I think we all already agreed that Webview is bad. At the same time, I
don't think we should hold the development, instead, document that
Webview will be replaced like Summers did for Android.
On 2014-11-24, Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 9:43 AM, Corinne Krych
> Hello Guys,
> Erik did some great progress on OAuth2 iOS plugin using external browser
> approach. Some workarounds are needed for iOS because of Swift based plugin
> and are documented here:
> As descibed in the readme instruction:
> I think the best approach is to go external browser, one of the main issue
> with embedded view is that the user stills have to enter credentials in
> native app. Although it might offer a better UX experience not switching
> apps, it’s seen as less secure. My preference would be to go external.
I think it makes sense to move our supported native platforms (Android /
iOS) to the more secure version, with the external browser - instead of
inlining with WebView.
Glad you bringing it up, Corinne
> On iOS, the re-enter app is solved using URI schema. The same approach is
> used fro Cordova plugin, the schema is configured in the config.xml cordova
> file.
> @summersp @passos do you have plan to move to external browser?
> Erik started working on Oauth2 Android with embedded view, but if we’re
> planning to move to ext. browser maybe it's worth putting the plugin
> implementation on hold untill we got that?
> ++
> Corinne
> —————
> AeroGear iOS tech lead
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