On 11/05/2013 02:41 AM, Corinne Krych wrote:
Hello all,
I've got 2 points:
- modularity: AeroGear libs are small and modular: we have a separate aerogear-otp-ios,
aerogear-push-ios-registration so that if the user wants to use aerogear without push, he
can use aerogear-ios, if he needs the push-registration, he uses both. For encryption
store, where do we want to put EncryptedStore? aerogear-android depends on
On Android it is going into the main library. We can research
the client library up for 2.0, but I would like to, for now, make
getting up and running with anything AeroGear on Android as simple as
including the dependency.
- Encrypting data takes time. It would be nice to have EncryptedStore encrypts data on
separate thread and provide callbacks on completion.
Then we would have an encrypted Pipe. One of the things about Stores is
that they are synchronous, Pipes are asynchronous.
On Nov 4, 2013, at 5:30 PM, Daniel Passos <daniel(a)passos.me> wrote:
> The idea is implementing only save(add/update) and delete, using the stores we
already have today by just adding crypt / decrypt and scheduling Query (readWithFilter)
for the next release
> DataManager
> public Store encryptedStore(String storeName, String passphrase) {
> // TODO Create a default passphrase-based KeyStore
> KeyStore keyStore = null;
> return encryptedStore(storeName, keyStore);
> }
> public Store encryptedStore(String storeName, KeyStore keyStore) {
> StoreConfig storeConfig = new StoreConfig();
> storeConfig.setType(StoreTypes.ENCRYPTED_MEMORY);
> return encryptedStore(storeName, storeConfig, keyStore);
> }
> public Store encryptedStore(String storeName, StoreConfig config, String passphrase)
> // TODO Create a default passphrase-based KeyStore
> KeyStore keyStore = null;
> return encryptedStore(storeName, config, keyStore);
> }
> public Store encryptedStore(String storeName, StoreConfig config, KeyStore keyStore)
> config.setKeyStore(keyStore);
> Store store = storeFactory.createStore(config);
> stores.put(storeName, store);
> return store;
> }
> EncryptedMemoryStore
> public class EncryptedMemoryStore<T> implements Store<T> {
> private final MemoryStorage<T> memoryStorage;
> private final CryptoUtils<T> cryptoUtils;
> public EncryptedMemoryStore(IdGenerator idGenerator, KeyStore keyStore) {
> memoryStorage = new MemoryStorage(idGenerator);
> cryptoUtils = new CryptoUtils<T>(keyStore);
> }
> @Override
> public StoreType getType() {
> return StoreTypes.ENCRYPTED_MEMORY;
> }
> @Override
> public Collection<T> readAll() throws InvalidKeyException {
> Collection<T> encryptedCollection = memoryStorage.readAll();
> return cryptoUtils.decrypt(encryptedCollection);
> }
> @Override
> public T read(Serializable id) throws InvalidKeyException {
> T encryptedItem = memoryStorage.read(id);
> return cryptoUtils.decrypt(encryptedItem);
> }
> @Override
> public List<T> readWithFilter(ReadFilter filter) throws
InvalidKeyException {
> List<T> encryptedList = memoryStorage.readWithFilter(filter);
> return cryptoUtils.decrypt(encryptedList);
> }
> @Override
> public void save(T item) {
> memoryStorage.save(cryptoUtils.encrypt(item));
> }
> @Override
> public void reset() {
> memoryStorage.reset();
> }
> @Override
> public void remove(Serializable id) {
> memoryStorage.remove(id);
> }
> @Override
> public boolean isEmpty() {
> return memoryStorage.isEmpty();
> }
> }
> CryptoUtils
> Here is where the magic happens.
> public class CryptoUtils<T> {
> private final KeyStore keyStore;
> public CryptoUtils(KeyStore keyStore) {
> this.keyStore = keyStore;
> }
> public Collection<T> decrypt(Collection<T> encryptedCollection) {
> List<T> decryptedList = new ArrayList<T>();
> for (T item : encryptedCollection) {
> decryptedList.add(decrypt(item));
> }
> return decryptedList;
> }
> public List<T> decrypt(List<T> encryptedList) {
> List<T> decryptedList = new ArrayList<T>();
> for (T item : encryptedList) {
> decryptedList.add(decrypt(item));
> }
> return decryptedList;
> }
> public T decrypt(T item) {
> // TODO Read all fields and decrypt
> return item;
> }
> public T encrypt(T item) {
> // TODO Read all fields and encrypt
> return item;
> }
> }
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