----- Original Message -----
On 31 July 2015 at 11:30, Dan Berindei <dan.berindei(a)gmail.com>
> Hi Sanne
> Does Hibernate really need to use the Infinispan test helpers? They
> don't really do much unless you run the tests in parallel and you need
> them to be isolated...
Good point. I don't know why it's using them exactly, but I guess it's
also to reduce thread pools and similar. We should ask Galder.
There's not much to say other than Hibernate 2LC uses test helpers to make things
easier to test, e.g. create clusters more easily, use test ping, mbeans...etc.
But I thought there was an intention to ultimately suggest
end users to use our test helpers for development too?
I talked about this in our last F2F, at some point we should create a testkit project with
all the helpers...etc, independent of the testing framework used by the user. Right now,
both set of helpers (test framework, and cache/cache manager creation ones) are bundled
into one, and there's a fair bit of duplication around.
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