GCM 3.0 and Instance ID
by Summers Pittman
Sooooo we have a 2.2.0 staged. Google has a ton of new functionality
rolling out for GCM.
We think that 2.2.0 works with it mostly correctly but we are finding some
"gotchas". Notably it looks like Google is sending some ACK messages after
we register that the library is ignoring.
We will need to support InstanceID (tl;dr; Google is enhancing
registraiton_id). Passos and I are still digesting the volumes of stuff
being rolled out from IO so we can't really give too many details right now
because we simply don't know them (And Google is still updating their docs,
fixing links, etc).
So the question to the list is :
Do we delay 2.2.0 and include support for InstanceID and any other best
practices Google has introduced or do we release 2.2.0, document / work
around any gotchas and then prioritize GCM 3.0 support for 2.3.0?
9 years, 7 months
APNS/UPS: With iOS 8.0 the 'alert' no longer just a string
by Matthias Wessendorf
since iOS 8.0 we have the option for UI actions on the push notification:
This is supported on java-apns and therefore on the UPS, however this
causes the alert to be an object, and not a String, if the 'action' is
Another feature that is leveraging this is the support for Safari, there is
a 'title' on the alert object, used by Apple Watch (iOS 8.3) as well.
Sending always an object from the UPS to the APNs cloud breaks the Cordova
code, since it's expecting a string.
On the UPS I could do construct the object only if things like title or
action are actually set. This would fix the issue on Cordova. However, this
means that our Cordova code would not support the 'action', introduced in
iOS 8.0
I can see a few options:
* for 1.1.0 -> do if/else and send object only if present. However, this
would still mean the Cordova plugin has to check if the alert is just a
string, to avoid crahes
* for 1.2.0 (or 1.1.x, if really needed) -> Add Cordova support for alert
being an object (helps for Apple Watch apps and supports the 'action')
Any thoughts or other options?
Matthias Wessendorf
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf
9 years, 7 months
What's new in AeroGear (June, 15th)
by Matthias Wessendorf
Hello there!
Here are this weeks highlights:
We are about to release a new push version. Feel free to test it and let us
know if you find some bug.
<https://gist.github.com/matzew/f28110d34f3fba35732d#ios-lovers>iOS lovers
Last week was WWDC events, as each year comes with its surprise and
breaking news, this year we've got: Swifty going Open Source. In AeroGear
we believe, this is super power! See oublog about it:
http://corinnekrych.blogspot.fr/2015/06/swift-new-super-power.html This
we'll explore in more details what's new in Swift2, expect a swift2 branch
to come :)
For the Unified Push our 1.1.0-beta.2 got released
<https://twitter.com/AeroGears/status/608957509764820992> and a nice guide
on how to use the Unified Push Server from FeedHenry has been published
On our Web Push effort we got good feedback from the Mozilla team on our
Web Push Console, and a nice PR from them got merged, to a branch
<https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-webpush-server/pull/11>. Idel, our
GSoC student, is now getting up to spead and will look into the new draft
from the wg!
- Ember 1.13 and 2.0-beta release -
- Interesed in using ES6(the next generation of Javascript),
Matthias Wessendorf
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf
9 years, 7 months
Ant in Android is currently Broken (with workaround)
by Summers Pittman
Google broke ant in Android. This means that, among other things, Cordova
is broken if you are using the latest tooling. HOWEVER, I found a
workaround and this is tracked in Android's bug tracker.
If you are seeing an error along the lines of ${aapt} can not be found then
this affects you.
First the workaround :
<property name="aapt" location="${sdk.dir}/build-tools/22.0.1/aapt" />
<property name="aidl" location="${sdk.dir}/build-tools/22.0.1/aidl" />
<property name="dx" location="${sdk.dir}/build-tools/22.0.1/dx" />
<property name="zipalign"
location="${sdk.dir}/build-tools/22.0.1/zipalign" />
to $ANDROID_HOME/tools/ant/build.xml
Second, Google's bug report for tracking :
9 years, 7 months