier defined. If it
is defined outside the target element, it must be nested in an
<sgmltag><a4j:form></sgmltag> component.
<title>Unattached tool-tips</title>
@@ -593,10 +522,10 @@
<section id="sect-Component_Reference-richtooltip-Appearance">
- By default, the <sgmltag><rich:tooltip></sgmltag> component
is positioned intelligently based on the position of the mouse cursor. Use the
<varname>direction</varname> attribute to specify a corner of the target
component at which to display the tool-tip instead. Possible values include
<literal>top-left</literal>, <literal>top-right</literal>,
<literal>bottom-left</literal>, and
<literal>bottom-right</literal>. Use the
<varname>horizontalOffset</varname> and
<varname>verticalOffset</varname> attributes to specify the horizontal offset
and vertical offset at which to display the tool-tip.
+ By default, the <sgmltag><rich:tooltip></sgmltag> component
is positioned intelligently based on the position of the mouse cursor. Use the
<varname>jointPoint</varname> attribute to specify a corner of the target
component at which to display the tool-tip instead, and use the
<varname>direction</varname> attribute to specify the direction the tool-tip
will appear relative to that corner. Possible values for both attributes are
<literal>top-left</literal>, <literal>top-right</literal>,
<literal>bottom-left</literal>, and
<literal>bottom-right</literal>. Use the
<varname>horizontalOffset</varname> and
<varname>verticalOffset</varname> attributes to specify the horizontal offset
and vertical offset at which to display the tool-tip.
- Use the <varname>hideEvent</varname> attribute to specify when the
tool-tip is hidden. The default value is <literal>none</literal>, so the
tool-tip remains shown. However, it can be linked to an event on the target component,
such as the <literal>mouseout</literal> event.
+ Use the <varname>showEvent</varname> attribute to specify when the
tool-tip is shown. By default it appears when the attached component is hovered-over with
the mouse. Use the <varname>hideEvent</varname> attribute to specify when the
tool-tip is hidden. The default value is <literal>none</literal>, so the
tool-tip remains shown. However, it can be linked to an event on the target component,
such as the <literal>mouseout</literal> event.
Set <code>followMouse="true"</code> to cause the tool-tip to
follow the user's mouse movements.
@@ -726,7 +655,7 @@
- <term><function>hide(event)</function></term>
+ <term><function>hide()</function></term>
Hide the tool-tip.
(rev 0)
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/extras/exam-Component_Reference-richmessage-Message_icons.css 2011-04-05
07:32:40 UTC (rev 22366)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ background-image:
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/extras/exam-Component_Reference-richmessage-richmessage_example.xml_sample 2011-04-05
00:21:23 UTC (rev 22365)
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/extras/exam-Component_Reference-richmessage-richmessage_example.xml_sample 2011-04-05
07:32:40 UTC (rev 22366)
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-<rich:message for="id" passedLabel="No errors"
- <f:facet name="errorMarker">
- <h:graphicImage url="/image/error.png"/>
- </f:facet>
- <f:facet name="passedMarker">
- <h:graphicImage url="/image/passed.png"/>
- </f:facet>
+<h:outputText value="Zip:" />
+<h:inputText label="Zip" id="zip" required="true"
+ value="#{}">
+ <f:validateLength minimum="4" maximum="9" />
+<rich:message for="zip" ajaxRendered="true"/>
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/extras/exam-Component_Reference-richprogressBar-Initial_and_complete_states.xml_sample 2011-04-05
00:21:23 UTC (rev 22365)
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/extras/exam-Component_Reference-richprogressBar-Initial_and_complete_states.xml_sample 2011-04-05
07:32:40 UTC (rev 22366)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<rich:progressBar value="#{bean.incValue1}">
<f:facet name="initial">
- <h:outputText value="Process not started"/>
+ <h:outputText value="Process has not started"/>
- <f:facet name="complete">
- <h:outputText value="Process completed"/>
+ <f:facet name="finish">
+ <h:outputText value="Process has completed"/>
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/extras/exam-Component_Reference-richprogressBar-Using_nested_child_components.xml_sample 2011-04-05
00:21:23 UTC (rev 22365)
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/extras/exam-Component_Reference-richprogressBar-Using_nested_child_components.xml_sample 2011-04-05
07:32:40 UTC (rev 22366)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
<rich:progressBar value="#{bean.incValue}">
- <h:outputText value="#{bean.incValue} %"/>
+ <h:outputText value="#{bean.incValue} % complete"/>
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/extras/exam-Component_Reference-richprogressBar-Using_the_label_attribute.xml_sample 2011-04-05
00:21:23 UTC (rev 22365)
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/extras/exam-Component_Reference-richprogressBar-Using_the_label_attribute.xml_sample 2011-04-05
