Cordova project already has an app [1]. Of course it does not work for
plugins that have native parts.
I think we need to take this app, bundle our plugins. Also for best results
on iOS we may actually need to put it to the store.
On Tuesday, April 22, 2014, Burr Sutter <bsutter(a)> wrote:
Can you craft a jira for the idea and get it on the roadmap? Other
Cordova/Phonegap tool vendors have had something similar for a while, so it
is not a new idea.
After all, we are just dealing with HTML/JS/CSS assets in most cases,
should be relatively easy to 'republish' and with our LiveReload feature,
it could be even more seamless.
On Apr 22, 2014, at 2:44 AM, Erik Jan de Wit
Yeah saw that, it’s a simple yet brilliant idea (wish i would have thought
of that) we could make something similar with our plugins preinstalled as
well. And maybe even make it even simpler as JBDS could instruct the app to
load the right page.
On 19 Apr,2014, at 16:01 , Kris Borchers
I thought this might interest the tools folks. Use an app for testing
Phonegap apps without certs, provisioning, etc.
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