Quick Bullets on Functionality
by Kris Borchers
Can someone give me 3 quick bullets on the 3 main pieces of AeroGear-iOS (Pipeline, DataManager, Auth) for a data sheet I'm working on? And by someone I pretty much mean Christos since Matthias is on vacation and if he responds to this message, though I would be appreciative, I would have to give him a severe beating for working on vacation. :-P
Here is what I have for JS as a reference. Just something quick and to the point:
Simple REST based persistence API built on top of jQuery.ajax
Unified local data management API leveraging in memory, session and local storage
REST based authentication model with AeroGear Security integration
12 years
[aergoear-js] Building
by Daniel Bevenius
Just wanted to post this incase anyone else runs into the same issue with
building aerogear-js. I was previously on an older version of Grunt 0.3.x,
and to build Grunt "~0.4.0rc5" is a requirement.
I've created this gist [1] with the steps that I took to get this to
build successfully . This might common knowledge to most people but I
thought I'd post just in case.
[1] https://gist.github.com/4671767
12 years
Providing Tests with PR's
by Kris Borchers
I want to throw this out to the list for feedback. Something we have been doing for a while now with the jQuery project is to require a unit test(s) for any PR or change committed. This has worked very well in two ways. First, it provides a built in way to see the issue being fixed/implemented within the PR. That way, the reviewer doesn't have to build their own test(s) to see if the issue being addressed is actually fixed. Second, it helps prevent regressions down the road since more of the code is covered by tests so you know if some change you think is unrelated breaks something that fixed days, weeks, years ago.
I would like to suggest we make this policy for at least the JS library (since that is the one I review most often) but I believe this policy would be useful across the entire project. Let me know what you think.
12 years
Refactor and Remove AeroGear.ajax from AeroGear.js
by Kris Borchers
Luke and I had a discussion on IRC about this. Basically, the more I think about it, the more I think most of what is happening in AeroGear.ajax is either already handled by jQuery.ajax or can be factored out into a smaller helper or merged into the specific part of the library it was meant to help. This will have the advantages of simplifying the lib to make it easier to grok, allow the decoupling of AeroGear.Auth and AeroGear.Pipeline (see https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AEROGEAR-858) and also could shrink the size of the library a bit as well.
Below is the IRC transcript from the conversation Luke and I had. Anyone have any other opinions?
[09:28:37] <+kborchers> lholmquist: need your opinion
[09:28:52] <+lholmquist> kborchers: yes, i agree
[09:28:56] <+lholmquist> oh wait
[09:28:59] <+kborchers> :)
[09:29:13] <+kborchers> lholmquist: how much have you looked at / understand what is going on in AeroGear.ajax?
[09:29:29] <+kborchers> lholmquist: the reason i ask is i am questioning its existence
[09:29:59] <+lholmquist> kborchers: a bit, i would need to look at it to refresh my memory
[09:30:28] jdoyle (~jdoyle(a)pool-96-233-74-235.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) joined the channel.
[09:30:41] <+lholmquist> kborchers: which pieces are you thinking should go?
[09:30:47] <+kborchers> lholmquist: i was thinking about it last night and now that i read through it, the more i look at it the more i find myself saying … "Doesn't jQuery already do that for us?"
[09:32:10] <+kborchers> there are only 2 pieces i'm not sure about
[09:32:12] <+kborchers> 1
[09:32:25] <+kborchers> the POST/PUT of JSON formatted data being stringified
[09:32:26] <+lholmquist> there is the Auth stuff in there
[09:32:27] <+kborchers> 2
[09:32:42] <+kborchers> the auth check to prevent unnecessary http requests
[09:32:52] <+kborchers> #2 i know is not done by jQuery.ajax but
[09:33:13] <+lholmquist> could that be done somewhere else then?
