2 CI slaves down
by Davide D'Alto
2 of the 4 slaves we use for CI are currently down.
Not sure what's the cause but I'm working on it.
9 years, 6 months
ORM 5.0 Final - delayed
by Steve Ebersole
I am going to delay releasing 5.0 Final until tomorrow at earliest. The CI
server is having some massive trouble at the moment and I'd prefer to make
sure that we are getting clean builds there before I start the release.
9 years, 6 months
Hibernate.org layouts
by Steve Ebersole
In regards to WEBSITE-382
<https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/WEBSITE-382>[1], I would love to
get the "list" of version family specific doc page links into the left nav
ideally as another section there. Anyone able to give me some pointers how
to hook into the left-hand nav links are managed?
I see 'bothcol.html.haml' defines 'leftcol.html.haml' and
'rightcol.html.haml' are defined. But I have no idea if that is the right
place. I have never even seen a right-hand column in use in the website.
And I have not found any specific 'leftcol.html.haml' or
'rightcol.html.haml' files.
[1] https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/WEBSITE-382
9 years, 6 months
Strange sequence effect with ORM 5
by Sanne Grinovero
Hi all,
after upgrading Hibernate Search to Hibernate ORM 5.0.0.Final we
noticed a small change in behaviour in sequences.
In a single test we persist two entities of differnent types, Country
and Address, and both types have the id mapped as follows:
Long id;
Previously, when running on H2, the IDs assigned to these two entities
would be respectively 1 and 1.
When upgrading ORM from 5.0.0.CR3 to 5.0.0.Final, the assigned ids are
now 1 and 2.
Are sequences now being shared by default across unrelated entities?
Is this the new intended default?
9 years, 6 months
hibernate.org Awestruct within Docker
by Hardy Ferentschik
Hi all,
I just pushed some changes to the hibernate.org site. The changes allow you to run
the hibernate.org Awestruct environment within a Docker container while still being able to
make changes locally. The obvious benefit is that in case of environmental problems
due to native extension compilation etc, only one needs to sort this out and all others
can then benefit by using an updated images.
So how do you do that? Check out http://hibernate.org/docker/README/. It comes down to
- You need a running Docker daemon
- Build the Docker image
$ docker build -t hibernate/hibernate.org .
- Run the image
$ docker run -t -i -p 4242:4242 -v <path to root dir of hibernate.org checkout>:/home/dev/hibernate.org hibernate/hibernate.org
Anyways, really the online docs should tell you everything. If not let me know and we iron
things out there.
What does that mean for you who still wants to run this locally? Nothing really.
The local setup still works, BUT I had to make some changes to the build file
(gems are not anymore stored relative to the checkout). To make sure all keeps working,
after an update, I recommend to make sure to have a CLEAN checkout.
The best way to do this is via 'git clean -fxd' (thanks Sanne for this one). Just make
sure to have no uncommitted changes.
Let me know if you like it in which case we can do the same for in.relation.to.
Happy awestructing
9 years, 6 months
CI Jobs and Byteman
by Davide D'Alto
Hi all,
it seems that the Hibernate Search tests using Byteman are having some
conflicts with some ports used by the NoSql dbs we installed to test OGM.
For now I just set up the Search jobs to work on ci-slave-4 where I have
stopped the dbs.
Tomorrow I will try to figure out the process that are causing the problem,
or I will script this solution.
Anyway, I'm open to suggestion.
9 years, 6 months
Compile error in hibernate-infinispan
by Gail Badner
I just pulled from master and tried building but got:
error: <anonymous org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.util.Caches$2$1> is not
abstract and does not override abstract method remove() in Iterator
return new CloseableIterator() {
9 years, 6 months