On May 24, 2013, at 9:24 AM, Sebastien Blanc <scm.blanc(a)gmail.com> wrote:
I have 2 small questions about the simplePushServer which are not
crystal clear for me :
1. When sending a notification, looks like, SPS only sends it to one User Agent (I
can't find the "broadcast" logic), does that mean that UP has to do 1 PUT
request to SPS per user agent ?
Yes. Broadcast is something we added via UP. It is not part of the SPS spec.
1.a is a channel always associated to 1 user agent ?
2. Does the content of the notification really only contains a version number ? (How do
we pass other info, or is it just a trigger and the responsability of the UA to request to
an app server the info?
Yes, only version. That is why it's called "Simple". It is meant only to
inform the app that new information is available for a particular channel and it is up to
the app to decide what to do with it. That way, the app has choices. It could immediately
fetch the new data, it could prompt the user that new data is available, etc.
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