On Jun 17, 2013, at 8:19 AM, Hylke Bons <hbons(a)redhat.com> wrote:
I've updated the wireframes with the points raised, you can find it here:
I'll address your feedback inline.
On 06/06/2013 01:38, Deepali Khushraj wrote:
> * It seems from the designs that the user can add only a single OS-specific variant
per app. For example, I can create "Mobile HR" app with a single "HR
iOS" variant, but not two variants like "HR iPad" and "HR iPhone
free". I believe Matthias' lexicon states such multiple variants are possible per
app. .
> I think the way you've done is fine. However, if we choose this path then, I
think, we need to update the specification and ensure the REST API won't allow
multiple OS-specific variants per app, otherwise, they can't be shown in the UI.
I forgot a to add this usecase. This can now be done in the "Variants" tab.
i was looking at this again and a question popped into my head. Doesn't each variant
need there own certificate/google key.
So, for example, we have an "HR App", this app has 3 variants
1. free version
2. paid version
3. some other really cool version
i'm assuming that should be 3 different certs/keys ( for development, another set for
prod ). i'm not sure the wireframes represent this correctly
> * Apple's Push network has prod and dev environment options, a flag would be
Two certificate files can now be provided: one for production and one for development.
Any of the two can be used by mobile apps whether they're deployed or for debugging
> * The terms "Instance" and "Variant" will be unfamiliar
terminologies to a new user. A help icon on the screen or just some text explaining the
meanings of these terms to new comers would be helpful
> * Terminology suggestion:
> Instance -> "Active user instances" or just "User instances"
I've changed this to "Mobile Instances" for now, but we can discuss this.
> * I found the name "Variants and Push Networks" confusing. I would suggest
we use one :)
Push Networks it is.
> * I noticed you added links to download client SDKs, which is great. I think a link
to the Sender REST API spec would be useful too.
I think this is something we need to fix on the
aerogear.org website itself. There should
be easy access from the downloads to the API as a "next step".
> * I found our iOS tutorial to be really helpful. It got the user up and running
really quickly. This is something I struggled with Urban Airship and other services.
Linking ours to the console could be a real value add to first-time users
> * We need to check the security aspect of showing end-user emails in the instances
tab to the developers of the app.
Like mentioned by Matthias, this can be anything, not just email addressses. It depends
on how the developer sets the system up.
> * Also, if an app gets really popular then this list will likely be really long, like
thousands of users. Not sure if our console could handle that. I think this feature of
being able to see instances is great in "development mode" or during apps'
"beta testing" though.
It can be a long list and we probably will have to add pagination and filtering. The main
usecase here is removing instances to stop them from receiving new push notifications.
> * Is the check-mark in first screen used to make an app active Vs inactive?
It was to to select applications and perform actions on them. I already thought this
would be confusing, so I removed them now. An app is active when it has at least one push
network enabled.
> * I like that you show the variants summary in first screen, wondering if we could
use icons there for iOS, Android & web.
Yep, potentially.
> * I was wondering if we could consider some UX ideas for first-time user experience.
I imagine a lot of users using this service would never have used Push before, so they may
need some hand holding and the UI is a great way to start that.
Yes, I've added some paragraphs to make things more friendlier, but there's room
for improvement. We can fix this as we go.
Thanks for the feedback. It's been really useful!
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