On Wed, 9 Oct 2013 21:44:35 +0200
Erik Jan de Wit <edewit(a)redhat.com> wrote:
The cordova plugins have landed under the aerogear base project:
The OTP cordova plugin with integrated barcode scanner aerogear-otp-cordova
The specialized push plugin for easy integration with Unified Push Server
aerogear-pushplugin-cordova Demo project of the aerodoc-web project wrapped
in cordova together with the standard PushPlugin for the push messages
aerogear-aerodoc-cordova This is a step in the right direction for our
efforts to support cordova developers more, but we need more and we don't
need to support only the current modules we can create other handy plugins
that are not there now. For example:
Crypto native storage
GeoTools Plugin (GeoFencing Maps)
Google Wallet Plugin (does iOS have something like that?)
Ads Plugin (one that combines iOS and Android)
WP8 support for all existing plugins
So please if you have some ideas about what else would be good to develop I
would like to hear about it.
One issue still remain although these plugins contain tests and these tests
are integration test and need to run on an emulator or on a actual device, do
any of you have ideas how we can get that configured on travis. Or if you
have other ideas how to test these plugins would be more then welcome.
Erik, let me setup Travis for you by the end of next week, if it can wait. I'm
pretty sure it can be automated at least for Android, using instructions
similar to
http://rkistner.github.io/android/2013/02/05/android-builds-on-travis-ci/. It
that would not work, we could use Jenkins, either on Cloudbees or the RH
internal one.
Cheers, Erik Jan