Yeah, sounds reasonable to me.
On Tuesday, May 6, 2014, Corinne Krych <corinnekrych(a)> wrote:
Good work!
I wonder... It might be good to use the same integration for our OAuth2
server side demo in [1]
Here I used a KC server with realm.json configuration. Would it be
possible/worth it to replace all the configuration with plain Java?
On 06 May 2014, at 11:49, Matthias Wessendorf
> Hello folks!
> Bill Burk was helping on the Keycloak front and besides fixing related
items on the Keycloak server, he also created an example that we can use as
a template for the actual integration. See [1]
> In the past, Bruno and I did integrate w/ an external Keycloak server
(see [2]), and we did include the keycloak.json file (See [3]). Thanks to
Bill's work on Keycloak, the 'protected app' no longer needs that, see [4].
> Also there is no more the need to customize the Keycloak Rest
Application (Stian and I did look into that as well).
> Good news: This means the UPS can stay as it is -> no need to change
internals (e.g. the 'bundle all in one WAR file' did force us to change our
'/rest' URLs, as Keycloak uses them, see [5]).
> Inside of our 'modular' Keycloak branch (see [2] again), we can apply
the work from Bill:
> * our current 'server' module will use a listener similar to [4]
> * create a "ups-auth" module similar to [6]
> On the 'ups-auth module' there is one area where we need to have some
future improvement:
> * testrealm.json -> needs to be in Java code, due to the URL being
hard-coded in there (we need to resolve the URL of the host, running the
bits). But, IMO for now that should be good enough.
> Bruno did offer to help out on the Keycloak integration, so that I can
go back to the analytics and mertrics feature. Thanks abstractj!! <3
> Greetings,
> Matthias
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> --
> Matthias Wessendorf
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