Android Guides
by Summers Pittman
I just committed some guides for using the Aerogear Android libraries.
I'm still editing them for gramma/spelling/formatting, so be warned
(hence why I havn't PRed it yet). Also, if there is anything I missed,
glossed over, explained like crap let me know and I will try to reword
it when I begin proofreading.
11 years, 11 months
[aerogear-controller] Backend Integration
by Daniel Bevenius
I'd like to start kick off a discussion regarding backend integration. I've
created a gist[1] for investigating using Camel Components to connect with
backend services. In the process I've discovered a few issues and concerns
that I'd like to discuss, and hopefully get feedback on what would be a
good way to move forward.
11 years, 11 months
REST API - First thoughts: (Re: [AG Unified Push] Overview and NATIVE Push spec)
by Matthias Wessendorf
Here is the REST API for "Push App" (+mobile app) registrations:
The post to "/applications/das231432qwdsa2/iOS" and/or
"/applications/das231432qwdsa2/android" are different (payload-wise)....
Not sure if that is best solution.... However, we need to differentiate
between different "mobile os variants" anyways....
My (CURRENT) feelings is that a different "endpoint" is better instead of
an ugly, large - but generic - API that does everything, and the server
figures out what type of mobile app has been registered ...
NEXT: Device Registrations + Sender Endpoints
(Followed by "management" (get, put, delete.....)
On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew(a)>wrote:
> Hello,
> here is the 'overview' section of the Unified push....:
> AeroGear Unified Push (DRAFT 0.0.2)
> This is an *early* version of a 'spec' for the AeroGear Unified Push
> server.
> <>Overview
> The *Unified Push* solution contains the following components:
> - Native Push Component: *sends native push message to registered apps*
> - Web Push Component: *sends web push message to online client (e.g.
> WebSocket/SockJS clients)*
> - Client SDK API
> - Native Push Client for iOS
> - Native Push Client for Android
> - Web Push Client for JavaScript
> Details are discussed on the each of the different components
> NOTE: LINK need to be enabled :) :)
> HOWEVER.......
> Here is what I'd like to add to the home page for the native push
> component - based on last weeks discussion:
> PLEASE comment on the gist....
> --
> Matthias Wessendorf
> blog:
> sessions:
> twitter:
Matthias Wessendorf
11 years, 11 months
Custom Project Page logos
by Kris Borchers
So I am trying to come up with something dramatic to give a "pop" to the JS, iOS and Android pages for the new design. I threw together some custom logos and mocked up the JS page for review. Please provide feedback ASAP so I can get this task completed and move on.
Custom logos -
JS Page -
Another suggestion from qmx was to just pair the AG logo with the tech logo. I guess I would be ok with that but not as dramatic as I was going for.
11 years, 11 months
updated FAQ
by Christos Vasilakis
Hi team,
I have updated our FAQ[1] to include code from other platforms too. With the hints of Kris(thanks!), I think the end-resut is nice. It uses the 'collapse' plugin from bootstrap.js already used in the site.
(It would have been much nicer though if there was an asciidoc 'collapse' plugin so i can use pretty syntax, but it's not so hard once you start)
As a side note, please verify that code examples are correct. The code was extracted from the guides and api documentation already available. Let me know if there are any mismatches.
11 years, 11 months
New Aerogear Showcase Application
by Sebastien Blanc
Hi slackers !
These last days I've been playing a lot with scaffolding and I was tired to
scaffold each time the same boring application and since I have no personal
blog yet I decided to model a simple Blog App and scaffold the code from
>From the scaffolded code and continue developing the application, trying to
add almost all of the features that AeroGear offers us.
Now I have a first version, a very basic blog app but it's working and
doing the job. Some of the features :
- Front End build with AngularJS and Twitter Bootstrap
- You can comment Posts
- Basic security with Role management (an Admin can create post, a simple
user can add comments)
- The Backend uses the controller component
It was really a great experience to use the tools you are building :). I
have deployed a version of this blog and even wrote a post (with it's real
content showing my aerogear love :) ) :
You can also fork my Blog App here :
NB : You will need an "hacked" version of the ag-controller to be able to
build the app, you can find it here (there
is an PR for this change which should be integrated in the near future)
11 years, 11 months