I would suggest to always stick with native if possible Erik, as you
said is faster and safer than ever, most of the developers suffering
with crypto will thank you later. Into this way you also can help us.
Erik Jan de Wit <mailto:edewit@redhat.com>
November 4, 2013 at 2:01 PM
Cordova plugins
So as discussed in the meeting, next on the planning is to write a
Cordova Crypto Plugin. But thinking a bit about this I wonder if we
would need it. As Cordova developers could 'just' use the javascript
implementation. One thing that we could consider is speed I don't if
that is really a problem, but we could opt for having a bridge to
native the implementation because it could be a bit faster.
So what do you guys think? And if we don't need a Crypto Cordova
Plugin what would be good to have as a plugin?
Erik Jan
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