UPS Endpoint docs
by Luke Holmquist
i remember there was a "readme" that showed the different endpoints on the
UPS and what they expected for payload(on POST, PUT) and what they
returned(format, http status codes)
i can't seem to find it now, it's possible that it is really out of date,
but i was randomly doing something that this might have helped with
9 years, 7 months
What's new in AeroGear?
by Matthias Wessendorf
Hi all,
here is a community update
We fixed the bug Matthias found last week and staged the AeroGear Android
Push 2.2.0 again:
* iOS lovers,
Last week we released aerogear-ios-push in its Swift and Objc version, see
by yourself:
This new version include an enhance config file management, you can now
have your serverURL, varianID, vareiantSecret read from config file.
This week we'll work on moving aerogear-ios-http and aerogear-ios-oauth2
to Swift 2.0. Watch out for a swift2.0 branch, coming soon.
* Push
The UnifiedPush Server is working towards 1.1.0.Final - Internally we will
be also using the latest release of Keycloak (1.3.1):
On the WebPush side, our GSoC student Idel is continuing to make
improvements to our server and console. Worth to visit the repo:
For the UPS cartridge, we are looking to improve memory and based on a
suggestion by the awesome Farah, we are removing JGroups subsystem
A few releases have been produced over the last week
* SimplePush client release (0.2.0)
* java-mpns release (0.2.0)
* aerogear-parent release (0.2.16)
Have fun!
Matthias Wessendorf
9 years, 7 months