AeroGear Security 1.2.0 staged
by Bruno Oliveira
Good morning peeps.
AeroGear Security 1.2.0 was staged under nexus profile
- Instructions to test it
* Download the sources from
* run mvn clean package and deploy it
* Make use of these sources to send a request against the server:
- Changelog
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0
* Revert "Preparing to release AeroGear Security 1.2.0"
* Merge branch 'parent_pom'
* remove stuff provided by the parent pom
* add aerogear's parent pom
* fix pom formatting
* Preparing to release AeroGear Security 1.2.0
* Merge branch 'hawk'
* Le missing license headers
* Inclusion of Javadocs for Hawk
* Update to Hawk 1.0.0
* Fix the error messages
* Handle more generic exceptions
* Follow the header conventions from Hawk
* Hawk server configuration must be provided by the developer
* Fix the issues with Hawk and CDI
* Merge branch 'formatting'
* fix formatting
* Merge branch 'license_fixes'
* fix license headers
* Merge branch 'JavaDocForSecure'
* Removing stupid import (thanks Eclipse)
* Fixing typos
* Adding an XML example...
* Adding JAvaDoc for the Secure annotation + Hint on enabling in
projects beans.xml file
* Update README
Feedback, suggestions to improve the documentation, tomatoes are
welcome. On wednesday I'll send it to maven central, so if you would
like to test, let me know.
11 years, 5 months
QuickStart for OpenShift
by Tommy McCarthy
Hey everyone,
I'm looking to make an Android push-enabled QuickStart to demonstrate the push server on OpenShift. I was initially going to implement this on the TODO application, but it looks like that will likely be removed.
Do you have any suggestions for a QuickStart that I could tackle that could be used to demonstrate the push server on OpenShift?
Tommy McCarthy
11 years, 5 months
Idea: Create OpenShift cartridge for AGJS testing during tests
by Karel Piwko
one of the possible ways how to fix OpenShift cartridge going idle could be
fixed by deploying the backend to the cartridge right before tests. That way
it would be fresh when running tests.
There is already tooling almost exactly what we need. However, it
would "polute" Aerogear JS with some WAR or whatever Kris needs to be deployed.
11 years, 5 months
[iOS] Cordova and AeroGear UnifiedPush
by Matthias Wessendorf
today I played with Apache Cordova, the
AeroGear.js (Notifier branch) and our UnifiedPush Server.
These steps from the iOS
Tutorial<> are
required for an iOS-Cordova app as well:
- Apple App ID and SSL Certificate for APNs
- Apple Provisioning Profile
- The AeroGear Unified Push Server
TL;DR: You need a new App-ID, a SSL-cert and a provisioning profile (for
that APP-ID). On the UnifiedPush Server, you need a PushApplication and an iOS
Variant :-)
stuff <>
Get the Cordova
is a downloadable tarball) and extract the tarball to some location.
<>Cordova App
Creating a Corodva app is simple:
cordova create FolderOfTheApp AppName
cd FolderOfTheApp
cordova platform add ios
cordova plugin add folder_of_PushPlugin-1.3.3
*HINT:* Make sure your Apple ID matches the above ""
- Install aerogear.js (checkout (and build) the Notifier branch) and
jquery.min.js -> I basically copied the files into the "www" folder;
afterwards build the project:
cordova build
Now open the generated Xcode project, and start "hacking".
- In the index.html<>
just linked the "required" JavaScript sources.
- The index.JS<>
some JavaScript, that takes care of:
- Trigger the PushPlugin/UnifiedPush
- Setup of the Cordova
- The received (APNs) device-token is "submitted" to the UnifiedPush
Server (using
- Handling iOS/APNs
This all works well. However, I had to do some "hack" to be able to use the
var tokenContainer = {};
tokenContainer.channelID = deviceToken;
That is because the JS does expect the token/channelID as the above
".channelID". I am sure that can be made a bit more flexible.
Also, the "metadata" currently is only able to specify the following values:
- deviceToken
- alias
- category
I am sure we can make it more generic here as well.
So again, without too much work, I got it working:
However I had some issues.
I had to copy the ObjC bits by hand. See
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'simplePushServerURL' of
undefined aerogear.js:955 (anonymous function) aerogear.js:955 (anonymous
- at least in the browser.... However, I could remove it, on the Corodva
app .... and the app still seams to work.... So, not sure :-)
looks like the Notifier branch requires sockjs Uncaught ReferenceError:
SockJS is not defined aerogear.js:942 (anonymous function)
- But again in the browser...., I could remove that "import" in my
Cordova app. So, not sure here too :-)
The (ugly) code is posted on my GH
I guess we could convert this into a more "official" guide/tutorial at some
point. This email should give some hints on getting started.
Another question:
Perhaps we want to fork the PushPlugin and stick our AeroGear.js bits in
there? So that all is ready ? I am not sure, just some idea.
Feedback welcome!
Matthias Wessendorf
11 years, 5 months
Unregistration from push server missing
by TadeasKriz
I'm now trying the unified push with Android and I've noticed, that there is no way (or I didn't find it?) to unregister the device. Example real usage: in application settings there might be a checkbox to disable notifications, so the user probably won't like receiving push messages which would then be discarded by the device (it'd be a waste of his data package). It seems to me like it wasn't left out on purpose, but rather forgotten to be added. Any thoughts on this?
11 years, 5 months / master unstable for a bit
by Douglas Campos
I'm preparing additional site trackers for RHT's marketing team, and
will need to put it live for them to verify if we're doing it right.
So, master will be unstable for a little bit, so please refrain from
pushing to prod at least for the next two days (I'll try to sort this
11 years, 5 months