On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 11:22 PM, Sebastien Blanc <scm.blanc(a)gmail.com>wrote:
While playing today with my Firefox Device and its native Simple Push
support I noticed some differences between our implementation and the
native Push regarding the success callback after a register :
//Native FFOS Push
broadcastRequest = navigator.push.register();
broadcastRequest.onsuccess = function (event) {
broadcastEndpoint = broadcastRequest.result; // only contains the pushURL
//Aerogear Push Adapter
broadcastRequest = navigator.push.register();
broadcastRequest.onsuccess = function (event) {
broadcastEndpoint = broadcastRequest.result.pushEndpoint;
channelID = broadcastRequest.result.channelID;
version = broadcastRequest.result.version;
status = broadcastRequest.result.status
So, the AeroGear Push exposes much more in the callback that it should
suppose to do : just exposing the pushEndpoint.
The reason we do that I suppose, but Luke or Kris could confirm that, is
that we thought respecting the SPS protocol, which indeed returns a whole
object containing all the info. It is just that the Native Push Client API
filter that out in the callback response.
Did they change that recently? Or was theirs always like it is now ?
After discussing that on the #push channel with the Mozilla people
confirmed me that we should only expoe the pushEndpoint.
yep, I agree on changing our JS polyfil
If we keep it as is, this can be problematic when we want to use the same
code both for native and with the adapter when, for instance, registering
to the UPS :
broadcastRequest = navigator.push.register();
broadcastRequest.onsuccess = function (event) {
broadcastEndpoint = event.target.result;
var broadCastSettings = {
metadata: {
deviceToken: broadcastEndpoint.channelID,
simplePushEndpoint: broadcastEndpoint.pushEndpoint
This won't work with the native push since "broadcastEndpoint.channelID"
will be undefined.
sweet :-)
So I propose that we change the behaviour, to return only the pushEndpoint
in the callback, even if that means a bit of String manipulation when we
want to perform the registration to the UPS :
var broadCastSettings = {
metadata: {
broadcastEndpoint.substr(broadcastEndpoint.lastIndexOf('/') + 1),
simplePushEndpoint: broadcastEndpoint
well, that's not really good for security reasons, since their looooong
'substring' was done for that. Also that's just redundant.
The I guess, the deviceToken (channelID registration) might be a bit bogus,
for SimplePush. Let me think about it....
That said, we still have no clue how to proper clean-up 'out dated'
channels, since the SimplePush Server/Protocol is silent on that (unlike
APNs / GCM). but that's really a different thread (yep, we have a future
JIRA for that)
wdyt ?
ps : our SPS Server implementation stays correct and returns what should
be returned, it's really just the client part and how we expose the result
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Matthias Wessendorf