On Jan 21, 2009, at 1:48 PM, Gavin King wrote:
How would the "import list" be specified?
I'd assume a text file in the classpath like javax/javaee/
urn.java.imports or META-INF, if that's more appropriate. It's just a
list of packages, so the file is trivial.
I believe JAXB has a similar kind of file called jaxb.index, but I
can't remember where it lives or exactly what it contains.
As long as an IDE or WebBeans implementation can grab and parse the
file using ClassLoader.getResource, it doesn't really matter.
-- Scott
On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 4:55 AM, Scott Ferguson <ferg(a)caucho.com>
> On Jan 19, 2009, at 10:33 PM, Gavin King wrote:
>> In conjunction with this proposal, I would like to propose that we
>> have a "special" XML namespace, which instead of mapping to a single
>> package, maps to several packages. This is an ease of use feature
>> for
>> commonly used types.
> I like the idea, but I'd want a consistent mechanism as an
> extension of
> normal WebBeans urn:java handling:
> For example,
> Given xmlns:foo="urn:java:com.foo"
> 1. <foo:MyBar> - WebBeans looks for com.foo.MyBar for a class or
> annotation
> (same as current rule).
> 2. if com.foo has an "import list" of packages, then WebBeans also
> looks in
> those packages.
> As long as the spec defines "urn:java:javax.javaee" along that kind
> of rule,
> the "package import" doesn't need to be an explicit part of the
> current
> spec. Just as long as it could be generalized for a future spec.
>> The namespace "urn:java:javax" is a shortcut that may be used to
>> refer
>> to types in any of the following packages (as long as there is no
>> ambiguity):
> It would need to be "urn:java:javax.javaee" because the JavaEE
> specs don't
> have ownership over all of "urn:java:javax".
>> Potentially even:
>> javax.jms
>> javax.sql
>> javax.annotation.security
> Eventually, javax.servlet.http.annotation.WebServlet :)
> <qa:MyServlet>
> <javaee:WebServlet value="/foo"/>
> </qa:MyServlet>
> -- Scott
>> On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 5:18 PM, Gavin King <gavin(a)hibernate.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Here's a proposal for API repackaging:
>>> javax.annotation: (existing package)
>>> @NonBinding
>>> javax.interceptor: (existing package)
>>> @Interceptor
>>> @InterceptorBindingType
>>> javax.decorator: (decorators)
>>> @Decorator
>>> @Decorates
>>> javax.stereotype: (stereotypes)
>>> @Stereotype
>>> @Model
>>> javax.context: (scopes and contexts)
>>> @ScopeType
>>> @ApplicationScoped
>>> @RequestScoped
>>> @SessionScoped
>>> @ConversationScoped
>>> Context
>>> Contextual
>>> ContextNotActiveException
>>> Conversation
>>> javax.inject: (injection, binding types, deployment types)
>>> @BindingType
>>> @DeploymentType
>>> @Named
>>> @Initializer
>>> @New
>>> @Specializes
>>> @Realizes
>>> @Current
>>> @Production
>>> @Standard
>>> @Produces
>>> @Disposes
>>> @Obtains
>>> Instance
>>> DefinitionException
>>> DeploymentException
>>> ExecutionException
>>> IllegalProductException
>>> CreationException
>>> AmbiguousDependencyException
>>> DuplicateBindingTypeException
>>> InconsistentSpecializationException
>>> NullableDependencyException
>>> UnproxyableDependencyException
>>> UnsatisfiedDependencyException
>>> UnserializableDependencyException
>>> TypeLiteral
>>> AnnotationLiteral
>>> javax.inject.manager: (framework integration SPI)
>>> @Initialized
>>> @Deployed
>>> Bean
>>> InjectionPoint
>>> Decorator
>>> Interceptor
>>> InterceptionType
>>> Manager
>>> javax.event: (events)
>>> @Observes
>>> @Asynchronously
>>> @IfExists
>>> @AfterTransactionCompletion
>>> @AfterTransactionFailure
>>> @AfterTransactionSuccess
>>> @BeforeTransactionCompletion
>>> @Fires
>>> Event
>>> Observer
>>> ObserverException
>>> The types I'm most uncomfortable with are TypeLiteral and
>>> AnnotationLiteral, which aren't really specific to injection. I
>>> wonder
>>> if there's some other place they could go....?
>>> Arguably @Named belongs somewhere else....
>>> And there's a piece of me which wants to put @Realizes and
>>> @Specializes in javax.stereotype, for some reason which I can't
>>> quite
>>> put my finger on....
>>> Thoughts?
>>> --
>>> Gavin King
>>> gavin.king(a)gmail.com
>> --
>> Gavin King
>> gavin.king(a)gmail.com
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Gavin King