Meeting: hangouts x IRC
by Bruno Oliveira
What was the final decision? Will the meeting happen on hangouts or IRC
I'd say if we have 10 only, hangouts and 10+ IRC. Wdyt?
11 years, 6 months
Project Meetings, Hangouts and Stuff
by Douglas Campos
Today after the hangout failure I realized how bad is for the project to
have hangouts for the project meetings - and how they make us more
closed than we should be.
(just as a background, we did have IRC meetings in the past, but since
we were 4 people only, having the hangouts "felt" more productive - and
the benefits made the problems less obvious to us).
So I propose that we move back to IRC meetings for now, and keep the
hangouts only for internal topics and non-project stuff.
11 years, 6 months
Android Push Client Features
by Summers Pittman
Last week I showed off some simple code to register an Android
application for push and committed some code to handle talking to the
unified push server.
This week I'm looking at what the Android library can add to an application.
One of the things which is annoying to do is get the content from a Push
message into the currently running Activity (and don't get me started on
Fragments...) on the current main thread.
Here is my idea: (warning pseudocode gist)
In theory if the user is running Android 4.0 or great we can handle the
attach/detach for the user.
11 years, 6 months
JIRA Components for AGDROID
by Summers Pittman
Pulling this over from IRC.
Right now the only components I can think of which are being actively
worked on or actively planned for the near future are pipes, auth, push,
sync, and offline. Does anyone else have any that they would like to
see added to the AGDROID Jira project?
11 years, 6 months