I'm still thinking about your problem (must try before). Is APP ID (+ mobile-variant
ID) really necessary?. I'm just concerned about the non repudiation, for what do you
want we could introduce the concept of zero-knowledge proof for devices
I'm not saying it's easy to achieve, but let me know if APP ID (+ mobile variant
ID) can be replaced. My suggestion is to move forward as is, until we figure out a better
way to do it.
Makes sense?
"The measure of a man is what he does with power" - Plato
Volenti Nihil Difficile
On Tuesday, April 9, 2013 at 1:20 PM, Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
So...... the following information needs to be available.... so that the mobile dev. for
the free iOS app can register the token with the server:
APP ID (+ mobile-variant ID)