Today, with SimplePush and the Unified Push, we treat every channel as a
"Mobile Variant Instance".
Does that really make sense?
* Imagine a web-app, that has subscribed to three channels:
- mail
- chat/IM
- HR-system
These are really three different applications (different buisness logics),
while a "Mobile Variant Instance" is representing one "installation"
of the
APP (e.g. hr-iOS installation or hr-Android installation).
Something like:
- Mail
- chat/IM
- HR-System
would be three different PushApplications, in the Unified Push server. That
could have their own variants (e.g. Mail-iOS, Mail4Android,...)
I think, that it's currently wrong to register multiple channels for a
MobileVariant. Perhaps I am wrong, but why would the SimplePush variant of
a "Sports App" require more than one "sports" channel? If we would
multiple channels, I think, we are mixing concepts here.
I come to this, when thinking a bit more about the "unification" of the
Message Formats
Matthias Wessendorf