On 11 June 2013 17:00, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew(a)apache.org> wrote:
I like the "Sales Agent" case.
I also like the "query criterias", inside of the "business app" for
status/location. This will show HOW EASY a business app can send to "n"
devices, once it figured out it's own "business rules".
Also, have in mind this needs to be simple and quick, and not end-up
becoming an "ERP system". Therefore I like this simple demo concept. The
apps (iOS/Android) should have a simple UI, displaying a bit of data, from
the "business app" (list of leads) + receives Push Messages.
Let's do it!
On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Sebastien Blanc <scm.blanc(a)gmail.com>wrote:
> Hey !
> We would like to provide, in a quite short delay (coming 2 weeks) a demo
> showing all the different bits of the "push" world , meaning :
> client | push server | JEE Backend App
> We already have the push server (aerogear-unified-push-server) : so we
> need a client (iOS and maybe also Android) and a simple JEE backend
> application. The backend app will mostly be scaffolded and will use the
> aerogear-unified-push-java-client to send messages to the Push Server.
> Then of course, we need to think about an idea of the application itself.
> It needs to stay really simple, show how we can send selectively and
> should be a bit "business" related.
> So, I came up with an idea this morning that we can discuss here, of
> course if you have any other idea don't hesitate to share it.
> Push Demo <
> Introduction
> Prodoctor is a company in the health care industry, selling a
> revolutionary tensiometer. Their clients are doctors. Prodoctor has several
> sales agents all over the United States. At the headquarters, they have
> their "first line" sales department doing cold calls all along the day.
> As soon they have a concrete lead, they use their Prodoctor Admin app to
> filter out available sales Agents available in the lead area. They can then
> send them a push notification.
> The sales agent receives the notification on their mobile device that a
> new lead is available. The agent will handle the lead by "accepting" the
> notification informing the other agents that the lead has been
> processed.
> <
> client app
> 1. The client consist of a list of leads : a lead can be "open" or
> "in process", leads "in process" of other sales are not
> - optional : when the client tap a lead it appears on a map
> 1. The client has a status that he can set: STANDBY | WITH_CLIENT |PTO
> 2. The client has a location
> 3. The client has an alias
> Admin client
> 1. The admin client can create a new lead :
> - A lead consist of a name and a location
> 1. The admin client can query for Sales Agents based on :
> - Status
> - Location
> 1.
> The admin client can assign a lead to a selection (1..n) of sales
> agents, this will send out the notifications.
> 2.
> The admin client manage the Sales Agents DB.
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Matthias Wessendorf
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