On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 11:52 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew(a)apache.org>wrote:
On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 11:22 PM, Sebastien Blanc <scm.blanc(a)gmail.com>wrote:
> Hi,
> While playing today with my Firefox Device and its native Simple Push
> support I noticed some differences between our implementation and the
> native Push regarding the success callback after a register :
> //Native FFOS Push
> broadcastRequest = navigator.push.register();
> broadcastRequest.onsuccess = function (event) {
> broadcastEndpoint = broadcastRequest.result; // only contains the pushURL
> }
> //Aerogear Push Adapter
> broadcastRequest = navigator.push.register();
> broadcastRequest.onsuccess = function (event) {
> broadcastEndpoint = broadcastRequest.result.pushEndpoint;
> channelID = broadcastRequest.result.channelID;
> version = broadcastRequest.result.version;
> status = broadcastRequest.result.status
> }
> So, the AeroGear Push exposes much more in the callback that it should
> suppose to do : just exposing the pushEndpoint.
> The reason we do that I suppose, but Luke or Kris could confirm that, is
> that we thought respecting the SPS protocol, which indeed returns a whole
> object containing all the info. It is just that the Native Push Client API
> filter that out in the callback response.
Did they change that recently? Or was theirs always like it is now ?
> After discussing that on the #push channel with the Mozilla people they
> confirmed me that we should only expoe the pushEndpoint.
yep, I agree on changing our JS polyfil
> If we keep it as is, this can be problematic when we want to use the same
> code both for native and with the adapter when, for instance, registering
> to the UPS :
> broadcastRequest = navigator.push.register();
> broadcastRequest.onsuccess = function (event) {
> broadcastEndpoint = event.target.result;
> var broadCastSettings = {
> metadata: {
> deviceToken: broadcastEndpoint.channelID,
> simplePushEndpoint: broadcastEndpoint.pushEndpoint
> }
> }
> UPClient.registerWithPushServer(broadCastSettings);
> }
> This won't work with the native push since
> will be undefined.
sweet :-)
> So I propose that we change the behaviour, to return only the
> pushEndpoint in the callback, even if that means a bit of String
> manipulation when we want to perform the registration to the UPS :
> var broadCastSettings = {
> metadata: {
> deviceToken:
broadcastEndpoint.substr(broadcastEndpoint.lastIndexOf('/') + 1),
> simplePushEndpoint: broadcastEndpoint
> }
> }
well, that's not really good for security reasons, since their looooong
'substring' was done for that. Also that's just redundant.
The I guess, the deviceToken (channelID registration) might be a bit
bogus, for SimplePush. Let me think about it....
Right now we use the channelID as the deviceToken, but we should not really
'leak' the channelID (see [1]), so I guess the here proposed change makes
sense. Don't recall exactly why we did it in the past, but yeah - let's
change it.
Thinking about the consequence: I think we should use store the value of
the returned 'pushEndpoint' string as our device-token. At the end the
device-token is really the thing that identifies a device w/in the target
network. Apple/Google uses a unique string, and if Mozilla uses a URL,
that's totally fine.
Reading the protocol definitions (see [1]) for the 'endpoint' I think it is
fair to use that (unique) URL string as the device-token; And we could use
this token value as well for the unregister calls, instead of the
Any thoughts ?
That said, we still have no clue how to proper clean-up 'out dated'
channels, since the SimplePush Server/Protocol is silent on that (unlike
APNs / GCM). but that's really a different thread (yep, we have a future
JIRA for that)
> wdyt ?
> Seb
> ps : our SPS Server implementation stays correct and returns what should
> be returned, it's really just the client part and how we expose the result
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Matthias Wessendorf
Matthias Wessendorf