at least a heads-up on the IRC channel, and asking if folks want to join
the hangout would have been more transparent.
Otherwise is more like talking secrets behind closed doors
On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Corinne Krych <corinnekrych(a)>wrote:
No meeting more hang out stuff to slip tasks. Let's do an iOS
team meeting
on Friday.
On Oct 16, 2013, at 2:15 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew(a)>
> On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Corinne Krych <corinnekrych(a)>
> Hello All,
> With Christos we sit down to see remaining tasks/questions to achieve
symmetric encryption.
> See team agenda:
> Oh, today there was a meeting? Was there a reason why the meeting was
not made public ?
> Here is the output:
> - We created initial unit test for encryption/decryption
> - Password derivation is done.
> - Random generation helper done. Refactor of AGRandomGenerator. Split
into different classes. Christos on it.
> any repo to share the results/work ?
> - Corinne created an initial encryptionimplementation using block
encryption see
> We would like to move to stream encryption using CCCryptorUpdate.
Christos on the case. Work in Pogress.
> - Encryption/Decryption could be a coslty operation we would like to do
async work on different thread (dispatch_async->cipher->dispatch_main_queue
> Corinne to look at it.
> => impact on API, we would like to go forward with
"encrypt:success:failure" async versions to avoid developer to use e.g.
> - Question: where do we want to store random IV, encryption key (or just
salt) used for encryption and neeeded to decrypt?
> - What do we want for a demo?
> Corinne to start a separate demo thread on ML: as the demo should be
shared across JS/Android/iOS/cordova
> On a different thread Bruno did suggest a password manager; I had the
impression that this is something for all the different platforms.
> -M
> ++
> Corinne
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