Yes, there were some xml-override rules that were being checked
before. I disabled theses for now, as we have no XML support currently.
On 9 Nov 2008, at 21:50, Gavin King wrote:
We now have 20 fewer tests?
On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 3:01 AM, Pete Muir <pmuir(a)> wrote:
> Ok, I just committed the first round of this:
> * Merge *Model into *Bean, all init* and check* methods should be
> put there
> * I created an EventBean from EventModel, but I don't quite
> understand the
> architecture of the Event stuff so, David, I may have broken stuff
> here
> * I removed all the *Constructor stuff
> * I removed the xmlAnnotatedItem stuff, and put in an example of
> how we
> could do this with XmlSimpleBean, and adding the common logic
> higher up the
> class hierarchy, for example
> protected void initType() {
> if (isDefinedInXml()) {
> // Do XML init from parsed XML data structure
> } else {
> // Do init from reflection
> }
> }
> I would like someone to review this architecture (Gavin ;-)...
> * Gavin, I tried not to clobber your commits around lifecycle
> callbacks and
> EJB lookup when merging this in. The tests do pass, so if they
> covered all
> cases, then it should be good :-)
> Next, I plan to merge the behaviour of fields (inject value from
> manager),
> parameters (inject from manager) and methods (invoke, injecting
> parameters
> from manager) into the reflection layer. I'll also tidy up usage of
> this
> layer across the whole codebase, and add some javadoc. I'll try to
> commit
> this on Thursday.
> Pete
> On 6 Nov 2008, at 18:43, Pete Muir wrote:
>> Continuing with my monologue, once we merge the model into
>> BeanImpl, I
>> also want to review the Injectable stuff, I don't think that is
>> quite right,
>> it should probably merged into the the annotated* stuff or merged
>> into
>> BeanImpl.
>> I want to do producer methods first, then consider this, as at
>> that point
>> I will have a much clearer picture of what is sensible (that was the
>> "motivation" for this - I didn't know where I was going well
>> enough back in
>> June).
>> WDYT?
>> On 6 Nov 2008, at 10:53, Pete Muir wrote:
>>> But I still think the abstraction over reflection is useful
>>> (annotated*)
>>> not least because it encapsulates all the logic re. meta-
>>> annotations and
>>> fixes the class hierarchy.
>>> On 6 Nov 2008, at 10:41, Pete Muir wrote:
>>>> I agree, it's on my todo list (to merge model and BeanImpl) to
>>>> one.
>>>> On 6 Nov 2008, at 06:33, Gavin King wrote:
>>>>> Pete,
>>>>> would you be able to explain what is motivating the use of a
>>>>> "3-layered" approach to the Bean implementations?
>>>>> I'm finding the resulting parallel class hierarchies really
>>>>> difficult
>>>>> to work with. In particular, I got totally stuck on the
>>>>> implementation
>>>>> of MethodConstructor.invoke() for producer methods.
>>>>> I really think the code would end up a lot more elegant if we
>>>>> flattened stuff out into the Bean subclasses...
>>>>> --
>>>>> Gavin King
>>>>> gavin.king(a)
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