This sounds similar to what i'm doing for indexedBD and WebSQL.
I basically made the WebSQL one work like a Key/Value store( IndexedDB ). I have 2
columns, one is the ID field, the other just stores the JSON data, This is actually
similar to how pouchDB does it.
On Sep 16, 2013, at 5:34 AM, Corinne Krych <corinnekrych(a)> wrote:
Hello Guys,
Working on initial shot of AGIOS-25 [1] (Implementing SQLite Store), I’m wondering how to
deal with KeyValue (ie. Schema-less) vs Schema Database (SQLite and same discussion for
Core Data [2])?
- how to handle dynamic changes of schema?
My first thought is to it as limitation with SQLite storage.
Or could we have a more flexible approach (with of course a cost), if there is extra
columns, update the table schema, if less columns put null values.
- embedded relation?
Just store them as ‘blob’ like values or create another table?
SQLite imlemetation work in progress can be found [3]
And if you think of other topics KV/Schemaless impedance, please bring them on.
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