I like the "Sales Agent" case.
I also like the "query criterias", inside of the "business app" for
status/location. This will show HOW EASY a business app can send to "n"
devices, once it figured out it's own "business rules".
Also, have in mind this needs to be simple and quick, and not end-up
becoming an "ERP system". Therefore I like this simple demo concept. The
apps (iOS/Android) should have a simple UI, displaying a bit of data, from
the "business app" (list of leads) + receives Push Messages.
Let's do it!
On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Sebastien Blanc <scm.blanc(a)gmail.com>wrote:
Hey !
We would like to provide, in a quite short delay (coming 2 weeks) a demo
showing all the different bits of the "push" world , meaning :
client | push server | JEE Backend App
We already have the push server (aerogear-unified-push-server) : so we
need a client (iOS and maybe also Android) and a simple JEE backend
application. The backend app will mostly be scaffolded and will use the
aerogear-unified-push-java-client to send messages to the Push Server.
Then of course, we need to think about an idea of the application itself.
It needs to stay really simple, show how we can send selectively and
should be a bit "business" related.
So, I came up with an idea this morning that we can discuss here, of
course if you have any other idea don't hesitate to share it.
Push Demo <
Prodoctor is a company in the health care industry, selling a
revolutionary tensiometer. Their clients are doctors. Prodoctor has several
sales agents all over the United States. At the headquarters, they have
their "first line" sales department doing cold calls all along the day.
As soon they have a concrete lead, they use their Prodoctor Admin app to
filter out available sales Agents available in the lead area. They can then
send them a push notification.
The sales agent receives the notification on their mobile device that a
new lead is available. The agent will handle the lead by "accepting" the
notification informing the other agents that the lead has been processed.
client app
1. The client consist of a list of leads : a lead can be "open" or "in
process", leads "in process" of other sales are not visible.
- optional : when the client tap a lead it appears on a map
1. The client has a status that he can set: STANDBY | WITH_CLIENT |PTO
2. The client has a location
3. The client has an alias
Admin client
1. The admin client can create a new lead :
- A lead consist of a name and a location
1. The admin client can query for Sales Agents based on :
- Status
- Location
The admin client can assign a lead to a selection (1..n) of sales
agents, this will send out the notifications.
The admin client manage the Sales Agents DB.
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Matthias Wessendorf