On 02/15/2017 06:07 PM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
Galder Zamarreño
Infinispan, Red Hat
> On 15 Feb 2017, at 12:21, Radim Vansa <rvansa(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> On 02/15/2017 11:28 AM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
>> Hey Radim,
>> Your changes in ISPN-7029 are causing issues with Hibernate 2LC.
>> In particular [2]. Name.equals() always returns false, so it'll never be
found in the context. So entry is null.
> That's obviously a bug in the 2LC testsuite, isn't it?
LOL, is it? You added the class and the javadoc clearly states that this entity defines
equals incorrectly. You must have added it for a reason?
In any case, an object with an incorrect equals impl should not result in an NPE within
Infinispan :|
> Object used as @EmbeddedId needs to have the equals correctly defined. How else would
you compare ids? I wonder how could that work in the past.
ROFL... it's your baby so you tell me ;)
Okay, okay - I haven't checked the javadoc, so I just assumed that it's
an oversight :)
>> Moreover, if EntryLookup.lookupEntry javadoc (and some implementations) can and
do return null. Are you expecting that somehow that method will never return null?
> With ISPN-7029 in, the entry should be wrapped in the context after
EntryWrappingInterceptor if the key is in readCH, otherwise it should be null. In case
that xDistributionInterceptor finds out that it needs to work on that value despite not
being able to read it (e.g. in case that it's in writeCH during unfinished rebalance),
it should wrap NullCacheEntry.getInstance() using EntryFactory. wrapExternalEntry. More
info about the logic is in o.i.c.EntryFactory javadoc [3].
Not sure I understand what you're trying to imply above... so, is lookupEntry()
allowed to return null or not?
It is allowed to return null, but:
1. If the node is an owner according to readCH, the entry must be
wrapped into context in EWI (possibly as NullCacheEntry).
2. The code can reach the GKVC.perform() iff this node is an owner of
given key.
The problem here is that I've assumed that if the entry was wrapped, it
can be fetched. With incorrectly defined equals, as we see here, this
does not hold. So we can
a) check if the entry is null and throw more explanatory exception -
more code in perform()
b) do the lookup after wrapping and throw there - unnecessary map lookup
for such annoying problem
c) ostrich approach
I think that b) in assert could do, otherwise I'd suggest c)
To be more specific, SingleKeyNonTxInvocationContext.lookupEntry() can return null, so
GetKeyValueCommand should be able to handle it? Or should
SingleKeyNonTxInvocationContext.lookupEntry return NullCacheEntry.getInstance instead of
To provide more specifics, SingleKeyNonTxInvocationContext has NullCacheEntry.getInstance
in cacheEntry variable when it's returning null. Should it maybe return
NullCacheEntry.getInstance instead of null from lookupEntry() ?
> Radim
> [3]
>> I'll create a JIRA to track all issues arising from Hibernate 2LC in a
minute, but wanted to get your thoughts firts.
>> Cheers,
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> --
>> Galder Zamarreño
>> Infinispan, Red Hat
> --
> Radim Vansa <rvansa(a)redhat.com>
> JBoss Performance Team
Radim Vansa <rvansa(a)redhat.com>
JBoss Performance Team