[09:33:18] <+kborchers> i think that could be moved to auth, and auth refactored to decouple it from pipeline (which i want to do anyway)
[09:33:45] <+kborchers> and i think the post put stuff could just happen in pipeline
[09:34:39] <+kborchers> i think i'm going to play with this today and see if i can kill AeroGear.ajax
[09:34:41] <+lholmquist> all the promise stuff is handled by jquery anyway isn't it
[09:35:18] <+kborchers> lholmquist: yeah, except for rejecting it immediately based on auth on line 58 of aerogear.utilities.js
[09:35:53] abstractj is now known as abstractj|away
[09:36:05] <+kborchers> but like i said
[09:36:10] <+kborchers> i think that can move into Auth
[09:36:19] <+kborchers> i think this is doable
[09:36:47] <+kborchers> lholmquist: any concerns that this may be a bad way to go right now?
[09:36:57] <+kborchers> removing AeroGear.ajax i mean
[09:37:16] <+kborchers> it should cut or file size a bit too :)
[09:37:20] <+kborchers> s/or/our
[09:38:29] <+lholmquist> kborchers: i don't think so, the majority of what it does is parse the returned data to a proper format it looks like
[09:39:30] <+kborchers> which can be handled in the callbacks
[09:39:44] <+kborchers> ok
[09:39:58] <+lholmquist> that is true, but is that an extra step for the dev?
[09:40:19] <+kborchers> nope, because i have my own callback which runs first and then calls theirs :)
[09:41:05] csadilek (csadilek@nat/redhat/x-mrudioyuhbqnjezq) joined the channel.
[09:41:12] <+kborchers> lholmquist: https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-js/blob/master/src/pipeline/adapters...
[09:41:28] <+kborchers> then i apply() their supplied callback https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-js/blob/master/src/pipeline/adapters...
[09:41:34] <+qmx> kborchers: you mean after the release right?
[09:41:39] <+kborchers> qmx: oh yeah
[09:41:42] <+kborchers> not for this one
[09:41:59] <+kborchers> we've already tagged
[09:42:01] <+kborchers> qmx: ^
[09:42:15] <+qmx> kborchers: yeah, just remembered that
[09:42:19] qmx brainfarted
[09:42:21] <+kborchers> :)
[09:42:26] <+lholmquist> kborchers: i don't see where the data gets parsed here,
[09:42:46] jamezp is now known as jamezp_afk
[09:42:49] <+kborchers> lholmquist: it doesn't because it happens in AeroGear.ajax right now … it would move in there though
[09:43:36] <+lholmquist> kborchers: ah, thats what i was missing. Then wouldn't we have to repeat code for the other methods?
[09:43:48] mbg (~marius@redhat/jboss/mbg) left IRC. (Quit: mbg)
[09:44:35] <+kborchers> lholmquist: we could factor that out into its own utility instead of bundling it into the ajax one
[09:44:42] <+kborchers> then it could be reused
[09:44:45] <+sblanc> kborchers: lholmquist: If you write this all down in to a JIRA I will be happy to give a third opinion :)
[09:45:41] <+lholmquist> kborchers: that could work, in fact, would probably be better
[09:46:01] <+kborchers> sblanc: sure, i will create a jira. are you saying you have another opinion or you want some time to think on it to comment?
[09:46:26] <+sblanc> kborchers: Want some time to think about it :)
[09:48:15] <+lholmquist> kborchers: atm, the auth methods, login, enroll, don't do any data parsing since they don't go through Aerogear.ajax, should we add this new utility method to that once it's written?
[09:50:15] <+kborchers> lholmquist: maybe … probably … not sure yet. :) i think the main reason i didn't use AeroGear.ajax was because it did an auth check and that wouldn't be good during auth :)
12 years
Controller, CORS and Headers
by Kris Borchers
I have been writing integration tests for the new paging functionality in AeroGear.js. When testing with against https://corscontroller-aerogear.rhcloud.com/aerogear-controller-demo, I am unable to access the headers needed to do the paging.
Working with Dan, I had him add the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header to the OPTIONS response but this was not enough. I believe I also need Access-Control-Expose-Headers with the same list of headers as the -Allow-Headers header added to the OPTIONS response.
Header, header, header, header. OK, I think I said header enough times. ;)
Any help would be appreciated.
12 years