07:32:40 UTC (rev 22366)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-<rich:progressBar value="#{bean.incValue}" id="progrs"
+<rich:progressBar value="#{bean.incValue}" id="progrs"
label="#{bean.incValue} % complete"/>
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/extras/exam-Component_Reference-richtoolTip-Attaching_the_tool-tip.xml_sample 2011-04-05
00:21:23 UTC (rev 22365)
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/extras/exam-Component_Reference-richtoolTip-Attaching_the_tool-tip.xml_sample 2011-04-05
07:32:40 UTC (rev 22366)
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
-<rich:toolTip value="This is a tool-tip." for="panelId"/>
+<rich:toolTip value="This is a tool-tip." target="panelId"/>
(rev 0)
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/skinning/tabl-richmessages.xml 2011-04-05
07:32:40 UTC (rev 22366)
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
+<!DOCTYPE table PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
"" [
+ <title>Style classes (selectors) and corresponding skin parameters</title>
+ <tgroup cols="3">
+ <colspec colname="class"/>
+ <colspec colname="skin"/>
+ <colspec colname="css"/>
+ <spanspec spanname="noskin" namest="skin"
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>Class (selector)</entry>
+ <entry>Skin Parameters</entry>
+ <entry>Mapped <acronym>CSS</acronym> properties</entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry morerows="1">
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><classname>.rf-msgs</classname></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ This class defines styles for the message itself.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </entry>
+ <entry><para><parameter>generalFamilyFont</parameter></para></entry>
+ <entry><para><property>font-family</property></para></entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry><para><parameter>generalSizeFont</parameter></para></entry>
+ <entry><para><property>font-size</property></para></entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><classname>.rf-msgs-err</classname></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ This class defines styles for an error message.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </entry>
+ <entry><para><parameter>errorColor</parameter></para></entry>
+ <entry><para><property>color</property></para></entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><classname>.rf-msgs-ftl</classname></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ This class defines styles for a fatal message.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </entry>
+ <entry><para><parameter>errorColor</parameter></para></entry>
+ <entry><para><property>color</property></para></entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><classname>.rf-msgs-inf</classname></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ This class defines styles for an information message.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </entry>
+ <entry><para><parameter>generalTextColor</parameter></para></entry>
+ <entry><para><property>color</property></para></entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><classname>.rf-msgs-wrn</classname></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ This class defines styles for a warning message.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </entry>
+ <entry><para><parameter>warningTextColor</parameter></para></entry>
+ <entry><para><property>color</property></para></entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><classname>.rf-msgs-ok</classname></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ This class defines styles for a basic <guilabel>OK</guilabel>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </entry>
+ <entry><para><parameter>generalTextColor</parameter></para></entry>
+ <entry><para><property>color</property></para></entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><classname>.rf-msgs-sum</classname></term>
+ <term><classname>.rf-msgs-det</classname></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ These classes define styles for the summary or details of a message.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </entry>
+ <entry spanname="noskin">No skin parameters.</entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/skinning/vlst-richdragIndicator.xml 2011-04-05
00:21:23 UTC (rev 22365)
modules/docs/trunk/Component_Reference/src/main/docbook/en-US/skinning/vlst-richdragIndicator.xml 2011-04-05
07:32:40 UTC (rev 22366)
@@ -15,28 +15,28 @@
- <term>.rf-ind-drag</term>
+ <term>.rf-ind-drag.accept</term>
- This class defines styles for the indicator when it is being dragged.
+ This class defines styles for the indicator when it is over an acceptable drop
- <term>.rf-ind-acpt</term>
+ <term>.rf-ind-drag.reject</term>
- This class defines styles for the indicator when it is over an acceptable drop
+ This class defines styles for the indicator when it is over an unacceptable drop
- <term>.rf-ind-rejt</term>
+ <term>.rf-ind-drag.default</term>
- This class defines styles for the indicator when it is over an unacceptable drop
+ This class defines styles for the indicator when it is being dragged, and is not over
any drop targets.